Copyright © 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
United States License (see

1. Introduction

Spice protocol defines a set of protocol messages for accessing, controlling, and receiving inputs from remote computing devices (e.g., keyboard, video, mouse) across networks, and sending output to them. A controlled device can reside on either side, client and/or server. In addition, the protocol defines a set of calls for supporting migration of a remote server from one network address to another. Encryption of transported data, with one exception, was kept out of the protocol for maximum flexibility in choosing an encryption method. Spice uses simple messaging and does not depend on any RPC standard or a specific transport layer.

Spice communication session is split into multiple communication channels (e.g., every channel is a remote device) in order to have the ability to control communication and execution of messages according to the channel type (e.g. QoS encryption), and to add and remove communication channels during run time (which is supported by spice protocol definition). The following communication channels are defined in the current protocol definition: a). the main channel serves as the main spice session connection b). display channel for receiving remote display updates c). inputs channel for sending mouse and keyboard events d). cursor channel for receiving pointer shape and position e). Playback channel for receiving audio stream, and f). Record channel for sending audio capture. More channel types will be added as the protocol evolves. Spice also defines a set of protocol definitions for synchronizing channels` execution on the remote site.

2. Common Protocol definition

  1. Endianness

    Unless stated otherwise, all data structures are packed and byte and bit order is in little endian format.

  2. Data types

    1. UINT8 – 8 bits unsigned integer

    2. INT16 – 16 bits signed integer

    3. UINT16 – 16 bits unsigned integer

    4. UINT32 – 32 bits unsigned integer

    5. INT32 - 32 bits signed integer

    6. UINT64 – 64 bits unsigned integer

    7. SPICE_ADDRESS - 64 bits unsigned integer, value is the offset of the addressed data from the beginning of spice protocol message body (i.e., data following SpiceDataHeader or SpicedSubMessage).

    8. SPICE_FIXED28_4 – 32 bits fixed point number. 28 high bits are signed integer. Low 4 bits is unsigned integer numerator of a fraction with denominator 16.

    9. POINT

      INT32 x
      INT32 y

    10. POINT16

      INT16 x
      INT16 y

    11. RECT

      INT32 top
      INT32 left
      INT32 bottom
      INT32 right

    12. POINTFIX

      SPICE_FIXED28_4 x
      SPICE_FIXED28_4 y

  3. Protocol Magic number UINT8[4]

    SPICE_MAGIC = { 0x52, 0x45, 0x44, 0x51} // "REDQ"

  4. Protocol version

    Protocol version defined as two UINT32 values, major protocol version and minor protocol version. Server and client having the same major version must keep compatibility regardless of minor version (i.e., incrementing the major version brakes compatibility). Major protocol version with "huge" value are reserved for development purposes and are considered unsupported and unreliable. "huge" values are defined as having bit 31 set. The minor protocol version is incremented on every protocol change that does not break compatibility. It is set to zero on major protocol version increment.

    1. Current Protocol version

  5. Compatibility – UINT32[]

    In order to allow some degree of flexibility in client and server implementation and in order to improve compatibility, spice protocol supports bidirectional exchange of channels compatibilities. Compatibilities are expressed in UINT32 vector that is split into two groups: common compatibilities and channels compatibilities. Common compatibilities stands for compatibilities shared by all channels, and channels compatibilities stands for channel specific compatibilities. Splitting the vector into two types allows us to add channel compatibilities independently. Each compatibility is expressed using one or more bits in the compatibilities vector. For example capability 0 will be the low bit of the first (index 0) UINT32.

  6. Channel types – UINT8

    SPICE_CHANNEL_TUNNEL    = 7 // obsolete
    SPICE_CHANNEL_PORT              = 10
  7. Error codes UINT32

    SPICE_LINK_ERR_OK                       = 0
    SPICE_LINK_ERR_ERROR                    = 1
    SPICE_LINK_ERR_INVALID_DATA             = 3
    SPICE_LINK_ERR_NEED_SECURED             = 5
  8. Warning codes

    SPICE_WARN_GENERAL                              = 0
  9. Information codes

    SPICE_INFO_GENERAL                              = 0
  10. public key buffer size.

    SPICE_TICKET_PUBKEY_BYTES = 162 /* size needed for holding 1024 bit RSA public
    key in X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. */
  11. Channel link: establishing a channel connection.

    1. Connection process

      The channel connection process is initiated by the client. The client sends SpiceLinkMess. In response, the server sends SpiceLinkReply. When the client receives SpiceLinkReply, it examines the error code and in case there is no error it encrypts its password with public key received in SpiceLinkReply and sends it to the server. The server receive the password and sends the link result to the client. The client examines the link result, and in case the result equals to SPICE_LINK_ERR_OK, a valid connection is established.

      Channel connection for channel types other then SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN is allowed only after the client has active SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN channel connection. Only one SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN connection is allowed, and this channel connection establishes spice session with the remote server.

    2. Ticketing

      Ticketing is a mechanism implemented in spice to ensure connections are opened only from authorized sources. To enable this mechanism a ticket is set in spice server consisting of a password and time validity. After time validity passes, the whole ticket is expired. The ticket is encrypted. To encrypt, server generates a 1024 bit RSA key and send the public part to the client (via RedLinkInfo). Client uses this key to encrypt the password and send it back to server (after SpiceLinkMess). Server decrypt the password, compare it to ticket and ensure it was received within the allowed time-frame.

    3. SpiceLinkMess definition.

      UINT32 magic

      value of this fields must be equal to SPICE_MAGIC

      UINT32 major_version

      value of this fields must be equal to SPICE_VERSION_MAJOR

      UINT32 minor_version

      value of this fields must be equal to SPICE_VERSION_MINOR

      UINT32 size

      number of bytes following this field to the end of this message.

      UINT32 connection_id

      In case of a new session (i.e., channel type is SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN) this field is set to zero, and in response the server will allocate session id and will send it via the SpiceLinkReply message. In case of all other channel types, this field will be equal to the allocated session id.

      UINT8 channel_type

      one of SPICE_CHANNEL_?

      UINT8 channel_id

      channel id to connect to. This enables having multiple channels of the same type.

      UINT32 num_common_caps

      number of common client channel capabilities words

      UINT32 num_channel_caps

      number of specific client channel capabilities words

      UINT32 caps_offset

      location of the start of the capabilities vector given by the bytes offset from the “ size” member (i.e., from the address of the “connection_id” member).

    4. SpiceLinkReply definition

      UINT32 magic

      value of this field must be equal to SPICE_MAGIC

      UINT32 major_version

      server major protocol version.

      UINT32 minor_version

      server minor protocol version.

      UINT32 size

      number of bytes following this field to the end of this message.

      UINT32 error

      Error codes (i.e., SPICE_LINK_ERR_?)


      1024 bit RSA public key in X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo format.

      UINT32 num_common_caps

      number of common server channel capabilities words

      UINT32 num_channel_caps

      number of specific server channel capabilities words

      UINT32 caps_offset

      location of the start of the capabilities vector given by the bytes offset from the “ size” member (i.e., from the address of the “connection_id” member)

    5. Encrypted Password

      Client sends RSA encrypted password, with public key received from server (in SpiceLinkReply). Format is EME-OAEP as described in PKCS#1 v2.0 with SHA-1, MGF1 and an empty encoding parameter.

    6. Link Result UINT32

      The server sends link result error code (i.e., SPICE_LINK_ERR_?)

