#ifndef RBIMPL_RREGEXP_H /*-*-C++-*-vi:se ft=cpp:*/ #define RBIMPL_RREGEXP_H /** * @file * @author Ruby developers * @copyright This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. * Permission is hereby granted, to either redistribute and/or * modify this file, provided that the conditions mentioned in the * file COPYING are met. Consult the file for details. * @warning Symbols prefixed with either `RBIMPL` or `rbimpl` are * implementation details. Don't take them as canon. They could * rapidly appear then vanish. The name (path) of this header file * is also an implementation detail. Do not expect it to persist * at the place it is now. Developers are free to move it anywhere * anytime at will. * @note To ruby-core: remember that this header can be possibly * recursively included from extension libraries written in C++. * Do not expect for instance `__VA_ARGS__` is always available. * We assume C99 for ruby itself but we don't assume languages of * extension libraries. They could be written in C++98. * @brief Defines struct ::RRegexp. */ #include "ruby/internal/attr/artificial.h" #include "ruby/internal/attr/pure.h" #include "ruby/internal/cast.h" #include "ruby/internal/core/rbasic.h" #include "ruby/internal/core/rstring.h" #include "ruby/internal/value.h" #include "ruby/internal/value_type.h" /** * Convenient casting macro. * * @param obj An object, which is in fact an ::RRegexp. * @return The passed object casted to ::RRegexp. */ #define RREGEXP(obj) RBIMPL_CAST((struct RRegexp *)(obj)) /** * Convenient accessor macro. * * @param obj An object, which is in fact an ::RRegexp. * @return The passed object's pattern buffer. */ #define RREGEXP_PTR(obj) (RREGEXP(obj)->ptr) /** @cond INTERNAL_MACRO */ #define RREGEXP_SRC RREGEXP_SRC #define RREGEXP_SRC_PTR RREGEXP_SRC_PTR #define RREGEXP_SRC_LEN RREGEXP_SRC_LEN #define RREGEXP_SRC_END RREGEXP_SRC_END /** @endcond */ struct re_patter_buffer; /* a.k.a. OnigRegexType, defined in onigmo.h */ /** * Ruby's regular expression. A regexp is compiled into its own intermediate * representation. This one holds that info. Regexp "match" operation then * executes that IR. */ struct RRegexp { /** Basic part, including flags and class. */ struct RBasic basic; /** * The pattern buffer. This is a quasi-opaque struct that holds compiled * intermediate representation of the regular expression. * * @note Compilation of a regexp could be delayed until actual match. */ struct re_pattern_buffer *ptr; /** Source code of this expression. */ const VALUE src; /** * Reference count. A regexp match can take extraordinarily long time to * run. Ruby's regular expression is heavily extended and not a regular * language any longer; runs in NP-time in practice. Now, Ruby also has * threads and GVL. In order to prevent long GVL lockup, our regexp engine * can release it on occasions. This means that multiple threads can touch * a regular expressions at once. That itself is okay. But their cleanup * phase shall wait for all the concurrent runs, to prevent use-after-free * situation. This field is used to count such threads that are executing * this particular pattern buffer. * * @warning Of course, touching this field from extension libraries causes * catastrophic effects. Just leave it. */ unsigned long usecnt; }; RBIMPL_ATTR_PURE_UNLESS_DEBUG() RBIMPL_ATTR_ARTIFICIAL() /** * Convenient getter function. * * @param[in] rexp The regular expression in question. * @return The source code of the regular expression. * @pre `rexp` must be of ::RRegexp. */ static inline VALUE RREGEXP_SRC(VALUE rexp) { RBIMPL_ASSERT_TYPE(rexp, RUBY_T_REGEXP); VALUE ret = RREGEXP(rexp)->src; RBIMPL_ASSERT_TYPE(ret, RUBY_T_STRING); return ret; } RBIMPL_ATTR_PURE_UNLESS_DEBUG() RBIMPL_ATTR_ARTIFICIAL() /** * Convenient getter function. * * @param[in] rexp The regular expression in question. * @return The source code of the regular expression, in C's string. * @pre `rexp` must be of ::RRegexp. * * @internal * * It seems nobody uses this function in the wild. Subject to hide? */ static inline char * RREGEXP_SRC_PTR(VALUE rexp) { return RSTRING_PTR(RREGEXP_SRC(rexp)); } RBIMPL_ATTR_PURE_UNLESS_DEBUG() RBIMPL_ATTR_ARTIFICIAL() /** * Convenient getter function. * * @param[in] rexp The regular expression in question. * @return The length of the source code of the regular expression. * @pre `rexp` must be of ::RRegexp. * * @internal * * It seems nobody uses this function in the wild. Subject to hide? */ static inline long RREGEXP_SRC_LEN(VALUE rexp) { return RSTRING_LEN(RREGEXP_SRC(rexp)); } RBIMPL_ATTR_PURE_UNLESS_DEBUG() RBIMPL_ATTR_ARTIFICIAL() /** * Convenient getter function. * * @param[in] rexp The regular expression in question. * @return The end of the source code of the regular expression. * @pre `rexp` must be of ::RRegexp. * * @internal * * It seems nobody uses this function in the wild. Subject to hide? */ static inline char * RREGEXP_SRC_END(VALUE rexp) { return RSTRING_END(RREGEXP_SRC(rexp)); } #endif /* RBIMPL_RREGEXP_H */