                ***********   KBtin commands   *************
System commands:
   end         suspend     system      shell
Session management:
   session     run         zap         <session>   all         snoop
   verbatim    char        echo        history     cr          mudcolors
   blank       speedwalk   showme      status      margins     bell
   send        sendchar    charset     bold
   alias       unalias     ifaliasexists
   action      unaction    ignore      promptaction    unpromptaction
   hook        unhook      doactions   dopromptactions
   substitute unsubstitute antisubstitute          unantisubstitute
   highlight  unhighlight  gag         ungag       togglesub   presub
   dosubstitutes           dohighlights            change      gagthis
   help        info        messages    version
   bind        unbind      keypad      retain
Control statements:
   <number>    if          loop        foreach     match       strcmp
   grep        ifexists
   condump     deathlog    log         logtype     logcomment  logcharset
   unlink      read        textin      verbose     write       writesession
   nop         remark
   math        random      variable    unvariable  initvariable sin cos
   angle       sqrt        abs         round       findvariables
Text variables:
   firstupper  firstlower  tolower     toupper     decolorize
   substring   prepad      postpad     reverse     strlen      atoi
   chr         ord         hexord      trim
   ctime       time        localtime   gmtime
   finditem    deleteitems foreach     getitem     isatom      listlength
   splitlist   implode     explode     sortlist    collate     expand
   tick        tickon      tickoff     ticksize    pretick
   delay=event remove=unevent=undelay  findevents
   goto        >           route       unroute     dogoto
   killall     timecommand
   map         mark        path        unmap       pathdir     return
   savepath    unpathdir

General info topics (not commands):
   syntax      colorcodes  keys

Scroll back using PgUp/PgDn to read the whole help index.
For help on specific command, #help <command>

General syntax
Tin-Tin parses the text you type in the following way: 1. a line of text is divided on ";" marks. This way, you can do more than one thing at once in actions, etc. 2. variables ($something) are substituted 3. if the first character of a line is #, the line is a command. If not, the line is sent to the MUD. You can change # to something else using the #char command. 4. Arguments for the command are separated by spaces. You can enclose an argument in curly brackets ("{" and "}") to ignore spaces or semicolons. Special characters: ; - command separator \ on the beginning - pass the whole line verbatim to the MUD \ before a char - quote next char. Examples: \;, \$ # on the beginning - the line is a tintin command, not a MUD one "" - prevents spaces from working as separators. Doesn't prevent ;s and $s from working - use \; and \$. {} - the best way to enclose arguments and list items %1 .. %9 - raw positional variables (arguments to an alias/match) $1 .. $9 - positional vars with ; and unpaired {} censored Note: use #verbatim to turn all parsing off.
Color codes
The color codes for KBtin are enclosed by tilde (~) chars. The general syntax is: ~foreground[:background[:attr]]~ Foreground and background colors: 0 - black 4 - red 8 - dark gray 12 - lt. red 1 - blue 5 - magenta 9 - lt. blue 13 - pink 2 - green 6 - brown 10 - lt. green 14 - yellow 3 - cyan 7 - lt. gray 11 - aqua 15 - white Attributes: 0 - normal text 1 - blinking 2 - italic 4 - underline 8 - overstrike or a sum of the above: 15 for blinking, italic, underlined and overstruck text While color codes are supported on all post-1980 terminals, the support for extended attributes varies. For example, only text console and rxvt provides blink, while italic and underlining is available on some xterms. You can omit a field to retain the old color, for example: ::1 turns blinking on without affecting neither foreground nor background, and 4: changes foreground color to red leaving the background unchanged. When KBtin translates the ANSI codes coming from MUD, it uses the shortest possible code, without omitting any fields. That is: 2, 0:7 or 12:0:1.
Editing keys: Backspace, ^H - erase character left from cursor Del - erase character at cursor left/right arrows, ^B/^F - move cursor Alt-B/Alt-F - move cursor to the last/next word Home, ^A - place cursor at the beginning of the input line End, ^E - place cursor at the end of the input line ^U/^K - delete input line before/after cursor ^W - delete "word" until whitespace behind cursor ^T/Alt-T - transpose characters/words at cursor Alt-D/Alt-Backpace - delete word backwards/forward ^Y - paste last deleted text Alt-L/Alt-U/Alt-C - lowercase/uppercase/capitalize current word Ctrl-Tab, Alt-Tab - switch input buffers up/down arrows, ^P/^N - recall a line from the history Scrollback: PgUp/PgDn - scroll back/forward The "Ctrl-Tab" key needs some explanation. Let's assume you are typing in a very long tell, and something which requires your immediate attention happened. You could use "^U" to clear your input, however that would forfeit your tell. Solution: press "Ctrl-Tab" to switch input lines, do whatever you need, then press "Ctrl-Tab" again and continue your tell.
#<name> switches to session <name> #<name> <command> executes <command> in session <name> Note: the "unconnected" pseudo-session created when KBtin starts can be accessed as 'main'.
#all <command> executes <command> in all sessions Example: #all shout I'm multiplaying!
#snoop toggles snooping of the active session Text from snooped sessions is displayed even if they're not the active session. Any output is prefixed with "%<name>".