  12. Protocol message definition

    All messages transmitted after the link stage have a common message layout. It begins with SpiceDataHeader which describes one main message and an optional sub messages list.

    1. SpiceDataHeader

      UINT64 serial

      serial number of the message within the channel. Serial numbers start with a value of 1 and are incremented on every message transmitted.

      UINT16 type

      message type can be one that is accepted by all channel (e.g., SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE), or specific to a channel type (e.g., SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MODE for display channel).

      UINT32 size

      size of the message body in bytes. In case sub_list (see below) is not zero then the actual main message size is sub_list. The message body follows SpiceDataHeader

      UINT32 sub_list

      optional sub-messages list. If this field is not zero then sub_list is the offset in bytes to SpiceSubMessageList from the end of SpiceDataHeader. All sub-messages need to be executed before the main message, and in the order they appear in the sub-messageslist.

    2. SpiceSubMessageList

      UINT16 size

      number of sub-messages in this list.

      UINT32[] sub_messages

      array of offsets to sub message, offset is number of bytes from the end of SpiceDataHeader to start of SpicedSubMessage.

    3. SpicedSubMessage

      UINT16 type

      message type can be one that is accepted by all channel (e.g., SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE), or specific to a channel type (e.g., SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MODE for display channel).

      UINT32 size

      size of the message body in bytes. The message body follows SpicedSubMessage.

  13. Common messages and messaging naming convention

    Messages types and message body structures are prefixed according to the source of the message. The prefixes for messages sent from the server to the client are SPICE_MSG for types and SpiceMsg for structures. For messages sent from the client the prefixes are SPICE_MSGC and SpiceMsgc.

  14. Server messages that are common to all channels

    SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE               = 1
    SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE_DATA          = 2
    SPICE_MSG_SET_ACK               = 3
    SPICE_MSG_PING                  = 4
    SPICE_MSG_NOTIFY                = 7

    Specific channel server messages start from SPICE_MSG_FIRST_AVAIL. All message types from SPICE_MSG_NOTIFY + 1 to SPICE_MSG_FIRST_AVAIL – 1 are reserved for further use.

  15. Client messages that are common to all channels

    SPICE_MSGC_ACK_SYNC                     = 1
    SPICE_MSGC_ACK                          = 2
    SPICE_MSGC_PONG                         = 3
    SPICE_MSGC_MIGRATE_DATA                 = 5
    SPICE_MSGC_DISCONNECTING                = 6
    SPICE_MSGC_FIRST_AVAIL          = 101

    Specific channel client messages start from SPICE_MSGC_FIRST_AVAIL. All message types from SPICE_MSGC_ACK_SYNC+ 1 to SPICE_MSGC_FIRST_AVAIL – 1 are reserved for further use.

  16. Messages acknowledgment.

    Spice provides a set of messages for requesting an acknowledgment on every one or more messages that the client consumes. In order to request acknowledgment messages, the server sends SPICE_MSG_SET_ACK with the requested acknowledgment frequency – after how many received messages the client sends acknowledgment. . In response, the client sends SPICE_MSGC_ACK_SYNC. From this point, for every requested number of messages that the client receive, it will send a SPICE_MSGC_ACK message.

    1. SPICE_MSG_SET_ACK, SpiceMsgSetAck

      UINT32 generation

      the generation of the acknowledgment sequence. This value will be sent back by SPICE_MSGC_ACK_SYNC. It is used for acknowledgment accounting synchronization.

      UINT32 window

      the window size. Spice client will send acknowledgment for every “window” messages. Zero window size will disable messages acknowledgment.



      Spice client sends SpiceMsgSetAck.generation in response to SPICE_MSG_SET_ACK


      Spice client sends SPICE_MSGC_ACK message for every SpiceMsgSetAck.window messages it consumes.

  17. Ping

    Spice protocol provides ping messages for debugging purpose. Spice server sends SPICE_MSG_PING and the client responses with SPICE_MSGC_PONG. The server can measure round trip time by subtracting current time with the time that is returned in SPICE_MSGC_PONG message.

    1. SPICE_MSG_PING, SpiceMsgPing

      UINT32 id

      the id of this message

      UINT64 time

      time stamp of this message

    2. SPICE_MSGC_PONG, SpiceMsgPing

      UINT32 id

      Spice client copies it from

      UINT64 time

      Spice client copies it from SpiceMsgPing.time

  18. Channel migration

    Spice supports migration of Spice server. The following common messages combined with specific main channel messages is used for migrating channels connections between spice servers. We will refer these servers as source and destination. Main channel is used for initiating and controlling the migration process. The following describes the actual channel migration process.

    Channel migration process starts with sending SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE message from the server. The client receives the message, examine the attached flags and: if the server requests messages flush (i.e., SPICE_MIGRATE_NEED_FLUSH flag is on), the client sends SPICE_MSGC_MIGRATE_FLUSH_MARK message to the server. This procedure can be used to ensure safe delivery of all mid air messages before performing the migration action. if the server requests data transfer (i.e., SPICE_MIGRATE_NEED_DATA_TRANSFER flag is on), the client expects to receive one last message from the server before migrating to destination. This message type must be SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE_DATA type. The content of the received message will be transmitted to the destination on connection swap.

    Afterward, the client swaps communication channels (i.e., starts using the connection with the destination server). The client can close connection with the source server only after all other channels also have finished the migration process. If the server side has requested data transfer, the client first transmits SPICE_MSGC_MIGRATE_DATA message containing the data received on SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE_DATA.

    1. Migration flags

      SPICE_MIGRATE_NEED_FLUSH                        = 1
      SPICE_MIGRATE_NEED_DATA_TRANSFER                = 2
    2. SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE, SpiceMsgMigrate

      UINT32 flags

      combination of SPICE migration flags.


        Server migrate data, body of this message is variable length raw data that is determined by each channel type independently


        This messages mark completion of client communication channel flushing.


      Post migration data, sent by client to the destination, containing the data sent by the source using the SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE_DATA message.

  19. Channel synchronization

    Spice provides mechanism for synchronizing channels message execution on the client side. The server sends SPICE_MSG_WAIT_FOR_CHANNELS message which contains a list of channels messages to wait for (i.e., SpiceMsgWaitForChannels). The Spice client will wait for completion of all the messages that are in that list before executing any more messages.

    1. SpiceWaitForChannel

      UINT8 type

      channel type (e.g., SPICE_CHANNEL_INPUTS)

      UINT8 id

      channel id.

      UIN64 serial

      message serial id (i.e, SpiceDataHeader.serial) to wait for

      1. SPICE_MSG_WAIT_FOR_CHANNELS, SpiceMsgWaitForChannels

        UINT8 wait_count

        number of items in wait_list

        SpiceWaitForChannel[] wait_list

        list of channels to wait for.

  20. Disconnect reason

    The following messages are used for notification about orderly disconnection of the server or client.

    1. SPICE_MSG_DISCONNECTING, SpiceMsgDisconnect

      UINT64 time_stamp

      time stamp of disconnect action on the server.

      UINT32 reason

      disconnect reason, SPICE_LINK_ERR_?

    2. SPICE_MSGC_DISCONNECTING, SpiceMsgDisconnect

      UINT64 time_stamp

      time stamp of disconnect action on the client.

      UINT32 reason

      disconnect reason, SPICE_LINK_ERR_?

