command sent by receive action
010-file-exec-and-symbols program startup same as 011 if no run script, otherwise nop
011source program startup apply breaks/inspects, send autorun commands
020<scid>-break-enable check break enabled column set breakpoint enabled column, remark breakpoint
021<scid>-break-disable uncheck break enabled column set breakpoint enabled column, remark breakpoint
022<id>-break-after breakpoint Ignore column edited 022-break-info <id>
023<id>-break-after run program if ignore != [ignore] 022-break-info <id>
023<id>-break-condition breakpoint Condition column edited -break-info <id>
023<id>-break-commands breakpoint Script column edited -break-info <id>
024<id>-break-delete Delete or un-Toggle breakpoint remove breakpoint from the list or clear id
022-break-info see 022<id>-break-after load break info and set [IGNORE] count
02-break-list Refresh breakpoints full breakpoint list refresh (without token is partial)
02-break-insert -t Temporary breakpoint on load at mark for discard
020-break-insert -t Run to Cursor in scope mode mark for discard and -exec-continue
02<scid>-break-insert/watch Apply watch, initial break apply send watch ignore, condition and break/watch script
025<id>-break-delete re-Apply breakpoint (obsolete) apply breakpoint (after being deleted in gdb)
02-thread-info Synchronize threads refresh threads & select the current gdb thread
02<tid>-stack-list-frames Refresh stack clear stack list and load stack frames into it
02<tid>-stack-list-arguments Refresh stack fill stack Arguments column
02<tid>-stack-info-frame Syncronize stack select the current gdb frame
02<fid>-stack-list-variables Refresh locals clear locals list and load local variables into it
02-data-list-register-names Query register names 029<fid>-data-list-register-values <all>
029<fid>-data-list-register-values Refresh registers, see prev line update register values
02<f><fid>-data-list-register-values change register Format update register value and/or format
02<scid>-var-evaluate-expression Refresh inspects update inspect value
03<scid>-data-evaluate-expression tooltip hover display tooltip or process error
04-break-list views idle update same as 02
04-thread-info <id> thread created -> fetch target id load thread info into list
04-thread-info views idle update (partial) thread list refresh
04-data-disassemble views idle update (print instruction in debug console)
040-var-update views idle update (partial) inspects update
041-var-update Refresh inspects (prepare gdb for -var-evaluate-expression)
04<tid>-stack-list-frames views idle update same as 02
04<tid>-stack-list-arguments views idle update same as 02
04<fid>-stack-list-variables views idle update same as 02
04-data-read-memory-bytes views idle update fill Memory with data
04<tid>-stack-info-frame at stopped thread without address fill the thread columns
04<fid>-data-list-changed-registers views idle update 049<fid>-data-list-register-values <changed>
049<fid>-data-list-register-values views idle update, see prev line same as 02
04<scid>-var-evaluate-expression views idle update same as 02
05 gdb startup if autorun -exec-run if active breaks & no errors
05 after temp break insert location same as above
05 after temp break insert 1st loc same as above
05-list-features first time gdb startup check for breakpoint-notifications
06<scid>-data-evaluate-expression watch Add, Refresh set watch Value column to value or error
07-list-target-features each gdb startup check for async
07<scid>-var-create auto/manual inspect Apply set format if non-native, expand if automatic
07<scid>-var-set-format change inspect Format update inspect value and format
07<start><scid>-var-list-children auto/manual Expand inspect insert children, set range if needed
07-var-assign inspect Value column edited mark data views as dirty
07-gdb-set local Modify / Value column edited mark data views as dirty
07-gdb-set watch Modify / Value column edited mark data views as dirty
07-data-write-memory-bytes memory hex values column edited mark data views as dirty
070<scid>-var-delete un-Apply inspect, invalid variable delete all children, clear columns
071<scid>-var-delete Delete inspect remove inspect from the tree
08<scid>-data-evaluate-expression popup Evaluate/Modify command dialog with -gdb-set var expr=value

<scid>internal id assigned by scope
<id>gdb id
<tid>selected thread id
<fid>selected thread and frame id: <length of thread id - 1><thread id><frame id>