#finditem <dest.var> <needle> {haystack} searches for <needle> in the list <haystack>. If found, <dest.var> is set to the index of found item, if not - <dest.var> becomes 0. <needle> may include asterisks which glob an arbitrary substring. Finditem can be used also as an inline in expressions: (#finditem <needle> {haystack}) Examples: #finditem result d {a b c d e} -> result = 4 #find result a*b {db ac akb afgh} -> result = 3 #math result {5+2*#find g {a b c}} -> result = 5
#deleteitem <dest.var> {list} <pattern> removes from {list} all items matching <pattern> and stores result in <dest.var> Example: #delete result {ab b ac cad k} a* -> result = {b cad k}
#foreach {list} <command> Executes <command> for each item of {list}. Examples: #foreach {a b c d} {#showme Letter:} #foreach {1.drow 2.drow 3.drow 4.drow} {bash $0;stand} The substitution of arguments to the <command> uses the same rules if it was an alias, this means that: #foreach {a {b c d} {e f}} {#showme 0:[$0] 1:[$1] 2:[$2] 3:[$3]} will yield: 0:[a] 1:[a] 2:[] 3:[] 0:[b c d] 1:[b] 2:[c] 3:[d] 0:[e f] 1:[e] 2:[f] 3:[]
#getitem <dest.var> <index> {list} Returns <index>th item from the {list} and stores it into <dest.var>. If not found, <dest.var> becomes empty. The index is 1-based. Example: #getitem result 3 {a b c d e} -> result = "c"
#isatom <dest.var> <item> inline in expressions: #isatom <item> Checks if <item> is neither a list with length>1 nor something enclosed in curly braces. #isatom {a} -> 1 #isatom {{a}} -> 0 #isatom {a b} -> 0
#listlength <dest.var> {list} inline #listlength {list} Calculates the number of items in {list} and stores it into <dest.var>. Items can be separated by spaces or enclosed in curly brackets ({}). Examples: #listl a {a b c} -> a=3 #math a {#listl {a {b c} d}} -> a=3
#splitlist <head.var> <tail.var> {list} [<head length>] Divides {list} into two parts, storing items 1..<head length> into <head.var> and the rest into <tail.var>. If <head length> is not specified, it is assumed to be 1. If one of <head.var> <tail.var> is an explicit {}, that assignment is skipped. Example: #split head tail {smile {say Hi} {bounce a}} 2 head = "smile {say Hi}" tail = "{bounce a}"
#implode <dest.var> <delimiter> {list} Stuffs the {list} into <dest.var>, separating items by <delimiter>. Example: #implode result , {a {b c d} e f} -> result = "a,b c d,e,f"
#explode <dest.var> <delimiter> <text> Divides <text> into pieces separated by <delimiter> and stores the resulting list into <dest.var>. Example #explode result , {2n,5w,se} -> result = "2n 5w se"
#sortlist <dest.var> {list} Sorts the {list} in asciibetical order and saves the result into <dest.var>. Example: #sortlist result {c a b} -> result = "a b c"
#collate <dest.var> {list} Replaces repeating sequences of {list} elements by a single one, prefixed by the number of occurrences. If an element is already prefixed by a number x, it is considered to be x already collated elements. Example: #collate result {n n n n n} -> result = "5n" #collate result {2n n ne e} -> result = "3n ne e"
#expand <dest.var> {list} Replaces all elements of {list} prefixed by a number by that element repeated the given number of times. Hint: you may use #explode to convert a comma- semicolon-separated path to a space-separated list before using #expand. Example: #expand result {10n} -> result = "n n n n n n n n n n" #expand result {3n e 2s} -> result = "n n n e s s"
#verbatim Turns off all input parsing. In this mode, everything you type is sent directly to the MUD, without substituting variables, dividing lines on ";"s, parsing commands, etc. To resume normal work, type #verbatim again. Notes: - in normal mode you can prefix a line with "\" to pass it without parsing, as in #verbatim mode - #verbatim is the only command which can be abbreviated to just "#" (or whatever your tintin-char is) - since KBtin-0.2.9, actions and binds ignore #verbatim. Especially useful for immortals who spend most time with parsing turned off.
#send <line> Passes <line> to the MUD without almost any parsing, with just variables substituted. Useful for overriding KBtin aliases, like: #alias w {#math x {$x-1};#send w}
#sendchar <escapes> Passes one or more <escapes> to the MUD without any parsing, and currently without logging (this may change). Not even a newline is added. Valid codes: - ^C Ctrl-letter - \a C-like escapes - \033 octal codes - \x1b hex codes - U+1234 an Unicode character
#char <char> Sets the tintin-char to punctuation character <char>. The tintin-char is the symbol you use to prefix commands. An implied #char is done the first time a #read file starts with a punctuation character, avoiding a chicken-or-egg problem. Example: #char ~ -> commands are now "~char", etc instead of "#char"
#cr Echoes a new-line character to the MUD.
#echo [<boolean>] Toggles the local echo. With echo on, the commands you type are being copied to the current output window as if they were part of the text which came from the MUD or as output from TinTin's commands. Note: some programs have their own echo which cannot be disabled. This can cause double echoing if #echo is on. Valid boolean values: 0 no false off yes true on
#history Displays last 30 commands typed in this session.
This command controls how TinTin should translate colors codes (~n~) found in the text being sent to the MUD. #mudcolors OFF #mudcolors 0 The color codes will be sent verbatim. #mudcolors {} Color codes will be ignored. #mudcolors c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 Initializes the color translation table to {c0..c15}. Color numbers: 0 - black 4 - red 8 - dark gray 12 - lt. red 1 - blue 5 - magenta 9 - lt. blue 13 - pink 2 - green 6 - brown 10 - lt. green 14 - yellow 3 - cyan 7 - lt. gray 11 - aqua 15 - white This command doesn't support background colors and blink (yet?). Example (color table for T2T): #mudcolors $0$ $BLU$ $GRN$ $CYN$ $RED$ $MAG$ $YEL$ $0$ $0$ $HIB$ $HIG$ $HIC$ $HIR$ $HIM$ $HIY$ $BOLD$
Some terminals make bright colors wide-stroked as well. You can use this command to try to disable this behaviour.
#showme <text> Echoes <text> to the user. #example #showme {Terminal size: $COLSx$LINES} #action {%1's mighty bash sends you sprawling} {#showme =======BASHED========}
#charset Displays the currently set remote charset. #charset <charset> Sets the <charset> conversion of the current connection and/or all subsequent ones. KBtin will make an attempt to replace unrepresentable letters with an ASCII equivalent if possible, dropping accents/umlauts when needed. Only characters sets which are upward compatible with ASCII are supported -- there is no support for UTF-16 or EBCDIC at all. The list of available charsets depends on your system; GNU systems will typically know anything reasonable, but on Windows or ancient Unices only UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 and ASCII are guaranteed to work. All simple scripts like greek, cyrillic or hebrew are supported, although no transliteration is attempted for non-latin ones. Scripts which are more complex work in a spotty way at best at this moment.