  21. Server notification

    Spice protocol defines message for delivering notifications to the client using SPICE_MSG_NOTIFY message. Messages are categorized by severity and visibility. The later can be used as hint for the way the message is displayed to the user. For example high visibility notifications will trigger message box and low visibility notifications will be directed to the log.

    1. SPICE_MSG_NOTIFY, SpiceMsgNotify

      UINT64 time_stamp

      server side time stamp of this message.

      UINT32 severity


      UINT32 visibility


      UINT32 what

      one of SPICE_LINK_ERR_?, SPICE_WARN_? Or SPICE_INFO_?, depending on severity.

      UINT32 message_len

      size of message

      UINT8[] message

      message string in UTF8.

      UINT8 0

      string zero termination

3. Main Channel definition

  1. Server messages

    SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_BEGIN            = 101
    SPICE_MSG_MAIN_INIT                     = 103
    SPICE_MSG_MAIN_CHANNELS_LIST            = 104
    SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MOUSE_MODE               = 105
    SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_DATA               = 109
    SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_TOKEN              = 110
  2. Client messages

    SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_CLIENT_INFO             = 101
    SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_START             = 106
    SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_DATA              = 107
    SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_TOKEN             = 108
  3. Migration control

    Spice migration control is performed using the main channel messages. Spice server initiates migration process by sending SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_BEGIN message. Once the client has completed its pre-migrate procedure it notifies the server by transmitting SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MIGRATE_CONNECTED message. In case of pre-migrate procedure error, the client sends SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MIGRATE_CONNECT_ERROR. Once the server receives SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_MIGRATE_CONNECTED he can commence the migration process. The server can send SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_CANCEL in order to instruct the client to cancel the migration process.

    1. SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_BEGIN, SpiceMsgMainMigrationBegin

      UINT16 port

      port of destination server

      UINT16 sport

      secure port of destination server

      UINT8[] host_name

      host name of destination server


      Instruct the client to cancel migration process


      Notify the server of successful completion of the pre-migrate stage


      Notify the server of pre-migrate stage error

  4. Mouse modes

    Spice protocol specifies two mouse modes, client mode and server mode. In client mode, the affective mouse is the client side mouse: the client sends mouse position within the display and the server sends mouse shape messages. In server mode, the client sends relative mouse movements and the server sends position and shape commands. Spice main channel is used for mouse mode control.

    1. Modes

    2. SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MOUSE_MODE, SpiceMsgMainMouseMode

      Spice server sends this message on every mouse mode change

      UINT32 supported_modes

      current supported mouse mode, this is any combination of SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_?

      UINT32 current_mode

      the current mouse mode. Can be one of SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_?


      Spice client sends this message to request specific mouse mode. It is not guarantied that the server will accept the request. Only on receiving SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MOUSE_MODE message, the client can know of actual mouse mode change.


      requested mode, one of SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_?

  5. Main channel init message

    Spice server must send SpiceMsgMainInit as the first transmitted message t and is disallowed to send it at any other point.

    1. SPICE_MSG_MAIN_INIT, SpiceMsgMainInit

      UINT32 session_id

      session id is generated by the server. This id will be send on every new channel connection within this session (i.e., in SpiceLinkMess.connection_id).

      UINT32 display_channels_hint

      optional hint of expected number of display channels. Zero is defined as an invalid value

      UINT32 supported_mouse_modes

      supported mouse modes. This is any combination of SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_?

      UINT32 current_mouse_mode

      the current mouse mode, one of SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_?

      UINT32 agent_connected

      current state of Spice agent (see This Section), 0 and 1 stand for disconnected and connected state respectively.

      UINT32 agent_tokens

      number of available tokens for sending messages to Spice agent.

      UINT32 multi_media_time

      current server multimedia time. The multimedia time is used for synchronizing video (for more information see Multimedia time)

      UINT32 ram_hint

      optional hint for help in determining global LZ compression dictionary size (for more information see section Spice Image in “Display Channel”).

  6. Server side channels notification

    In order to have the ability to dynamically attach to the server side channels, Spice protocol includes SPICE_MSG_MAIN_CHANNELS_LIST message. This massage informs the client of available channels in the server side. In response to this message the client can decide to link with the new available channel(s). The server must receive SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_ATTACH_CHANNELS before sending any SPICE_MSG_MAIN_CHANNELS_LIST message.


      UINT32 num_of_channels

      number of channels in this list

      SpiceChannelId[] channels

      vector of “num_of_channels” channel ids

    2. SpiceChannelId

      UINT8 type

      channel type, one of SPICE_CHANNEL_? channel types, except for SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN

      UINT8 id

      channel id

  7. Multimedia time

    Spice defines messages for setting multimedia time for synchronization of video and audio streams. Two methods for updating multimedia time are supported. The first method uses the time stamp of data that arrives on the playback channel.The second method uses the main channel SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MULTI_MEDIA_TIME message. The latter method is used when no active playback channel exist.



      multimedia time

  8. Spice agent

    Spice protocol defines a set of messages for bidirectional communication channel between Spice client and spice client agent on the remote server. Spice provides a communication channel only, the actual transferred data content is opaque to the protocol. This channel can be used for various purposes, for example, client-guest clipboard sharing, authentication and display configuration.

    Spice client receives notifications of remote site agent connection as part of the SPICE_MSG_MAIN_INIT message or by a specific server SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_CONNECTED. Remote agent disconnection notification is delivered by SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_DISCONNECTED message. A bidirectional tokens mechanism is used in order to prevent blocking of the main channel with agent messages (e.g., in case the agent stops consuming the data). Each side is not allowed to send more messages than the tokens allocated to it by the other side. The number of tokens that are allocated for the client is initialized from SPICE_MSG_MAIN_INIT message, and farther allocation of tokens is done using SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_TOKEN. Server tokens initial count is delivered in SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_START message. This message must be the first agent related message that the client sends to the server. Farther tokens allocation for the server is done using SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_TOKEN. Actual data packets are delivered using SPICE_MSG_MAIN_AGENT_DATA and SPICE_MSGC_MAIN_AGENT_DATA.

    1. Although agent messages are opaque for the protocol, agent data stream is defined by Spice protocol in order to delineate messages. Still, the client-server communication is independent from the agent channel, e.g., agent protocol conflicts don’t affect the rest of the channels. Agent stream is defined as a run of messages having the following format:

      UINT32 protocol

      unique protocol of this message. The protocol id must be registered in order to prevent conflicts.

      UINT32 type

      protocol dependent message type.

      UINT64 opaque

      protocol dependent opaque data.

      UINT32 size

      size of data in bytes.

      UINT8 data[0]

      data of this message.

      Client and server must continue processing unknown protocols messages or messages having unknown type (i.e., receive and dump).




      disconnect error code SPICE_LINK_ERR_?



      Agent packet is the entire message body (i.e. SpiceDataHeader.size). The maximum packet size is SPICE_AGENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE.



      allocated tokens count for the client



      allocated tokens count for the server


      Agent packet is the entire message body (i.e. SpiceDataHeader.size). The maximum packet size is SPICE_AGENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE.



      allocated tokens count for the server

4. Inputs channel definition

Spice Inputs channel controls the server mouse and the keyboard.

