/* SoX Resampler Library Copyright (c) 2007-13 robs@users.sourceforge.net * Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1 See LICENCE for details. */ /* Example 1: `One-shot' resample a single block of data in memory. * * N.B. See example 2 for how to resample a stream (of blocks). * * Optional arguments are: INPUT-RATE OUTPUT-RATE * * With the default arguments, the output should produce lines similar to the * following: * * 0.00 0.71 1.00 0.71 -0.00 -0.71 -1.00 -0.71 * * Gibbs effect may be seen at the ends of the resampled signal; this is because * unlike a `real-world' signal, the synthetic input signal is not band-limited. */ #include #include "examples-common.h" const float in[] = { /* Input: 12 cycles of a sine wave with freq. = irate/4 */ 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1, 0,1,0,-1}; int main(int argc, char const * arg[]) { double irate = argc > 1? atof(arg[1]) : 1; /* Default to interpolation */ double orate = argc > 2? atof(arg[2]) : 2; /* by a factor of 2. */ size_t olen = (size_t)(AL(in) * orate / irate + .5); /* Assay output len. */ float * out = malloc(sizeof(*out) * olen); /* Allocate output buffer. */ size_t odone; soxr_error_t error = soxr_oneshot(irate, orate, 1, /* Rates and # of chans. */ in, AL(in), NULL, /* Input. */ out, olen, &odone, /* Output. */ NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Default configuration.*/ unsigned i = 0; /* Print out the resampled data, */ while (i++ < odone) printf("%5.2f%c", out[i-1], " \n"[!(i&7) || i == odone]); printf("%-26s %s\n", arg[0], soxr_strerror(error)); /* and reported result. */ if (argc > 3) /* Library version check: */ printf("runtime=%s API="SOXR_THIS_VERSION_STR"\n", soxr_version()); free(out); /* Tidy up. */ return !!error; }