# Note: This builtin file will be removed in asciidoc-py 11.0.0 due to licensing incompatibility. # Currently, you can install this separately from https://github.com/asciidoc-py/extra-resources # as a new delivery mechanism is worked out. # # AsciiDoc Polish language configuration file. # (C) 2015 Kerusey Karyu # License: GNU Free Documentation License, ver. 1.3 or later version, see http://fsf.org/ [attributes] # Captions, used by (X)HTML backends. # Captions on RHS are displayed in outputs. ifdef::basebackend-html[] caution-caption=Uwaga important-caption=Ważne note-caption=Zapamiętaj tip-caption=Wskazówka warning-caption=Ostrzeżenie figure-caption=Rysunek table-caption=Tabela example-caption=Przykład toc-title=Spis Treści appendix-caption=Dodatek # Man page NAME section title. manname-title=NAME [footer-text] Wersja {revnumber}{basebackend-xhtml11?
} Ostatnio zmodyfikowany template::[footer-date] endif::basebackend-html[] [specialsections] # DocBook special sections. # The regular expression on LHS is matched against source titles. ifdef::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::doctype-article[] ^Streszczenie$=abstract endif::doctype-article[] ifdef::doctype-book[] ^Kolofon$=colophon ^Dedykacja$=dedication ^Przedmowa$=preface endif::doctype-book[] ^Indeks$=index ^(Bibliografia|Źródła)$=bibliography ^Słowniczek$=glossary ^Dodatek [A-Z][:.](?P.*)$=appendix endif::basebackend-docbook[] ifdef::doctype-manpage[] (?i)^KONSPEKT$=synopsis endif::doctype-manpage[]