  1. Client messages

    SPICE_MSGC_INPUTS_KEY_DOWN              = 101
    SPICE_MSGC_INPUTS_KEY_UP                = 102
  2. Server Messages

    SPICE_MSG_INPUTS_INIT                   = 101
  3. Keyboard messages

    Spice supports sending keyboard key events and keyboard leds synchronization. The client sends key event using SPICE_MSGC_INPUTS_KEY_DOWN and SPICE_MSGC_INPUTS_KEY_UP messages. Key value is expressed using PC AT scan code (see KeyCode). Keyboard leds synchronization is done by sending SPICE_MSG_INPUTS_KEY_MODIFIERS message by the server or by sending SPICE_MSGC_INPUTS_KEY_MODIFIERS by the client, these messages contain keyboard leds state. Keyboard modifiers is also sent by the server using SPICE_MSG_INPUTS_INIT, this message must be sent as the first server message and the server mustn’t send it at any other point.

    1. Keyboard led bits

      SPICE_NUM_LOCK_MODIFIER         = 2


      any combination of keyboard led bits. If bit is set then the led is on.



      any combination of keyboard led bits. If bit is set then the led is on.



      any combination of keyboard led bits. If bit is set then the led is on.

    5. KeyCode


      the value of key code is a PC AT scan code. The code is composed by up to four bytes for supporting extended codes. A code is terminated by a zero byte.



      client sends this message to notify of key press event.


      KeyCode – client sends this message to notify of key release event.

  4. Mouse messages

    spice support two modes of mouse operation: client mouse and server mouse (for more information see mouse modes). in server mouse mode the client sends mouse motion message (i.e., msgc_inputs_mouse_motion), and in client mouse mode it sends position message (i.e., msgc_inputs_mouse_position). position message holds the position of the client mouse on the display and the id of the display channel, which is derived from SpiceLinkMess.channel_id. in order to prevent flood of mouse motion/position events, the server sends red_inputs_mouse_motion_ack message on every red_motion_ack_bunch messages it receive. this mechanism allows the client to keep track on the server’s messages consumption rate and to change the event pushing policy according to it. mouse button events are sent to the server using msgc_inputs_mouse_press and msgc_inputs_mouse_release messages.

    1. Spice Button ID

      SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT         = 1, left button
      SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE       = 2, middle button
      SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT        = 3, right button
      SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP           = 4, scroll up button
      SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN         = 5, scroll down button
    2. Buttons masks

      SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_MASK_LEFT            = 1,  left button mask
      SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_MASK_MIDDLE          = 2,  middle button mask
      SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_MASK_RIGHT           = 4, right button mask

      SPICE_INPUT_MOTION_ACK_BUNCH            = 4

      INT32 dx

      number of pixels the mouse had moved on x axis

      INT32 dy

      number of pixels the mouse had moved on y axis

      UINT32 buttons_state

      any combination of buttons mask. Set bit describe pressed button and clear bit describe unpressed button.


      UINT32 x

      position on x axis

      UINT32 y

      position on y axis

      UINT32 buttons_state

      any combination of buttons mask. Set bit describe pressed button and clear bit describe unpressed button.

      UINT8 display_id

      id of the display that client mouse is on.


      UINT32 button

      one of SPICE_MOUSE_?BUTTON

      UINT32 buttons_state

      any combination of buttons masks. Set bit describes pressed button, and clear bit describes unpressed button.


      UINT32 button

      one of SPICE_MOUSE_?BUTTON

      UINT32 buttons_state

      any combination of buttons mask. Set bit describes pressed button and clear bit describes unpressed button.

5. Display channel definition

Spice protocol defines a set of messages for supporting rendering of the remote display area on the client display. The protocol supports rendering of graphics primitives (e.g., lines, images) and video streams. The protocol also supports caching of images and color palettes on the client side. Spice display channel supports several images compression methods for reducing network traffic.

  1. Server messages

    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MODE                          = 101
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MARK                          = 102
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_RESET                         = 103
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_COPY_BITS                     = 104
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_LIST                    = 105
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_PALETTE                 = 107
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_CREATE                 = 122
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DATA                   = 123
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_CLIP                   = 124
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DESTROY                = 125
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_FILL                     = 302
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_OPAQUE                   = 303
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_COPY                     = 304
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_BLEND                    = 305
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_BLACKNESS                = 306
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_WHITENESS                = 307
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_INVERS                   = 308
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_ROP3                     = 309
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_STROKE                   = 310
    SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_DRAW_TEXT                     = 311
  2. Client messages

    SPICE_MSGC_DISPLAY_INIT                         = 101
  3. Operation flow

    Spice server sends to the client a mode message using SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MODE for specifying the current draw area size and format. In response the client creates a draw area for rendering all the followed rendering commands sent by the server. The client will expose the new remote display area content (i.e., after mode command) only after it receives a mark command (i.e., SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MARK) from the server. The server can send a reset command using SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_RESET to instruct the client to drop its draw area and palette cache. Sending mode message is allowed only while no active draw area exists on the client side. Sending reset message is allowed only while active draw area exists on client side. Sending mark message is allowed only once, between mode and reset messages. Draw commands, copy bits command and stream commands are allowed only if the client have an active display area (i.e., between SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MODE to SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_RESET).

    On channel connection, the client optionally sends an init message, using SPICE_MSGC_DISPLAY_INIT, in order to enable image caching and global dictionary compression. The message includes the cache id and its size and the size of the dictionary compression window. These sizes and id are determined by the client. It is disallowed to send more then one init message.

    Color pallets cache are manged by the server. Items cache insertion commands are sent as part of the rendering commands. Cache items removal are sent explicitly using SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_LIST or SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_LIST server messages. Resetting client caches is done by sending SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_ALL_PIXMAPS or SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_ALL_PALETTES server messages.

  4. Draw area control

    1. SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_MODE, SpiceMsgDisplayMode

      UINT32 width

      width of the display area

      UINT32 height

      height of the display area

      UINT32 depth

      color depth of the display area. Valid values are 16bpp or 32bpp.


      Mark the beginning of the display area visibility


      Drop current display area of the channel and reset palette cache

  5. Raster operation descriptor

    The following defines a set of flags for describing raster operations that can be applied on a source image, source brush, destination and the result during a rendering operation. Combination of those flags defines the necessary steps that are needed to be preformed during a rendering operation. In the following definitions of rendering commands this combination is referred to by rop_descriptor.

    SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_SRC           = 1

    Source Image need to be inverted before rendering


    SpiceBrush need to be inverted before rendering

    SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_DEST          = 4

    Destination area need to be inverted before rendering

    SPICE_ROPD_OP_PUT               = 8

    SpiceCopy operation should be used.

    SPICE_ROPD_OP_OR                = 16

    OR operation should be used.

    SPICE_ROPD_OP_AND               = 32

    AND operation should be used.

    SPICE_ROPD_OP_XOR               = 64

    XOR operation should be used.

    SPICE_ROPD_OP_BLACKNESS         = 128

    Destination pixel should be replaced by black

    SPICE_ROPD_OP_WHITENESS         = 256

    Destination pixel should be replaced by white

    SPICE_ROPD_OP_INVERS            = 512

    Destination pixel should be inverted

    SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_RES           = 1024

    Result of the operation needs to be inverted

    OP_PUT, OP_OR, OP_AND, OP_XOR, OP_BLACKNESS, OP_WHITENESS, and OP_INVERS are mutually exclusive


  6. Raw raster image

    The following section describes Spice raw raster image (Pixmap). Pixmap is one of several ways to transfer images in Spice protocol (for more information see Spice Image).

