option(ENABLE_GTK_DOC "Use gtk-doc to build documentation" True) if(NOT ENABLE_GTK_DOC) return() endif() if(STATIC_ONLY) message(FATAL_ERROR "You are attempting to build the Gtk docs, " "however that option is not supported when building static libraries only. " "Please disable the static only option (-DSTATIC_ONLY=False) " "if you really want to build the Gtk docs. Alternatively, you can " "disable building Gtk docs (by passing -DENABLE_GTK_DOC=False to cmake).") endif() # To regenerate libical-glib-docs.xml.in from current sources use these steps: # a) delete ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libical-glib-docs.xml # b) go to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} and run command: # gtkdoc-scan --module=libical-glib --source-dir=../../../src/libical-glib/ # --deprecated-guards="LIBICAL_GLIB_DISABLE_DEPRECATED" # --ignore-headers=libical-glib-private.h --rebuild-sections --rebuild-types # c) generate the libical-glib-docs.xml file with command: # gtkdoc-mkdb --module=libical-glib --output-format=xml # --source-dir=../../../src/libical-glib/ --xml-mode --name-space=i-cal # d) copy the newly created libical-glib-docs.xml # to ${CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libical-glib-docs.xml.in # e) compare the changes in the file and return back what should be left, # like the replacement of the "[Insert title here]" and the content if(ENABLE_GTK_DOC) include(GtkDoc) set(SOURCEDIRS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/libical-glib ) set(DEPENDENCIES ical-glib ) set(IGNORE_HEADERS libical-glib-private.h ) add_gtkdoc(libical-glib libical-glib "LIBICAL_GLIB_DISABLE_DEPRECATED" SOURCEDIRS DEPENDENCIES IGNORE_HEADERS) endif()