#speedwalk [<boolean>] Toggles the "speedwalk" function. Speedwalks are usable only on MUDs which use only the 6 basic directions: n, w, s, e, u, d. Speedwalking allows typing for example "nw4neun" as a shortcut for "n;w;n;n;n;n;e;u;n". Notes: - if your MUD sometimes uses diagonal directions (nw, ne, sw, se) but they happen very rarely (Duris for example), you can still use speedwalks. Just type "\nw" in case such an exit happens. - the "news" command found on some MUDs accidentally happens to consist of only legal speedwalking letters... Again, you have to type "\news".
#action [<pattern>] Lists all actions matching <pattern> (or all if no pattern given). #action <text> <command> [<priority>] Sets a trigger on <text> to execute <command>. The action is guaranteed to fire exactly once for a single line of text, but won't be triggered for incomplete lines (compare #promptaction). The priority affects the order in which matching actions will be executed, however all actions which match will fire. The <text> can contain "%0", "%1" .. "%9" symbols, which match any substring. You can then use "$1" or "%1" in the <command>, which will be substituted by the substring which matched "%1" in <text>. Example: #action {You are attacked by %1!} {#tolower victim $1} The difference between %n and $n is that $n removes all semicolons. It's often a good thing because semicolons can wreak havoc on many commands. An example: #action {says in %0 'target=%1'} {kill %1} Butthead says in common 'target=;#sys rm -rf ~/*'. The whole line which triggered the action can be accessed through $_. Actions don't ignore color codes!!! In other words, an action "Illithid enters" won't trigger on: "An Illithid enters" - you have to use the color code (#action {Illithid~7~ enters}). This may seem cumbersome, however after a while you will realize this a very powerful feature, allowing you to completely ignore people emoting things to fool your triggers. If "^" is the first character of <text>, the action will trigger only if the text is found on the beginning of a line. Likewise, use "$" for the end. Example: #action {^Your studies are complete.} {stand} Your studies are complete. -> match Butthead says in common 'Your studies are complete.' -> no match Note: beware of prompts and color codes! To be able to specify the priority, you have to enclose your <command> in curly brackets. This may seem a bug, however because of rare use of priorities you don't have to use brackets as often.
#unaction <pattern> Removes all actions matching <pattern>.
#ignore [<boolean>] Toggles ignoring the actions. The "ignore" command allows you to temporarily disable all actions and promptactions.
#promptaction [<pattern>] Shows all prompt-actions matching <pattern>. #promptaction <text> <command> [<priority>] Adds a prompt-action on <text> to execute <command>. Prompt-actions are actions which work on incomplete lines as well, as opposed to normal actions which are postponed until the end-of-line character is received. Example: #prompt {HP:%1 EP:%2 >} {#var hp $1;#var ep $2} Note: since promptactions are checked every time a piece of text comes from the MUD, a single prompt-action can trigger several times even for the same line of text.
#unpromptaction <pattern> Removes all prompt-actions matching <pattern>.
#hook [<event>] Shows all hooks, or the hook for <event>. #hook <event> <command> Tells KBtin to do <command> whenever an internal <event> happens. You can hook the following events: open This session has just started close Session is being closed zap Session is being aborted (called before close) end KBtin shuts down send %1 just got sent to the MUD activate Session is being switched to deactivate Session is being switched from title The MUD tried to set window title to %1 tick The ticker fired (once per #ticksize seconds) pretick It's #pretick seconds before tick. logclose A log file has been closed; %1 is filename. Examples: #hook close {#write myconfig} -- will make your configuration be automatically saved
#unhook <event> Removes the hook from <event>.
#doactions <line> Performs all actions on <line> as if it had been received from the MUD.
#dopromptactions <line> Performs all prompt actions on <line> as if it had been received from the MUD.
#alias [<pattern>] Lists all aliases matching <pattern>. #alias <name> <command> Defines a new alias <name>. Arguments substitution rules: 1. if the <command> is a simple alias (that is, without any semicolons or variables of any type), any arguments found are appended to the command. Example: #alias fh cast 'full heal' fh aethia -> "cast 'full heal' aethia" 2. if any positional variables are found, their meaning is: $0 - all arguments given (whole command line except the alias name) $1 - first word/braces after the alias name $2 - second argument $3 - third argument ... $9 - ninth argument. That is, if "blargh" is an alias, typing "blargh a {b c} d" means: $0 = "a {b c} d" $1 = "a" $2 = "b c" $3 = "d" $4=$5=$6=$7=$8=$9 = "" 3. As elsewhere $1 removes ; and unpaired {}, % lets them through.
#unalias <pattern> Removes all aliases whose name matches <pattern>.
#ifaliasexists <alias> <ifexists> <command> [#elif/#else ...] Queries whether <alias> has been defined; if yes, the <command> is executed.
#substitute [<pattern>] Lists all substitutes and gags matching the pattern. #substitute <pattern> <new text> Defines a substitution for text incoming from the MUD. It can be used to highlight stuff, remind you about items stats, etc. <pattern> can include positional variables %0..%9, which can be used in <new text> as well. Use ^ and $ to anchor to the beginning or end of a line. Note: subsitutions, similarly to actions, do NOT ignore color codes. Examples: #sub {Your mighty bash sends %1 sprawling.} {~15:1~BASH SUCCESS: [$1]~7~} #sub {%1 the %2 Master Assassin (%3} {%1 the %2 ass18 (Master Assassin) (%3} #sub {%1 the %2 Lady Death (%3} {%1 the %2 ass19 (Lady Death) (%3} #sub {%1 the %2 Deathmaster (%3} {%1 the %2 ass19 (Deathmaster) (%3}
#unsubstitute <pattern> Removes all substitutes and gags matching <pattern>.
#antisubstitute <pattern> Inhibits substitutions and gags on any lines containing <pattern>. Examples: #antisub {Rank: Lord (male)} #sub {%1 Lord (%2} {%1 civ16 (Lord) (%2} This way, immortal title "Lord" won't be confused with civilian 16 title "Lord".
#unantisubstitute <pattern> Removes all antisubs matching <pattern>.
