########################################################################### # $Id$ ########################################################################### # You can put comments anywhere you want to. They are effective for the # rest of the line. # this is in the format of = . Whitespace at the beginning # and end of the lines is removed. Whitespace before and after the = sign # is removed. Everything is case *insensitive*. # Yes = True = On = 1 # No = False = Off = 0 Title = "lm_sensors output" # Which logfile group... LogFile = NONE # The following variables may be set. They are commented-out because these # are the same defaults in the zz-lm_sensors script # $pathto_sensors = '/usr/bin/sensors'; # $query_hddtemp = '/usr/bin/nc 7634'; # $get_kvm_status = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -c "QEMU Virtual CPU" ######################################################## # Please send all comments, suggestions, bug reports, # etc, to logwatch-devel@lists.sourceforge.net. ######################################################## # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 et