    1. Pixmap format types

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_1BIT_LE           = 1

      1 bit per pixel and bits order is little endian. Each pixel value is an index in a color table. The color table size is 2.

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_1BIT_BE           = 2

      1 bit per pixel and bits order is big endian. Each pixel value is index in a color table. The color table size is 2.

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_4BIT_LE           = 3

      4 bits per pixel and nibble order inside a byte is little endian. Each pixel value is an index in a color table. The color table size is 16.

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_4BIT_BE           = 4

      4 bits per pixel and nibble order inside a byte is big endian. Each pixel value is an index in a color table. The color table size is 16.

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_8BIT              = 5

      8 bits per pixel. Each pixel value is an index in a color table. The color table size is 256.

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_16BIT             = 6

      pixel format is 16 bits RGB555.

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_24BIT             = 7

      pixel format is 24 bits RGB888.

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_32BIT             = 8

      pixel format is 32 bits RGB888.

      PIXMAP_FORMAT_RGBA              = 9

      pixel format is 32 bits ARGB8888.

    2. SpicePalette

      UINT64 id

      unique id of the palette

      UINT16 table_size

      number of entries in the color table

      UINT32[] color_table

      each entry is RGB555 or RGB888 color depending on the current display area mode. If display area mode color depth is 32, the effective format is RGB888. If display area mode color depth is 16 the effective format is RGB555.

    3. Pixmap flags

      PIXMAP_FLAG_PAL_CACHE_ME        = 1

      Instruct the client to add the palette to cache


      Instruct the client to retrieve palette from cache.

      PIXMAP_FLAG_TOP_DOWN            = 4

      Pixmap lines are ordered from top to bottom (i.e., line 0 is the highest line).

    4. Pixmap

      UINT8 format

      one of PIXMAP_FORMAT_?

      UINT8 flags

      combination of PIXMAP_FLAG_?

      UINT32 width

      width of the pixmap

      UINT32 height

      height of the pixmap

      UINT32 stride

      number of bytes to add for moving from the beginning of line n to the beginning of line n+1

      union {
              SPICE_ADDRESS palette;
              UINT64 palette_id;

      address of the color palette (must be zero if no color table is required for format) or id of the palette (valid if FLAG_PAL_FROM_CACHE is set).

      SPICE_ADDRESS data

      address of line 0 of the pixmap.

  7. LZ with palette

    This section describes a data structure that is combination of a color palette and a compressed pixmap data. The pixmap is compressed using our implementation of LZSS algorithm (see next section). Each decoded pixel value is an index in the color palette.

    1. LZPalette Flags

      LZPALETTE_FLAG_PAL_CACHE_ME             = 1

      Instruct the client to add the palette to the cache


      Instruct the client to retrieve palette from the cache.

      LZPALETTE_FLAG_TOP_DOWN                 = 4

      pixmap lines are ordered from top to bottom (i.e. line 0 is the highest line).

    2. LZPalette

      UINT8 flags

      combination of LZPALETTE_FLAG_?

      UINT32 data_size

      size of compressed data

      union {
              SPICE_ADDRESS palette;
              UINT64 palette_id;

      address of the color palette (see SpicePalette section in “Raw raster image”)[zero value is disallowed] or id of the palette (valid if FLAG_PAL_FROM_CACHE).

      UINT8[] data

      compressed pixmap

  8. Spice Image

    The following section describes Spice image. Spice image is used in various commands and data structures for representing a raster image. Spice image supports several compression types in addition to the raw mode: Quic, LZ and GLZ. Quic is a predictive coding algorithm. It is a generalization of SFALIC from gray-scale to color images withe addition of RLE encoding. By LZ we refer to the our implementation of the LZSS algorithm, which was adjusted for images in different formats. By GLZ we refer to an extension of LZ that allows it to use a dictionary that is based on a set of images and not just on the image being compressed.

    1. Image types

      IMAGE_TYPE_PIXMAP               = 0
      SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_QUIC           = 1
      SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_LZ_PLT         = 100
      SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_LZ_RGB         = 101
      SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_GLZ_RGB        = 102
    2. Image flags

      IMAGE_FLAG_CACHE_ME = 1, this flag instruct the client to add the image to image cache, cache key is (see below).

    3. SpiceImageDescriptor

      UINT64 id

      unique id of the image

      UINT8 type

      type of the image. One of IMAGE_TYPE_?

      UINT8 flags

      any combination of IMAGE_FLAG_?

      UINT32 width

      width of the image

      UINT32 height

      height of the image

    4. Image data

      Image data follows SpiceImageDescriptor and its content depends on SpiceImageDescriptor.type:

      • In case of PIXMAP – content is Pixmap.

      • In case of QUIC – content is Quic compressed image. Data begins with the size of the compressed data, represented by UINT32, followed by the compressed data.

      • In case of LZ_PLT – content is LZPalette.

      • In case of LZ_RGB – content is LZ_RGB – LZ encoding of an RGB image. Data begins with the size of the compressed data, represented by UINT32, followed by the compressed data.

      • In case of GLZ_RGB – content is GLZ_RGB – GLZ encoding of an RGB image. Data begins with the size of the compressed data, represented by UINT32, , followed by the compressed data.

      • In case of FROM_CACHE – No image data. The client should use to retrieve the relevant image from cache.

  9. Glyph SpiceString

    Glyph string defines an array of glyphs for rendering. Glyphs in a string can be in A1, A4 or A8 format (i.e., 1bpp, 4bpp, or 8bpp alpha mask). Every glyph contains its rendering position on the destination draw area.

    1. SpiceRasterGlyph

      POINT render_pos

      location of the glyph on the draw area

      POINT glyph_origin

      origin of the glyph. The origin is relative to the upper left corner of the draw area. Positive value on x axis advances leftward and positive value on y axis advances upward.

      UINT16 width

      glyph’s width

      UINT16 height

      glyph’s height

      UINT8[] data

      alpha mask of the glyph. Actual mask data depends on the glyph string’s flags. If the format is A1 then the line stride is ALIGN(width, 8) / 8. If the format is A4, the line stride is ALIGN(width, 2) / 2. If the format is A8, the line stride is width.

    2. Glyph SpiceString flags

      GLYPH_STRING_FLAG_RASTER_A1                     = 1

      Glyphs type is 1bpp alpha value (i.e., 0 is transparent 1 is opaque)

      GLYPH_STRING_FLAG_RASTER_A4                     = 2

      Glyphs type is 4bpp alpha value (i.e., 0 is transparent 16 is opaque)

      GLYPH_STRING_FLAG_RASTER_A8                     = 4

      Glyphs type is 4bpp alpha value (i.e., 0 is transparent 256 is opaque)

      GLYPH_STRING_FLAG_RASTER_TOP_DOWN               = 8

      Line 0 is the top line of the mask

    3. GlyphString

      UINT16 length

      number of glyphs

      UINT16 flags

      combination of GLYPH_STRING_FLAG_?

      UINT8[] data


  10. Data Types

    1. RectList

      UINT32 count

      number of RECT items in rects

      RECT[] rects

      array of <count> RECT

    2. Path segment flags

      PATH_SEGMENT_FLAG_BEGIN         = 1

      this segment begins a new path

      PATH_SEGMENT_FLAG_END           = 2

      this segment ends the current path

      PATH_SEGMENT_FLAG_CLOSE         = 8

      this segment closes the path and is invalid if PATH_SEGMENT_FLAG_END is not set

      PATH_SEGMENT_FLAG_BEZIER        = 16

      this segment content is a Bezier curve

    3. SpicePathSeg

      UINT32 flags

      any combination of PATH_SEGMENT_FLAG_?

