/* * This is a C99 program that demonstrates how to load a soundfont from memory. * * It only gives a brief overview on how to achieve this with fluidsynth's API. * Although it should compile, it's highly incomplete, as the details of it's * implementation depend on the users needs. */ #include #include #include void *my_open(const char *filename) { void *p; if(filename[0] != '&') { return NULL; } sscanf(filename, "&%p", &p); return p; } int my_read(void *buf, int count, void *handle) { // NYI return FLUID_OK; } int my_seek(void *handle, long offset, int origin) { // NYI return FLUID_OK; } int my_close(void *handle) { // NYI return FLUID_OK; } long my_tell(void *handle) { // NYI return 0; } int main() { int err = 0; fluid_settings_t *settings = new_fluid_settings(); fluid_synth_t *synth = new_fluid_synth(settings); fluid_sfloader_t *my_sfloader = new_fluid_defsfloader(settings); fluid_sfloader_set_callbacks(my_sfloader, my_open, my_read, my_seek, my_tell, my_close); fluid_synth_add_sfloader(synth, my_sfloader); char abused_filename[64]; const void *pointer_to_sf2_in_mem = 0x1234Beef; // some pointer to where the soundfont shall be loaded from sprintf(abused_filename, "&%p", pointer_to_sf2_in_mem); int id = fluid_synth_sfload(synth, abused_filename, 0); /* now my_open() will be called with abused_filename and should have opened the memory region */ if(id == FLUID_FAILED) { puts("oops"); err = -1; goto cleanup; } /* * ~~~ Do your daily business here ~~~ */ cleanup: /* deleting the synth also deletes my_sfloader */ delete_fluid_synth(synth); delete_fluid_settings(settings); return err; }