#highlight Lists all highlights. #highlight list Shows all available color names. #highlight <color> <pattern> From now, all occurrences of <pattern> will be colored <color>. <pattern> can contain * as wildcards (not %n as it was the case with substitutes). Highlight is the only KBtin command which ignores color codes in the input text. This means, you can highlight "leaves-covered" by typing "#hi <color> leaves-covered". You can use standard KBtin color-codes (without the ~s), or english color names (type "#highlight list" to get the list). Highlights which start or end inside a word will be ignored, that is, "ash" inside "Bashgeroy" will not be highlighted. Words consist of alphanumeric characters (letters and digits). Color patterns are allowed as well; separate colors in your pattern with '/'s. For example, using 4/6 as the highlight color will make your text look like this. Examples: #hi 10 {A young lad trudges off to war} #hi 10 {A worried merchant flees off to safety} #foreach {$SoU} #hi 4 #hi 13:2 {* swiches targets..} #hi 13:2 {* is enveloped by * as * tries to pass through the shimmering wall.}
#unhighlight <pattern> You got it, this command removes all highlights matching <pattern>.
#presub [<boolean>] This toggle decides whether actions and promptactions should be performed on the raw text which came from the MUD, or after all substitutes/gags have been done.
#gag <pattern> Completely hides any line containing <pattern> from your view. If #presub is not on, any matching actions will still be done. Examples: #gag {Do: starting commands.} #gag {Do: commands completed.} #gag {Rauko tells you:}
#ungag <pattern> Removes all gags matching <pattern>.
#togglesub [<boolean>] Toggles whether substitutions/gags/highlights should be done at all.
#dosubstitutes <dest.var> <text> Does all substitutes on <text> just as if it was text which came from the MUD, and stores the result into <dest.var>. Note: It may be tempting to use this command to do some text-processing -- but that's a bad idea because that would clutter up the substitutions used for processing incoming text. Use this command only for text which will end up displayed by #showme, #status or the like.
#dohighlights <dest.var> <text> Passes the <text> through highlights as if came from the MUD, then stores the result into <dest.var>. As a side effect, unneeded color codes from <text> will be removed, retaining the same visual effect. Example: ~3~bl~7~~2~ah -> ~3~bl~2~ah
#change <text> Replaces the current line of text from the MUD by <text>. Think of it as an one-time #substitution. This command makes any sense only inside an action or promptaction. Note: the current implementation doesn't obey #presub, and all following actions will use the new text instead of old one.
#gagthis Prevents the current line from being shown -- just an one-time #gag. Can be used only inside an action or promptaction.
#bell Beeps.
#bind [<pattern>] Lists all binds or those matching <pattern>. #bind <keycode> <command> Binds the key whose code is <keycode> to <command>. If you are not sure about the keycode (they can differ across various systems, too), press the key in question. For binding the arrow keys, read the help for #keypad first. Examples: #bind F1 {k galdor} #bind F2 {#loop 1,$nhorses {mount horse $0};spur;k elven scout} #bind F3 {whoa;dismount horse;#loop 1,$nhorses {get all from corpse into panniers $0}} #bind ^L {ed $cwf;1,10000d;i;#text $cwf;I;x;update}
#unbind <pattern> Unbinds all keys matching <pattern>. For all you quakers out here, the command to nuke all keybindings is "#unbind *", not "#unbindall" :P
#keypad [<boolean>] Switches the keypad (rightmost part of keyboard) between the standard mode (where it works as either arrow keys or numbers, depending on NumLock state) and the alternate mode, where it can be used for keybindings. You will prefer the alternate mode if you enjoy walking using the keypad keys. NOTE: The support for this command is broken on some terminals which don't implement vt100 codes properly. Ones that do work correctly include the Linux console, PuTTY, aterm and recent versions of rxvt; some others (like xterm) can be coerced with some xmodmap tinkering (see the KEYPAD file). Example: #keypad on #bind Kpad7 nw #bind Kpad8 n #bind Kpad9 ne #bind Kpad4 w #bind Kpad5 out #bind Kpad6 e #bind Kpad1 sw #bind Kpad2 s #bind Kpad3 se #bind KpadMinus u #bind KpadPlus d
#retain [<boolean>] (toggle) Causes the input box to keep the last line typed, zMud style.
#blank [<boolean>] Toggles whether blank lines incoming from the MUD should be displayed or not.
#condump <filename> Dumps all your scrollback buffer into file <filename>. The dumped log will contain ANSI color codes, you will probably want to pipe it through the ansi2txt utility (bundled with KBtin) to get plain text log, or through ansi2html to get a nice log to put on your web page. Note: the text dumped is not the real log, but only the text you have in your scrollback. This means, all your gags, substitutions, #showmes and the like will take effect on the log. Use #log if you want exactly the text you received from the MUD. You can use all the modifiers available in #log.
#deathlog <filename> <line of text> Appends a single line of text to <filename>. Example: #action {You killed %1.} {#deathlog kills {$1}}
#log <filename> Turns logging on. #log Disables logging. The log produced by this command is exactly what came from the MUD to you. No gags, no subsitutions, no spam generated by TinTin. The log includes even the ANSI color codes -- if you want a plain-text log, pipe it through ansi2txt, ansi2html or similar. If the <filename> ends in ".gz", ".bz2", ".xz" or ".zst", the log will get compressed on the fly, as long as you have gzip, bzip2, xz, or zstd installed. You may prefix <filename> with one of the following symbols: > just write (no-op except that it disallows compression) >> appends to the file | opens a pipe None of the above symbols will heed ".gz" or ".bz2".
#logtype <type> Sets the logging mode to <type>. Valid modes are: * raw Everything as-is. * lf ANSI with cr/lfs converted to lfs [default]. * ttyrec ANSI with timing information, in a format compatible with ttyrec(1). You can change the logtype at any moment -- however, changing it in the middle of a log is usually a bad idea. You can convert the log post-factum using `ttyrec2ansi`, `ansi2txt` or `ansi2html`, bundled with KBtin.
#logcharset Prints the currently set log charset. #logcharset local Makes KBtin log using currently set locale [recommended]. #logcharset remote Makes KBtin log as received, without any conversion. #logcharset <charset> Forces the logging charset to a given value.