      UINT32 count

      number of points in the segment

      POINTFIX[] points

      segment points

    4. PathSegList

      List of SpicePathSeg items. End of the list is reached if the sum of all previous PathSegs' sizes is equal to list_size. Address of next segment is the address of SpicePathSeg.points[SpicePathSeg.count]

      UINT32 list_size

      total size of in bytes of all PathSegs in the list,

      SpicePathSeg seg0 – first path segment.

    5. SpiceClip types

      SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_NONE            = 0

      no clipping

      SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_RECTS           = 1

      data is RectList and union of all rectangles in RectList is the effective clip

      SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_PATH            = 2

      data is PathSegList and the figure described by PathSegList is the effective clip

    6. SpiceClip

      UIN32 type

      one of CLIP_TYPE_?

      SPICE_ADDRESS data

      address of clip data. The content depends on <type>

    7. Mask flags

      MASK_FLAG_INVERS        = 1, the effective mask is the inverse of the mask
    8. Mask

      UINT8 flags

      flags of the mask, combination of MASK_FLAG_?

      POINT position

      origin of the mask in bitmap coordinates

      SPICE_ADDRESS bitmap

      address of the mask’s image, the format of the image must be 1bpp. If the bitmap is zero then no masking operation needs to be preformed.

      In all rendering commands, the mask must be big enough to cover the destination rectangle

    9. SpiceBrush types

      SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_NONE           = 0 /* the brush is invalid */
      SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_SOLID          = 1 /* the brush is solid RGB color */
      SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_PATTERN        = 2 /* the brush is a pattern */
    10. SpicePattern

      SPICE_ADDRESS image

      address of the pattern’s Image

      POINT position

      origin coordinates of the pattern in the image

    11. SpiceBrush

      UINT32 type

      one of BRUSH_TYPE_?

      Union {
              UINT32 color; */ RGB color. The format of the color depends on current
      draw area mode.*/
              SpicePattern pattern;
    12. Image scale mode

      The following defines the method for scaling image


      The client is allowed to INTERPOLATE pixel color.


      The client must use the nearest pixel.

    13. LineAtrr flags

      LINE_ATTR_FLAG_START_WITH_GAP           = 4

      first style segment if gap (i.e., foreground)

      LINE_ATTR_FLAG_STYLED                   = 8

      style member of LineAtrr is valid and contains effective line style for the rendering operation.

    14. LineAtrr join style

      LINE_ATTR_JOIN_ROUND                    = 0
      LINE_ATTR_JOIN_BEVEL                    = 1
      LINE_ATTR_JOIN_MITER                    = 2
    15. LineAtrr cap style

      LINE_ATTR_CAP_ROUND                     = 0
      LINE_ATTR_CAP_SQUARE                    = 1
      LINE_ATTR_CAP_BUTT                      = 2
    16. SpiceLineAttr

      UINT8 flags

      combination of LINE_ATTR_?

      UINT8 join_style

      one of LINE_ATTR_JOIN_?

      UINT8 cap_style

      one of LINE_ATTR_CAP_?

      UINT8 style_num_segments

      number of style segments in line style

      SPICE_FIXED28_4 width

      width of the line in pixels

      SPICE_FIXED28_4 miter_limit

      miter limit in pixels

      SPICE_ADDRESS style

      address of line style line style is array of SPICE_FIXED28_4. The array defines segments that each represents length of foreground or background pixels in the style. If FLAG_START_WITH_GAP is defined then the first segment in the style is background, otherwise it is foreground. Renderer uses this array of segments repeatedly during rendering operation.

  11. Rendering command

    1. SpiceMsgDisplayBase

      Common field to all rendering command

      RECT bounding_box

      the affected area on the display area

      SpiceClip clip

      the effective clip to set before rendering a command


      POINT source_position

      SpiceCopy bits from the draw area to bounding_box on the draw area. Source area left top corner is source_position and its height and width is equal to bounding_box height and width. Source and destination rectangles can overlap.


      SpiceBrush brush
      UINT16 rop_descriptor
      Mask mask

      SpiceFill bounding_box using brush as the fill pattern and rop_descriptor instructions. If the mask is valid, it will limit the modified area (i.e., only pixels on the destination area that their corresponding bits are set will be affected).


      SPICE_ADDRESS source_image
      RECT source_area
      SpiceBrush brush
      UINT16 rop_descriptor
      UINT8 scale_mode
      Mask mask

      Combine pixels from source_area in source_image with the brush’s pattern using rop_descriptor instructions. The result image will be rendered into bounding_box. In case scaling of source image is required it will be performed according to scale_mode and before the combination with brush pixels. If mask is valid it will limit the modified area.


      SPICE_ADDRESS source_image
      RECT source_area
      UINT16 rop_descriptor
      UINT8 scale_mode
      Mask mask

      SpiceCopy pixels from source_area in source_image to bounding_box using rop_descriptor instructions. In case scaling of source image is required it will be performed according to scale_mode and before the copying to the draw area. If mask is valid it will limit the modified area.


      SPICE_ADDRESS source_image
      RECT source_area
      UINT16 rop_descriptor
      UINT8 scale_mode
      Mask mask

      Mixing pixels from source_area in source_image with bounding_box pixels on the draw area using rop_descriptor instructions. In case scaling of source image is required it will be performed according to scale_mode and before the mixing with the draw area. If mask is valid it will limit the modified area.


      Mask mask

      SpiceFill bounding_box with black pixels. If mask is valid it will limit the modified area.


      Mask mask

      SpiceFill bounding_box with white pixels. If mask is valid it will limit the modified area.


      Mask mask

      Inverse all pixels in bounding_box. If mask is valid it will limit the modified area.


      SPICE_ADDRESS source_image
      RECT source_area
      SpiceBrush brush
      UINT8 rop3
      UINT8 scale_mode
      Mask mask

      Mix pixels from source_area in source_image, bounding_box pixels in the draw area, and the brush pattern. The method for mixing three pixels into the destination area (i.e., bounding_box) is defined by rop3 (i.e., ternary raster operations). In case scaling of source image is required it will be performed according to scale_mode and before the mixing. If mask is valid it will limit the modified area.


      SPICE_ADDRESS source_image
      RECT source_area
      UINT32 transparent_color
      UINT32 transparent _true_color

      SpiceCopy pixels from source_area on source_image to bounding_box on the draw area. In case scaling of source image is required it will use SPICE_IMAGE_SCALE_MODE_NEAREST. Pixels with value equal to the transparent color will be masked out. SpiceTransparent color is provided in two forms: true color (i.e., RGB888) and the color in the original format (i.e., before compression) .


      UINT8 alpha
      SPICE_ADDRESS source_image
      RECT source_area

      Alpha blend source_area of source_image on bounding_box of draw area using alpha value or alternatively per pixel alpha value. In case scaling of source image is required, it will use SPICE_IMAGE_SCALE_MODE_INTERPOLATE mode. Alpha value is defined as 0 is full transparency and 255 is full opacity. Format of source image can be pre-multiplied ARGB8888 for per pixel alpha value.

