########################################################################## # $Id$ ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # This was written and is maintained by: # William Roumier # # Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports, # etc, to logwatch-devel@lists.sourceforge.net ########################################################################## # This service analyzes the syslog entries for Windows # systems. It requires an utility to extract information # from the Windows eventlog, and forward it to a UNIX syslog # server. ########################################################################## # You can put comments anywhere you want to. They are effective for the # rest of the line. # this is in the format of = . Whitespace at the beginning # and end of the lines is removed. Whitespace before and after the = sign # is removed. Everything is case *insensitive*. # Yes = True = On = 1 # No = False = Off = 0 Title = "windows" # Which logfile group... LogFile = windows