#logcomment <text> Puts a line of <text> into the log at the current position. Useful for timestamping, automatically writing some comments, etc. Example: #ctime NOW;#logcomment {==== Time mark: $NOW ====}
#loginputprefix <prefix> <suffix> Braces every line of keyboard input with <prefix> and <suffix>. This allows telling them apart from the MUD's output. Example: #loginputformat « »
#read <filename> Reads in a file, as if you typed in its contents. The text gets then processed by TinTin, so you can use this command to read in your config files containing aliases, actions, etc. If you prefer to get your file sent directly to the MUD, use #textin instead. The first character in file, if it is a valid tintin-char, it becomes one. That is, a #char command is implied. This is done only once. You can split long lines -- any line that begins with whitespace is assumed to be the continuation of the last line -- as long as the result is no longer than 1024 characters. Example: #alias abc { #showme {First few squares:}; #loop 1,5 { #math sqr {$0*$0}; #prepad sqr 2 {$sqr}; #showme { $0: $sqr} } }
#verbose [<boolean>] Toggles whether #read should hide the loading process. Equivalent to -v specified from command line at startup.
#textin <filename> Reads in a file, passing it verbatim to the MUD. No variable substitutions, alias parsing, not even color-code substitution is done. This command is useful to prevent TinTin from garbling your descriptions, mails, etc you painstakingly formatted. For reading a bunch of TinTin commands, use #read instead.
#unlink <filename> Deletes a file. This command cannot be abbreviated, you have to type its whole name. The command does the same work as "#sys rm -f <filename>", however it doesn't support wildcards (which can be good).
#write <filename> Writes all your current TinTin aliases, actions, substitutes, antisubs, gags, variables, pathdirs, routes and binds to a file. Use this command to save your config as one file.
#writesession <filename> Writes all aliases, actions, substitutions, antisubs, gags, variables, pathdirs, routes and binds you added since the current session have been started.
#ctime Prints the current time in human-readable form. #ctime <dest.var> Sets <dest.var> to the current time, in human-readable form. #ctime <dest.var> <time> Converts <time> given as seconds since 1970 to human-readable form and stores it into <dest.var>. Example: #ctime NOW -> NOW = "Mon Mar 26 01:08:29 2001"
#time Prints the current time as seconds since 1970. #time <dest.var> Sets <dest.var> to the number of seconds elapsed since 1970. #time <dest.var> <time> Parses the string <time> and converts it to seconds. Allowed formats are: * "345" (assumed to be given in seconds) * "1y 245d 15h 30m 4s" * "11 hours, 59 minutes and 45 seconds" Examples: #time now #action {The armoury will reset in %1.} { #time armreset $1; #time now; #math tmp {$armreset-$now-1800}; #delay $tmp {#showme Armoury reset in 30 minutes!} }
#localtime Prints the current time as an array, in order: second, minute, hour, day, month, year, day-of-week, day-of-year, DST The order is cumbersome, but it's the same as C's and Perl's version. The year is specified in full, though, instead of being 100+something. #localtime <dest.var> Stores the above into a variable. #ctime <dest.var> <time> Converts <time> as in #time into parsable form as in the above. Example: #localtime NOW -> NOW = "54 58 20 16 08 2007 0 258 1"
See #localtime. The difference between the two is left to guess to the reader as an exercise.
#timecommand {} {} <command> Prints the time it took to perform a command. #timecommand <sec> <usec> <command> Measures the time it took to perform a command, it is $sec seconds and $usec microseconds.
#delay #event Shows all pending timed events. #delay <time> <command> #event <time> <command> Adds a timed event to be executed after <time>. The <time> must be non-negative; using <time> of 0 is an useful idiom that allows avoiding doing something in the middle of recursion, or doing long work without risk of starving other activity. Example: #action {~7~%1 starts casting fireball at you} {#delay 4 {counter $1}}
#remove <pattern> #unevent <pattern> #undelay <pattern> Kills all timed events whose command (not delay!) matches <pattern>. Example: #action {~7~%1 leaves } {#unevent {counter $1}}
#findevents <result> #findevents <result> <pattern> Finds all timed events whose command (not delay!) matches <pattern> (or all if no <pattern> is specified, and stores a list of them with their time left as braced pairs. Sample result: {0.3 hop} {1.5 fart} {4 {kill orc}}
#tick Shows time until next tick.
#tickon [<offset>]
#tickon Turns the TinTin's ticker on. If the <offset> is given, current elapsed time is set to that value; otherwise, the previous clock is re-enabled as if it has never been turned off, if any -- or offset of 0 is assumed. At 10 (customizable by #pretick) seconds to tick, you will receive a message "#10 SECONDS TO TICK!!!", and when the tick actually happens, the message is "#TICK!!!". These messages are for commands (except log) same as if they came from the MUD -- this means, you can #action them, #gag, etc.
#tickoff Disables TinTin's ticker.
#ticksize <time> Sets the tick size to <time> seconds. Use #tickon to turn the ticker on, and "#action {#TICK!!!}" to actually do something on ticks.
#pretick <time> Changes the pre-tick delay to <time>. A <time> of 3 will cause the line "#3 SECONDS TO TICK!!!" appear three seconds before each tick. Use a value of 0 to disable the pre-tick messages completely. The "#%1 SECONDS TO TICK!!!" and "TICK!!!" are the only text generated by KBtin that can be #ACTIONed or #GAGged. #pretick Toggles between no pre-tick at all and a pre-tick of the value 10. This command had been added only for mainstream tintin++ compatibility, and is depreciated -- it's better to say "#pretick 10" explicitly.
#end Exits TinTin. Note: if any sessions are still active, they will be #zap-ped first. On mosts systems, the INTR key (usually ^C) will have similar effect.