      New RGB color is defined as:

      color' =   (source_color *  alpha)  /  255
      alpha' =   (source_alpha *  alpha)  /  255
      new_color = color' + ((255 - alpha' ) * destination_color) / 255

      SPICE_ADDRESS path – address of the PathSegList that defines the path to render
      SpiceLineAttr attr
      Bush brush
      UINT16 fore_mode -  foreground rop_descriptor
      UINT16 back_mode – background rop_descriptor

      Render path using brush line attribute and rop descriptors. If the line is styled (i.e., LINE_ATTR_FLAG_STYLED is set in attr.falgs) then background (i.e., inverse of the style) is drawn using back_mode and the foreground is drawn using fore_mode. If the line is not styled, the entire path is rendered using fore_mode.


      SPICE_ADDRESS string – address of GlyphString
      RECT back_area
      SpiceBrush fore_brush
      SpiceBrush back_brush
      UINT16 fore_mode
      UINT16 back_mode

      Render string of glyph on the display area using brush fore_brush and the rop_descriptor fore_mode. If back_area is not empty the renderer fill back_area on the display area prior to rendering the glyph string. back_area is filled using back_brush and the rop_descriptor back_mode.

  12. Video streaming commands

    Spice supports the creation of video streams by the server for rendering video content on the client display area. Unlike other rendering commands, the stream data can be compressed using lossy or video specific compression algorithms. It is not required to render video frames as they arrive and it is also allowed to drop video frames. This enables using video frames buffering for having smoother playback and audio synchronization. Audio synchronization is achieved by using time stamp that is attached to audio and video streams. By using video streaming the network traffic can be dramatically reduced. When the stream is created, the server sends create message using SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_CREATE. After the server creates a stream he can send data using SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DATA, or set new stream clipping by sending clip message using SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_CLIP. Once the server no longer needs the stream, he can send destroy command using SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DESTROY. The server can also destroy all active streams by sending destroy all message using SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DESTROY_ALL.

    1. Stream flags

      STREAM_FLAG_TOP_DOWN = 1 /* stream frame line order is from top to bottom */
    2. Codec types

      STREAM_CODEC_TYPE_MJPEG = 1 /* this stream uses motion JPEG  codec */
    3. SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_CREATE, SpiceMsgDisplayStreamCreate

      UINT32 id

      id of the new stream. It is the server’s responsibility to manage stream ids

      UINT32 flags

      flags of the stream, any combination of STREAM_FLAG_?

      UINT32 codec_type

      type of codec used for this stream, one of STREAM_CODEC_TYPE_?

      UINT64 reserved

      must be zero

      UINT32 stream_width

      width of the source frame.

      UINT32 stream_height

      height of the source frame

      UINT32 source_width

      actual frame width to use, must be less or equal to stream_width.

      UINT32 source_height

      actual frame height to use, must be less or equal to stream_height.

      RECT destination

      area to render into on the client display area

      SpiceClip clip

      clipping of the stream

    4. SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_DATA, SpiceMsgDisplayStreamData

      UINT32 id

      stream id (i.e.,

      UINT32 multimedia_time

      frame time stamp

      UINT32 data_size

      stream data size to consume in bytes

      UINT32 pad_size

      additional data padding in bytes

      UINT8[] data

      stream data depending on SpiceMsgDisplayStreamCreate.codec_type. Size of data is ( data_size + pad_size)

    5. SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_STREAM_CLIP, SpiceMsgDisplayStreamClip

      UINT32 id

      stream id (i.e.,

      SpiceClip clip – new clipping of the stream



      id of stream to destroy


      Destroy all active streams

  13. Cache control

    1. Resource type

    2. SpiceResourceID

      UINT8 type

      type of the resource, one of SPICE_RES_TYPE_?

      UINT64 id

      id of the resource

    3. SpiceResourceList

      UINT16 count

      number of items in resources

      SpiceResourceID[] resources

      list of resources id

    4. SPICE_MSG_DISPLAY_INVAL_LIST, SpiceResourceList


      list of resources to remove from cache


      Remove all images from the image cache. The client must use SpiceMsgWaitForChannels (for more info see Channel synchronization) to synchronize with other channels before clearing the cache.


      UINT64 id of palette

      client needs to remove palette with that id from the cache


      Remove all palettes from palette cache

6. Cursor channel definition

Spice protocol defines a set of messages for controlling cursor shape and position on the remote display area, cursor position messages are irrelevant for client mouse mode (see Mouse Modes). Spice protocol also defines a set of messages for managing cursor shape cache on the client site. Client must strictly obey all such instructions. The server sends SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_INIT to set current pointer state (i.e., shape, position, visibility etc.) and to clear shape cache. After the server sends init message it can send any other cursor command except for SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_INIT. The server can send SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_RESET message - this will disable the cursor and reset the cursor cache. After this message the only valid message the server can send is SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_INIT. The relevant remote display area for a cursor channel is the one of the display channel that has the same channel id (i.e., SpiceLinkMess.channel_id).

  1. Server messages

    SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_INIT           = 101
    SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_RESET          = 102
    SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_SET            = 103
    SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_MOVE           = 104
    SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_HIDE           = 105
    SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_TRAIL          = 106
    1. Cursors types

      SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_ALPHA         = 0
      SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_MONO          = 1
      SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR4        = 2
      SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR8        = 3
      SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR16       = 4
      SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR24       = 5
      SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR32       = 6
    2. SpiceCursorHeader

      UINT64 unique

      unique identifier of the corresponding cursor shape. It is used for storing and retrieving cursors from the cursor cache.

      UINT16 type

      type of the shape, one of CURSOR_TYPE_?

      UINT16 width

      width of the shape

      UINT16 height

      height of the shape

      UINT16 hot_spot_x

      position of hot spot on x axis

      UINT16 hot_spot_y

      position of hot spot on y axis

    3. Cursor flags

      CURSOR_FLAGS_NONE               = 1

      set when SpiceCursor (see below) is invalid


      set when the client should add this shape to the shapes cache. The client will use SpiceCursorHeader.unique as cache key.

      CURSOR_FLAGS_FROM_CACHE         = 4

      set when the client should retrieve the cursor shape, using SpiceCursorHeader.unique as key, from the shapes cache. In this case all fields of SpiceCursorHeader except for unique are invalid.

    4. SpiceCursor

      UINT32 flags

      any valid combination of SPICE_CURSOR_FLAGS_?

      SpiceCursorHeader header

      UINT8[] data

      actual cursor shape data, the size is determine by width, height and type from SpiceCursorHeader. Next we will describe in detail the shape data format according to cursor type:

      ALPHA, alpha shape

      data contains pre-multiplied ARGB8888 pixmap. Line stride is <width * 4>.

      MONO, monochrome shape

      data contains two bitmaps with size <width> * <height>. The first bitmap is AND mask and the second is XOR mask. Line stride is ALIGN(<width>, 8) / 8. Bits order within every byte is big endian.

      COLOR4, 4 bits per pixel shape

      First data region is pixmap: the stride of the pixmap is ALIGN(width , 2) / 2; every nibble is translated to a color usingthe color palette; Nibble order is big endian. Second data region contain 16 colors palette: each entry is 32 bit RGB color. Third region is a bitmap mask: line stride is ALIGN(<width>, 8) / 8; bits order within every byte is big endian.

