/*! \page MIDIPlayer Loading and playing a MIDI file FluidSynth can be used to play MIDI files, using the MIDI File Player interface. It follows a high level implementation, though its implementation is currently incomplete. After initializing the synthesizer, create the player passing the synth instance to new_fluid_player(). Then, you can add some SMF file names to the player using fluid_player_add(), and finally call fluid_player_play() to start the playback. You can check if the player has finished by calling fluid_player_get_status(), or wait for the player to terminate using fluid_player_join(). \code #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i; fluid_settings_t* settings; fluid_synth_t* synth; fluid_player_t* player; fluid_audio_driver_t* adriver; settings = new_fluid_settings(); synth = new_fluid_synth(settings); player = new_fluid_player(synth); /* process command line arguments */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (fluid_is_soundfont(argv[i])) { fluid_synth_sfload(synth, argv[1], 1); } if (fluid_is_midifile(argv[i])) { fluid_player_add(player, argv[i]); } } /* start the synthesizer thread */ adriver = new_fluid_audio_driver(settings, synth); /* play the midi files, if any */ fluid_player_play(player); /* wait for playback termination */ fluid_player_join(player); /* cleanup */ delete_fluid_audio_driver(adriver); delete_fluid_player(player); delete_fluid_synth(synth); delete_fluid_settings(settings); return 0; } \endcode A list of available MIDI player settings can be found in the \setting{player} documentation. */