#session Lists all active sessions, marking whether they're active, snooped or logged. #session <name> <host> <port> Starts a new session <name> by starting a TCP-IP connection to <host> on <port>. It's same as "#run <name> telnet <host> <port>" save for telnet's ugly way of handling local echo. Note: the <name> is required. Example: #ses t2t t2tmud.org 9999
#sslsession Lists all active sessions, as in #session (also non-SSL ones). #sslsession <name> <host> <port> Starts a new encrypted session, connecting over SSL to TCP <port> on <host>. The server's certificate will be retained, and compared during subsequent connections. Example: #sslses t2t t2tmud.org 443
#run Lists all active sessions, marking whether they're active, snooped or logged. #run <name> <command> Starts a local <command> and handles if it was a remote MUD connection. A new pseudo-terminal is allocated to allow you to use programs which don't like to have their input/output redirected, like ssh. Note: the <name> is required. Examples: #run a bash #run sql sqlplus #run adventure /usr/games/advent #run t2t ssh charybda.icm.edu.pl;telnet t2tmud.org 9999
#zap Kills the current session. If there is none, exit TinTin. Note: this command won't issue the 'quit', 'rent' or any similar command to the MUD. Your connection will be simply terminated, which puts your character in linkdead state. This command can not be used from most #hooks -- use '#delay 0 #zap' instead. Example: #action {Without warning, %1 stabs you from behind!} {:has no guts.;#zap}
#suspend Suspends TinTin (just like ^Z on mosts systems does). Type 'fg' to return.
#system <command> Executes <command> using /bin/sh. The command is executed synchronously, this means TinTin is suspended during the execution of your command. The command's input is /dev/null, while the output is piped to TinTin -- because of this, running full-screen programs using #system is not a good idea. Use #shell for that.
#shell <command> Executes <command> using /bin/sh. This command is the alternative to #system with support for full-screen programs. Unfortunately, for non-interactive line based ones the output is lost, as it will be overwritten as soon as the program returns.
#firstlower <dest.var> <text> Converts the first character of <text> to lowercase, then stores the whole string into <dest.var>. Examples: #firstl result MEOW -> result = "mEOW"
#firstupper <dest.var> <text> Capitalizes the first character of <text>, then stores the string into <dest.var>. Examples: #firstu result wAreZ D00d -> result = "WAreZ D00d"
#tolower <dest.var> <text> Converts <text> to lowercase and stores it into <dest.var>. Example: #action {You attack %1.} {#tolower victim {$1}}
#toupper <dest.var> <text> Converts <text> into ALL UPPERCASE and stores it into <dest.var>.
#substr <dest.var> <l>[,<r>] <text> Cuts characters <l>..<r> from <text> and stores them into <dest.var>. Examples: #substr result 3 abcde -> result = "c" #substr result 2,3 abcde -> result = "bc" #substr result 4,1000 abcde -> result = "de"
#prepad <dest.var> <n> <text> Stuffs <text> into a <n>-character wide field, prefixing it with spaces if necessary. The text is truncated if it's longer that <n>. The result of padding/truncating is then stored into <dest.var>. Examples: #prepad result 10 {Joe} -> result = " Joe" #prepad result 10 {a very long name} -> result = "a very lon"
#postpad <dest.var> <n> <text> Stores <n> first characters of <text> into <dest.var>, adding spaces after the end of <text> until it's <n> character long. Examples: #postpad result 10 {Joe} -> result = "Joe " #postpad result 10 {a very long name} -> result = "a very lon"
#reverse <dest.var> <text> Stores the <text> into <dest.var> backwards. Example: #rev result abcde -> result = "edcba"
#strlen <dest.var> <text> Stores the length of <text> into <dest.var>. inline #strlen <text> Evaluates to the length of <text>.
#decolorize <dest.var> <text> Removes all the KBtin color codes from <text>. Example: #decolorize res {a ~2~le~10~av~6~es~2~-c~10~ov~6~er~2~ed~10~ h~6~el~2~me~10~t} -> res = "a leaves-covered helmet"
#atoi <dest.var> <text> Converts the initial part of <text> to a number, ignoring the rest. Examples: #atoi res {42a} -> res = "42" #atoi res {blah} -> res = ""
#chr <dest.var> <codes> Converts one or more Unicode <codes> into the equivalent string. The codes can be given in the following formats: * 100 * 0x64 * U+0064 Certain control codes (13 = line feed, 8 = backspace, 27 = escape) can confuse KBtin and/or produce visual artifacts; they are allowed nevertheless. Example: #chr res 98 0x6c 97 U+0068 -> res = "blah"
#ord <dest.var> <string> Converts a given <string> into the equivalent array of decimal Unicode codes. Example: #ord res blah -> res = "98 108 97 104"
#hexord <dest.var> <string> Converts a given <string> into the equivalent array of hex Unicode codes. Example: #hexord res blah -> res = "U+0062 U+006C U+0061 U+0068"
#trim <dest.var> <string> Removes initial and final whitespace from the <string>.
#help Shows you the help index. #help <command> Gives you help on <command>.
#info Gives you some statistics about your config.
#messages Shows you what kinds of messages are shown and what don't. #messages <type> [<boolean>] Toggles displaying messages about <type>. Types of messages supported by this command: * aliases * actions * substitutes * events (#delay-ed commands) * highlights * variables * routes * gotos * binds * #system * errors * hooks * logging * all - all of the above
Gives you an idea about latest KBtin improvements.
Shows the version number.
#<n> <command> Repeats <command> <n> times. Example: #1000 shout I am a dumb spammer!