      COLOR4, 8 bits per pixel shape

      First data region is pixmap: the stride of the pixmap is <width>; every byte is translated to color using the color palette. Second data region contain 256 colors palette: each entry is 32 bit RGB color. Third region is a bitmap mask: line stride is ALIGN(<width>, 8) / 8; bits order within every byte is big endian.

      COLOR16, 16 bits per pixel shape

      First data region is pixmap: the stride of the pixmap is <width * 2>; every UINT16 is RGB_555. Second region is a bitmap mask: line stride is ALIGN(<width>, 8) / 8; bits order within every byte is big endian.

      COLOR24, 24 bits per pixel shape

      First data region is pixmap: the stride of the pixmap is <width * 3>; every UINT8[3] is RGB_888. Second region is a bitmap mask: line stride is ALIGN(<width>, 8) / 8; bits order within every byte is big endian.

      COLOR32, 32 bits per pixel shape

      First data region is pixmap: the stride of the pixmap is <width * 4>,;every UINT32 is RGB_888. Second region is a bitmap mask: line stride is ALIGN(<width>, 8) / 8; bits order within every byte is big endian.

      For more deatails on drawing the cursor shape see this section

    5. SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_INIT, SpiceMsgCursorInit

      POINT16 position

      position of mouse pointer on the relevant display area. Not relevant in client mode.

      UINT16 trail_length

      number of cursors in the trail excluding main cursor.

      UINT16 trail_frequency

      millisecond interval between trail updates.

      UIN8 visible

      if 1, the cursor is visible. If 0, the cursor is invisible.

      SpiceCursor cursor

      current cursor shape


    7. SPICE_MSG_CURSOR_SET, SpiceMsgCursorSet

      POINT16 position

      position of mouse pointer on the relevant display area. not relevant in client mode.

      UINT8 visible

      if 1, the cursor is visible. If 0, the cursor is invisible.

      SpiceCursor cursor

      current cursor shape



      new mouse position. Not relevant in client mode. This message also implicitly sets cursor visibility to 1.


      Hide pointer on the relevant display area.


      UINT16 length

      number of cursors in the trail excluding main cursor.

      UINT16 frequency

      millisecond interval between trail updates



      id of cursor shape to remove from the cursor cache


      Clear cursor cache

  2. Drawing the cursor shape according to the cursor type

    This section is relevant only for server mouse mode. Cursor shape positioning on the display area is done by placing cursor hot spot on the current cursor position.

    1. Alpha - no spacial handling, just bland the shape on the display area.

    2. Monochrome

      For each cleared bit in the AND mask clear the corresponding bits in the relevant pixel on the display area For each set bit in the XOR mask reverse the corresponding bits in the relevant pixel on the display area

    3. Color

      If the source color is black and mask bit is set, NOP. Else, if the source color is white and the mask bit is set, reverse all bits in the relevant pixel on the display area. Else, put source color.

7. Playback channel definition

Spice supports sending audio streams for playback on the client side. An audio stream is sent by the server in an audio packet using SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_DATA message. The content of the audio packet is controlled by the playback mode that the server sends using SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_MODE message. The server can start and stop the stream using SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_START and SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_STOP messages. Sending audio packet is allowed only between start and stop messages. Sending start message is allowed only in stop state and after at least one mode message was sent. Sending a stop message is allowed only during a start state.

  1. Server messages

    SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_DATA                 = 101
    SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_MODE                 = 102
    SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_START                = 103
    SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_STOP                 = 104
  2. Audio format

    SPICE_AUDIO_FMT_S16                     = 1 /* each channel sample is a 16 bit
    signed integer */
  3. Playback data mode

    Two types of data mode are available: (1) raw PCM data, (2) compressed data in CELT 0_5_1 format (obsolete) and (3) compressed data in OPUS format.

    SPICE_AUDIO_DATA_MODE_RAW               = 1
    SPICE_AUDIO_DATA_MODE_CELT_0_5_1        = 2
    SPICE_AUDIO_DATA_MODE_OPUS              = 3
  4. Playback channel capabilities

    SPICE_PLAYBACK_CAP_CELT_0_5_1           = 0
    SPICE_PLAYBACK_CAP_VOLUME               = 1
    SPICE_PLAYBACK_CAP_LATENCY              = 2
    SPICE_PLAYBACK_CAP_OPUS                 = 3

    Spice client needs to declare support of OPUS in channel capabilities in order to allow the server to send playback packets in OPUS format.

  5. SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_MODE, SpiceMsgPlaybackMode

    UINT32 time

    server time stamp

    UINT32 mode


    UINT8[] data

    specific data, content depend on mode

  6. SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_START, SpiceMsgRecordStart

    UINT32 channels

    number of audio channels

    UINT32 format

    one of SPICE_AUDIO_FMT_?

    UINT32 frequency

    channel samples per second

  7. SPICE_MSG_PLAYBACK_DATA, SpiceMsgPlaybackPacket

    UINT32 time

    server time stamp

    UINT8[] data

    playback data , content depend on mode


    Stop current audio playback

8. Record Channel definition

Spice supports transmitting of audio captured streams from the client to the server. Spice server starts audio capturing using SPICE_MSG_RECORD_START message. This message instructs the client to start transmitting captured audio . In response, the client sends time stamp of the stream start using SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_START_MARK. After the client sends start mark it can start transmitting audio stream data using SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_DATA. One mode message must be sent by the client before any other message using SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_MODE. This, in order to inform the server on what type of data will be transferred. Mode message can also be transmitted at any other time in order to switch the data type delivered by SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_DATA. The Server can send SPICE_MSG_RECORD_STOP for stopping captured audio streaming. Sending a start message is allowed only while the stream is in stop state. Sending a stop message and data messages is allowed only while the stream is in start state. Sending mark message is allowed only between start message and the first data message.

  1. Server messages

    SPICE_MSG_RECORD_START                  = 101
    SPICE_MSG_RECORD_STOP                   = 102
  2. Client messages

    SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_DATA                  = 101
    SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_MODE                  = 102
    SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_START_MARK            = 103
  3. Audio format

    SPICE_AUDIO_FMT_S16                     = 1 /* each channel sample is a 16 bit signed integer */
  4. Record data mode

    Two types of data mode are available: (1) raw PCM data (2) compressed data in CELT 0.5.1 format (obsolete) (3) compressed data in OPUS format.

    SPICE_AUDIO_DATA_MODE_RAW               = 1
    SPICE_AUDIO_DATA_MODE_CELT_0_5_1        = 2
    SPICE_AUDIO_DATA_MODE_OPUS              = 3
  5. Record channel capabilities

    SPICE_RECORD_CAP_CELT_0_5_1             = 0
    SPICE_RECORD_CAP_VOLUME                 = 1
    SPICE_RECORD_CAP_OPUS                   = 2

    Spice server needs to declare support of OPUS in channel capabilities in order to allow the client to send recorded packets in OPUS format.

  6. SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_MODE, SpiceMsgcRecordMode

    UINT32 time

    client time stamp

    UINT32 mode


    UINT8[] data

    specific data, content depend on mode

  7. SPICE_MSG_RECORD_START, SpiceMsgRecordStart

    UINT32 channel

    number of audio channels

    UINT32 format

    one of SPICE_AUDIO_FMT_?

    UINT32 frequency

    channel samples per second



    client time stamp of stream start

  9. SPICE_MSGC_RECORD_DATA, SpiceMsgcRecordPacket

    UINT32 time

    client time stamp

    UINT8[] data

    recorded data , content depend on mode


    Stop current audio capture