// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include #include using Exiv2::BasicIo; using Exiv2::byte; using Exiv2::Error; using Exiv2::FileIo; using Exiv2::IoCloser; using Exiv2::MemIo; using Exiv2::strError; int WriteReadSeek(BasicIo& io); // ***************************************************************************** // Main int main(int argc, char* const argv[]) { Exiv2::XmpParser::initialize(); ::atexit(Exiv2::XmpParser::terminate); #ifdef EXV_ENABLE_BMFF Exiv2::enableBMFF(); #endif try { if (argc < 4 || argc > 6) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " filein fileout1 fileout2 [remote [blocksize]]\n" "copy filein to fileout1 and copy filein to fileout2\n" "fileout1 and fileout2 are overwritten and should match filein exactly\n" "\n" "You may optionally provide the URL of a remote file to be copied to filein\n" "If you use `remote`, you may optionally provide a blocksize for the copy buffer (default 10k)\n"; return 1; } const char* f0 = argv[1]; // fileIn const char* f1 = argv[2]; // fileOut1 const char* f2 = argv[3]; // fileOut2 const char* fr = argv[4]; // remote file const char* ba = argv[5]; // block argument if (argc >= 5) { int blocksize = argc == 6 ? atoi(ba) : 10000; // ensure blocksize is sane if (blocksize > 1024 * 1024) blocksize = 10000; std::vector bytes(blocksize); // copy fileIn from a remote location. auto io = Exiv2::ImageFactory::createIo(fr); if (io->open() != 0) { Error(Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerFileOpenFailed, io->path(), "rb", strError()); } FileIo output(f0); if (!output.open("wb")) { Error(Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerFileOpenFailed, output.path(), "w+b", strError()); } size_t l = 0; if (!bytes.empty()) { size_t r; while ((r = io->read(bytes.data(), blocksize)) > 0) { l += r; output.write(bytes.data(), r); } } else { // read/write byte-wise (#1029) while (l++ < io->size()) { output.putb(io->getb()); } } output.close(); } FileIo fileIn(f0); if (fileIn.open() != 0) { throw Error(Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerDataSourceOpenFailed, fileIn.path(), strError()); } FileIo fileOut1(f1); if (fileOut1.open("w+b") != 0) { throw Error(Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerFileOpenFailed, f1, "w+b", strError()); } MemIo memIo1; // Copy to output file through memIo memIo1.write(fileIn); memIo1.seek(0, BasicIo::beg); fileOut1.write(memIo1); // Make sure they are all the same size if (fileIn.size() != memIo1.size() || memIo1.size() != fileOut1.size()) { std::cerr << argv[0] << ": Sizes do not match\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Read writereadseek test on MemIo MemIo memIo2; int rc = WriteReadSeek(memIo2); if (rc != 0) return rc; // Read writereadseek test on FileIo // Create or overwrite the file, then close it FileIo fileTest("iotest.txt"); if (fileTest.open("w+b") != 0) { throw Error(Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerFileOpenFailed, "iotest.txt", "w+b", strError()); } fileTest.close(); rc = WriteReadSeek(fileTest); if (rc != 0) return rc; // Another test of reading and writing fileOut1.seek(0, BasicIo::beg); memIo2.seek(0, BasicIo::beg); FileIo fileOut2(f2); if (fileOut2.open("w+b") != 0) { throw Error(Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerFileOpenFailed, f2, "w+b", strError()); } size_t readCount = 0; byte buf[32]; while ((readCount = fileOut1.read(buf, sizeof(buf)))) { if (memIo2.write(buf, readCount) != readCount) { std::cerr << argv[0] << ": MemIo bad write 2\n"; return 13; } if (fileOut2.write(buf, readCount) != readCount) { std::cerr << argv[0] << ": FileIo bad write 2\n"; return 14; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch (Exiv2::Error& e) { std::cerr << "Caught Exiv2 exception '" << e << "'\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } int WriteReadSeek(BasicIo& io) { byte buf[4096]; const char tester1[] = "this is a little test of MemIo"; const char tester2[] = "Appending this on the end"; const char expect[] = "this is a little teAppending this on the end"; const size_t insert = 19; const size_t size1 = std::strlen(tester1) + 1; const size_t size2 = std::strlen(tester2) + 1; if (io.open() != 0) { throw Error(Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerDataSourceOpenFailed, io.path(), strError()); } IoCloser closer(io); if (io.write(reinterpret_cast(tester1), size1) != size1) { std::cerr << ": WRS initial write failed\n"; return 2; } if (io.size() != size1) { std::cerr << ": WRS size is not " << size1 << "\n"; return 2; } auto backup = static_cast(size1); io.seek(-backup, BasicIo::cur); int c = EOF; std::memset(buf, -1, sizeof(buf)); for (int i = 0; (c = io.getb()) != EOF; ++i) { buf[i] = static_cast(c); } // Make sure we got the null back if (buf[size1 - 1] != 0) { std::cerr << ": WRS missing null terminator 1\n"; return 3; } if (strcmp(tester1, reinterpret_cast(buf)) != 0) { std::cerr << ": WRS strings don't match 1\n"; return 4; } io.seek(-2, BasicIo::end); if (io.getb() != 'o') { std::cerr << ": WRS bad getb o\n"; return 5; } io.seek(-2, BasicIo::cur); if (io.getb() != 'I') { std::cerr << ": WRS bad getb I\n"; return 6; } if (io.putb('O') != 'O') { std::cerr << ": WRS bad putb\n"; return 7; } io.seek(-1, BasicIo::cur); if (io.getb() != 'O') { std::cerr << ": WRS bad getb O\n"; return 8; } io.seek(insert, BasicIo::beg); if (io.write(reinterpret_cast(tester2), size2) != size2) { std::cerr << ": WRS bad write 1\n"; return 9; } // open should seek to beginning if (io.open() != 0) { throw Error(Exiv2::ErrorCode::kerDataSourceOpenFailed, io.path(), strError()); } std::memset(buf, -1, sizeof(buf)); if (io.read(buf, sizeof(buf)) != insert + size2) { std::cerr << ": WRS something went wrong\n"; return 10; } // Make sure we got the null back if (buf[insert + size2 - 1] != 0) { std::cerr << ": WRS missing null terminator 2\n"; return 11; } if (std::strcmp(expect, reinterpret_cast(buf)) != 0) { std::cerr << ": WRS strings don't match 2\n"; return 12; } return 0; }