#if <expr> <command> [#elif <expr2> <command2>[...]] [#else <command3>] Calculates expression <expr>, if it evaluates to a non-zero value executes <command>. If <expr> is zero, next #elif clause is evaluated (if present). Multiple #elif clauses can be used. If all expressions evaluate to 0, the command after #else is executed. Note: if an expression contains spaces, it has to be enclosed in curly braces ('{' and '}'), even if it is already enclosed in square braces as in string comparison, see below. Examples: #action {The attack breaks your concentration} {#if {$autofire} cast fireball} #if $hp*4<$maxhp {#var hpcolor ~4~} #elif $hp*2<$maxhp {#var hpcolor ~6~} #elif $hp*4>$maxhp*3 {#var hpcolor ~14~} #elif $hp<$maxhp {#var hpcolor ~10~} #else {#var hpcolor ~15~} #act {~7~%1 invited you to join h} {#if {#find $1 {$SoU $CoU}} {party join $1}} Comparing strings: To compare values as strings, you have to enclose the comparison in square braces ('[' and ']'). Valid string comparison operators are: * == equals * != not equals * =~ matches with '*' wildcards * !~ not matches with '*'s Examples: #action {~12~%1 tells you} {#if [$1!=Rauko] tell $1 bugger off, fool} #action {~7~%1 is bleeding} {#if {[$1=Elven *]} kill}
#loop <a>,<b> <command> For all numbers from <a> to <b>, executes <command>. During the execution, the current loop index can be accessed as $0 (for the same reason, positional parameter $0 is lost). If <a> is greater than <b>, the loop iterates with a step of -1. Example: #loop 1,$nhorses {get all from corpse into panniers $0} invis players;#loop 1,10 {^:$0: there is more than one of me!}
#match <act. pattern> <line> <command> [#elif/#else ...] If <act. pattern> can be found in the <line>, <command> is executed. Both <act. pattern> and <command> can contain positional variables %0..%9, which will be filled according to the text in <line> which matched a given variable in <act. pattern>. It is usually safer to use $0..$9 instead of %0..%9 as $ removes all semicolons from the variables. In case of no match, the #elif/#else part is executed. inline #match <act. pattern> <line> Evaluates to 1 if <act. pattern> matches <line>, to 0 otherwise. Examples: #match {Elven %0} {$Victim} {#showme {Next elven scum to die: $0}} #action {~11~%1(%2)} {#match {%1 and %2} {$2} {#explode exits {, } {$1, $2}} #else {#var exits $2}} } Note: to use positional variables from outside #match (for example, if #match is a part of an alias or action), you have to use multiple $$s. Example: #alias a {#match {[%1]} {$0} {#showme $$1 $1}} #alias a {#match {[%1]} {$0} {#showme {$1 $$1 $$$1}}} #alias a {#match {[%1]} {$0} {#showme {{$1 $$1 $$$1 $$$$1}}}} Green variables will use the values from #match, red ones -- from #alias.
#grep <regexp> <line> <command> [#elif/#else ...] inline #grep <regexp> <line> Does a regexp match on <line>, then executes <command> if the match succeeded, or the #elif/#else clause in case of failure. The regular expression follows the extended syntax (used by egrep), that is, you can use '+' and group subexpressions using '(' and ')'. If there are any subexpressions, they will be assigned to subsequent positional variables, starting with 1. That is, $1 will be the first matched subexpression, like in Perl, sed and the like. $0 will be assigned the whole part of the line that matched the regexp. Example: #grep {abc(.)def(.+)ghijk} {__h_abc1def12345ghijkl} {#showme {[$0] [$1] [$2]}} $0 = "abc1def12345ghi" $1 = "1" $2 = "12345"
#strcmp <string1> <string2> <command> [#elif/#else ...] #ifstrequal <string1> <string2> <command> [#elif/#else ...] If <string1> is equal to <string2>, execute <command>, otherwise do the elif/else clause(s). It's a way to avoid the limitations of #if [a==b], as the only character that can damage things is '}'. inline #strcmp <string1> <string2> Evaluates to 1 if <string1>=<string2>, to 0 otherwise. Example: #math score {$score+(#strcmp {$left} {$right})+($strcmp {$up} {$down})}
#ifexists <var> <command> [#elif/#else ...] If a variable named <var> is defined, execute <command>.
#goto <a> <b> a>b Travel from location <a> to <b> using the paths defined using #route commands. If more than one way is possible between <a> and <b>, the shortest one will be chosen. At the end, the "loc" variable will be set to <b>. >b Travel from location stored in $loc to <b>. Examples: #goto rh mt rh>mt It is not necessary to give routes every each pair of locations, as TinTin is capable of combining the paths for you. For example, if you defined the following paths: #route a b {alias1} 5 #route b c {alias2} 10 #route a d {alias3} 3 #route d c {alias4} 20 and then type "a>c", KBtin will combine alias1 and alias2, as the path a>b>c (length=15) is shorter than a>d>c (length=23).
#route [<a> [<b>]] Lists all routes, all routes going from <a>, or the route from <a> to <b>. Hint: if you want all the routes going to b, type "#route * b". You may also want to take a look at #dogoto, to check non-direct routes too. #route <a> <b> <commands> [<distance> [{condition}]] Teaches KBtin that to go from <a> to <b> you have to type <commands>. The <distance> is the relative length of these <commands> - usually it's just their length, but in some cases you may want to assign a higher values to routes where it is easy to be attacked, etc. If no distance is given, it defaults to 10. If no <condition> is specified, this means the route is always available. Examples: #ro li da {do 5n,2w,2n,30w,2n} 41 #ro da li {do 2s,30e,2s,2e,5s} 41 #ro we mo {do l inside well,2e,search walls,e,7s} 12 {[$prof!=minion]} #ro cg lo {do 3s,2sw,3s,e,2n,3e} 14 #ro lo cg {do 3w,2s,w,3n,2ne,3n} 14 {$align>0}
#unroute <pattern a> <pattern b> Kills all direct routes whose starting location matches <pattern a> and destination matches <pattern b>.
#dogoto <from> <to> <distvar> <locvar> <pathvar> [#else ...] Performs a #goto command, filling given variables instead of sending anything to the MUD. <distvar> becomes the length of the shortest path (sum of distances of all routes on the path), <locvar> becomes the list of locations visited (including both <from> and <to>), and <pathvar> becomes a list of commands which would be issued to the MUD. If any of these variables has a null name (that is, you used {}), it will be simply omitted. Hint: you may want to #implode pathvar {;} {$pathvar} to flatten the list. #dogoto <from> <to> Prints out the given path to the screen.
#killall Removes all aliases, substitutions, antisubs, actions, variables, routes, binds, highlights, etc.
#nop [<any text>] #remark [<any text>] Do nothing. Use these commands as comments.
#map <dir> Adds <dir> to the end of your current path, if there exists a pathdir for <dir>. If there is no such pathdir, nothing happens. Don't use this command to follow the way you go. This is already done as long as your movement commands are among your #pathdirs. Use it in case of following a leader, victim, etc. Example: #action {You follow your leader %1.} {#map $1} Note: TinTin auto-adds only simple commands line "n" or "nw" listed among pathdirs, and those commands executed as a part of a speedwalk or one of TinTin's compound commands. In-mud compound commands can vary, thus there is no way TinTin can know about commands like "do n,nw,3n" -- you have to add them yourself using #map. Hint: #explode and #expand can be your friends.
#mark Clears your current path, and marks the place you return to.
#path Shows your current path.
#unmap Removes last move from your path.
#pathdir <dir> <return> Tells TinTin to add <dir> to the end of your path every time you type that command. When you'll use the #return command, TinTin will use <return> to move you back. Examples: #pathdir n s #pathdir s n #pathdir w e #pathdir e w
#unpathdir <pattern> Deletes all pathdirs matching <pattern>.
#return Goes a step back through your path. #return all Returns all the way back, until most recent #mark. Also, the path remembered is limited to 256 (customizable) moves. #return <num> Goes <num> steps back.
#savepath <alias> Stores the current path as <alias>. This command is left only for compatibility, as the same functionality (and much more!) can be achieved by using the $PATH pseudovariable and list-oriented commands, for example: "#implode alias {;} {$PATH}".
#margins <left> <right> Highlights characters <left>..<right> on the input box, to make writing mails, etc easier. Use the command again to disable the highlight. Example: #margins 64 75
#status <text> Puts <text> on the status bar. #status Hides the status bar. Note: The <text> is treated as a static text, this means you have to use #status every time the data you are going to display on the status bar have been changed. Example: #status {HP:$hp EP:$ep Currently killing:$victim}
#math <dest.var> <expression> Calculates the value of <expression> and stores the result into <dest.var>. Fractional values are supported; small common divisors won't accumulate errors. Operators Function ------------------------------------------------ ! logical not * multiply / integer division // division % modulo + addition - subtraction > greater than >= greater than or equal < less than <= less than or equal = or == equals != not equal & or && boolean and | or || boolean or Examples: #math maxhp {40+$level*10 - ($level>19)*($level-19)*10} #action {You killed %1.} {#math frags $frags+1} #math statuslen {(#strlen $victim)+35}
#random <dest.var> <min>,<max> inline (#random <min>,<max>) Sets <dest.var> to a random number within range of <min>..<max>. Example: #random result 1,3 -> result = 1, 2 or 3
#variable [<pattern>] Lists all variables, or only those which match <pattern>. #variable <name> <value> Stores <value> into variable <name>. You can later use "$name" which means "value". An alternate syntax is "${name}", which allows more complex variable names. KBtin provides you with several pseudo-variables which can be queried using normal variable syntax, but don't show on the variables list. See #help pseudovars. Note: several commands like #alias, #action, #substitute and the like don't substitute any variables in arguments enclosed in curly braces. To override this behavior, use two dollar signs instead of one ($$var instead of $var), or to be more general: add one dollar sign for every level of braces. Example: #alias /hunt {#action {$Victim leaves %1} {$1}} This will cause you to follow the person whose name is specified in $Victim. If $Victim changes, you will start following another person. #alias /hunt {#action {$$Victim leaves %1} {$1}} This will follow the person whose name was the $Victim in the moment you typed '/hunt'. Any further changes to $Victim don't apply unless you type '/hunt' again. #alias /hunt {#action {$$$Victim leaves %1} {$1}} Typing '/hunt' causes you to follow the person whose name was $Victim in the moment of defining the /hunt alias.
KBtin supports a number of built-in variables. They won't show on the list given by #var, and defining a variable by that name will destroy their special properties (they can still be restored by #unvar). * TIMETOTICK - seconds (with fractions) till next tick * COLS, LINES - screen size * PATH - the current path * IDLETIME - time since last text has been sent to the MUD * SERVERIDLE - time since last text has been received * USERIDLE - time since last input from the user * SESSION - the current session * ASESSION - the foreground (active) session * SESSIONS - a list of all sessions defined * LOGFILE - the name of log file, or empty string if not logging * LINE, _ - (only in a #action or #promptaction): the current line of input * STARTTIME - time (incl. fractional seconds) of KBtin's start * TIME - time (incl. fractional seconds) past the Epoch * HOME - your Unix home dir (same as ~ in most shells) * RANDOM, _random - a random non-negative integer [0..2147483647] * LINENUM - number of current line of MUD input * secstotick - seconds till next tick * _clock - time in seconds past the Epoch (1970-01-01) * _msec - milliseconds since KBtin started * _time - time in integer seconds since KBtin started
#unvariable <pattern> Removes all variables whose name matches <pattern>. Example: #unvar tell*
#initvar <var> <value> If variable <var> doesn't exist, set it to <value>, do nothing otherwise. This is merely a convenience over: #ifexists <var> {#nop} #else #var <var> <value> Example: #init count 0
#findvar <result> [<pattern>] Stores into <result> the names of all variables whose names match <pattern>.
inline (#angle <x> <y>) This function calculates 360°-based angle that points towards coordinates <x>,<y>; both the angle and coordinates use the usual mathematical orientation -- that is, angle 0° goes to the east, 90° to the north; positive x coordinate goes eastwards, positive y northwards. If you want clock-like orientation and y going south, the formula to do so is: (450 - #angle x -y) % 360 Examples: #math a #angle 1 0 → 0 #math a #angle 1 1 → 45 #math a #angle 0 1 → 90
inline (#sin <a>) This function returns sinus of 360°-based angle <a>. Examples: #math a #sinus 90 → 1
inline (#cos <a>) This function returns cosinus of 360°-based angle <a>. Examples: #math a #cosinus 90 → 0
inline (#sqrt <x>) Calculates the square root of <x>.
inline (#abs <x>) Returns the absolute value of <x>.
inline (#round <x>) Returns the integer nearest to <x>, rounding halfway cases away from 0. N.B. to truncate towards 0, you can use integer division: x/1
#reverselist <dest.var> {list} Reverses the order of elements in {list}. Example #reversel result {foo {oh my} fi} -> result = "fi {oh my} foo"
Tab completion
Tab-completion is disabled in KBtin. The current usage of the Tab key is more convenient in my opinion. If you disagree, lemme know, we can think of a better solution.