// This file is part of OpenCV project. // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html #include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" #include #include #include using namespace cv; static double getError2EpipLines (const Mat &F, const Mat &pts1, const Mat &pts2, const Mat &mask) { Mat points1, points2; vconcat(pts1, Mat::ones(1, pts1.cols, pts1.type()), points1); vconcat(pts2, Mat::ones(1, pts2.cols, pts2.type()), points2); double mean_error = 0; for (int pt = 0; pt < (int) mask.total(); pt++) if (mask.at(pt)) { const Mat l2 = F * points1.col(pt); const Mat l1 = F.t() * points2.col(pt); mean_error += (fabs(points1.col(pt).dot(l1)) / sqrt(pow(l1.at(0), 2) + pow(l1.at(1), 2)) + fabs(points2.col(pt).dot(l2) / sqrt(pow(l2.at(0), 2) + pow(l2.at(1), 2)))) / 2; } return mean_error / mask.total(); } static int sgn(double val) { return (0 < val) - (val < 0); } /* * @points3d - vector of Point3 or Mat of size Nx3 * @planes - vector of found planes * @labels - vector of size point3d. Every point which has non-zero label is classified to this plane. */ static void getPlanes (InputArray points3d_, std::vector &labels, std::vector &planes, int desired_num_planes, double thr_, double conf_, int max_iters_) { Mat points3d = points3d_.getMat(); points3d.convertTo(points3d, CV_64F); // convert points to have double precision if (points3d_.isVector()) points3d = Mat((int)points3d.total(), 3, CV_64F, points3d.data); else { if (points3d.type() != CV_64F) points3d = points3d.reshape(1, (int)points3d.total()); // convert point to have 1 channel if (points3d.rows < points3d.cols) transpose(points3d, points3d); // transpose so points will be in rows CV_CheckEQ(points3d.cols, 3, "Invalid dimension of point"); } /* * 3D plane fitting with RANSAC * @best_model contains coefficients [a b c d] s.t. ax + by + cz = d * */ auto plane_ransac = [] (const Mat &pts, double thr, double conf, int max_iters, Vec4d &best_model, std::vector &inliers) { const int pts_size = pts.rows, max_lo_inliers = 15, max_lo_iters = 10; int best_inls = 0; if (pts_size < 3) return false; RNG rng; const auto * const points = (double *) pts.data; std::vector min_sample(3); inliers = std::vector(pts_size); const double log_conf = log(1-conf); Vec4d model, lo_model; std::vector random_pool (pts_size); for (int p = 0; p < pts_size; p++) random_pool[p] = p; // estimate plane coefficients using covariance matrix auto estimate = [&] (const std::vector &sample, Vec4d &model_) { // https://www.ilikebigbits.com/2017_09_25_plane_from_points_2.html const int n = static_cast(sample.size()); if (n < 3) return false; double sum_x = 0, sum_y = 0, sum_z = 0; for (int s : sample) { sum_x += points[3*s ]; sum_y += points[3*s+1]; sum_z += points[3*s+2]; } const double c_x = sum_x / n, c_y = sum_y / n, c_z = sum_z / n; double xx = 0, yy = 0, zz = 0, xy = 0, xz = 0, yz = 0; for (int s : sample) { const double x_ = points[3*s] - c_x, y_ = points[3*s+1] - c_y, z_ = points[3*s+2] - c_z; xx += x_*x_; yy += y_*y_; zz += z_*z_; xy += x_*y_; yz += y_*z_; xz += x_*z_; } xx /= n; yy /= n; zz /= n; xy /= n; yz /= n; xz /= n; Vec3d weighted_normal(0,0,0); const double det_x = yy*zz - yz*yz, det_y = xx*zz - xz*xz, det_z = xx*yy - xy*xy; Vec3d axis_x (det_x, xz*xz-xy*zz, xy*yz-xz*yy); Vec3d axis_y (xz*yz-xy*zz, det_y, xy*xz-yz*xx); Vec3d axis_z (xy*yz-xz*yy, xy*xz-yz*xx, det_z); weighted_normal += axis_x * det_x * det_x; weighted_normal += sgn(weighted_normal.dot(axis_y)) * axis_y * det_y * det_y; weighted_normal += sgn(weighted_normal.dot(axis_z)) * axis_z * det_z * det_z; weighted_normal /= norm(weighted_normal); if (std::isinf(weighted_normal(0)) || std::isinf(weighted_normal(1)) || std::isinf(weighted_normal(2))) return false; // find plane model from normal and centroid model_ = Vec4d(weighted_normal(0), weighted_normal(1), weighted_normal(2), weighted_normal.dot(Vec3d(c_x, c_y, c_z))); return true; }; // calculate number of inliers auto getInliers = [&] (const Vec4d &model_) { const double a = model_(0), b = model_(1), c = model_(2), d = model_(3); int num_inliers = 0; std::fill(inliers.begin(), inliers.end(), false); for (int p = 0; p < pts_size; p++) { inliers[p] = fabs(a * points[3*p] + b * points[3*p+1] + c * points[3*p+2] - d) < thr; if (inliers[p]) num_inliers++; if (num_inliers + pts_size - p < best_inls) break; } return num_inliers; }; // main RANSAC loop for (int iters = 0; iters < max_iters; iters++) { // find minimal sample: 3 points min_sample[0] = rng.uniform(0, pts_size); min_sample[1] = rng.uniform(0, pts_size); min_sample[2] = rng.uniform(0, pts_size); if (! estimate(min_sample, model)) continue; int num_inliers = getInliers(model); if (num_inliers > best_inls) { // store so-far-the-best std::vector best_inliers = inliers; // do Local Optimization for (int lo_iter = 0; lo_iter < max_lo_iters; lo_iter++) { std::vector inliers_idx; inliers_idx.reserve(max_lo_inliers); randShuffle(random_pool); for (int p : random_pool) { if (best_inliers[p]) { inliers_idx.emplace_back(p); if ((int)inliers_idx.size() >= max_lo_inliers) break; } } if (! estimate(inliers_idx, lo_model)) continue; int lo_inls = getInliers(lo_model); if (best_inls < lo_inls) { best_model = lo_model; best_inls = lo_inls; best_inliers = inliers; } } if (best_inls < num_inliers) { best_model = model; best_inls = num_inliers; } // update max iters // because points are quite noisy we need more iterations const double max_hyp = 3 * log_conf / log(1 - pow(double(best_inls) / pts_size, 3)); if (! std::isinf(max_hyp) && max_hyp < max_iters) max_iters = static_cast(max_hyp); } } getInliers(best_model); return best_inls != 0; }; labels = std::vector(points3d.rows, 0); Mat pts3d_plane_fit = points3d.clone(); // keep array of indices of points corresponding to original points3d std::vector to_orig_pts_arr(pts3d_plane_fit.rows); for (int i = 0; i < (int) to_orig_pts_arr.size(); i++) to_orig_pts_arr[i] = i; for (int num_planes = 1; num_planes <= desired_num_planes; num_planes++) { Vec4d model; std::vector inl; if (!plane_ransac(pts3d_plane_fit, thr_, conf_, max_iters_, model, inl)) break; planes.emplace_back(model); const int pts3d_size = pts3d_plane_fit.rows; pts3d_plane_fit = Mat(); pts3d_plane_fit.reserve(points3d.rows); int cnt = 0; for (int p = 0; p < pts3d_size; p++) { if (! inl[p]) { // if point is not inlier to found plane - add it to next run to_orig_pts_arr[cnt] = to_orig_pts_arr[p]; pts3d_plane_fit.push_back(points3d.row(to_orig_pts_arr[cnt])); cnt++; } else labels[to_orig_pts_arr[p]] = num_planes; // otherwise label this point } } } int main(int args, char** argv) { std::string data_file, image_dir; if (args < 3) { CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Path to data file and directory to image files are missing!\nData file must have" " format:\n--------------\n image_name_1\nimage_name_2\nk11 k12 k13\n0 k22 k23\n" "0 0 1\n--------------\nIf image_name_{1,2} are not in the same directory as " "the data file then add argument with directory to image files.\nFor example: " "./essential_mat_reconstr essential_mat_data.txt ./"); } else { data_file = argv[1]; image_dir = argv[2]; } std::ifstream file(data_file, std::ios_base::in); CV_CheckEQ((int)file.is_open(), 1, "Data file is not found!"); std::string filename1, filename2; std::getline(file, filename1); std::getline(file, filename2); Mat image1 = imread(image_dir+filename1); Mat image2 = imread(image_dir+filename2); CV_CheckEQ((int)image1.empty(), 0, "Image 1 is not found!"); CV_CheckEQ((int)image2.empty(), 0, "Image 2 is not found!"); // read calibration Matx33d K; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) file >> K(i,j); file.close(); Mat descriptors1, descriptors2; std::vector keypoints1, keypoints2; // detect points with SIFT Ptr detector = SIFT::create(); detector->detect(image1, keypoints1); detector->detect(image2, keypoints2); detector->compute(image1, keypoints1, descriptors1); detector->compute(image2, keypoints2, descriptors2); FlannBasedMatcher matcher(makePtr(5), makePtr(32)); // get k=2 best match that we can apply ratio test explained by D.Lowe std::vector> matches_vector; matcher.knnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches_vector, 2); // filter keypoints with Lowe ratio test std::vector pts1, pts2; pts1.reserve(matches_vector.size()); pts2.reserve(matches_vector.size()); for (const auto &m : matches_vector) { // compare best and second match using Lowe ratio test if (m[0].distance / m[1].distance < 0.75) { pts1.emplace_back(keypoints1[m[0].queryIdx].pt); pts2.emplace_back(keypoints2[m[0].trainIdx].pt); } } Mat inliers; const int pts_size = (int) pts1.size(); const auto begin_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // fine essential matrix const Mat E = findEssentialMat(pts1, pts2, Mat(K), RANSAC, 0.99, 1.0, inliers); std::cout << "RANSAC essential matrix time " << std::chrono::duration_cast (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - begin_time).count() << "mcs.\nNumber of inliers " << countNonZero(inliers) << "\n"; Mat points1 = Mat((int)pts1.size(), 2, CV_64F, pts1.data()); Mat points2 = Mat((int)pts2.size(), 2, CV_64F, pts2.data()); points1 = points1.t(); points2 = points2.t(); std::cout << "Mean error to epipolar lines " << getError2EpipLines(K.inv().t() * E * K.inv(), points1, points2, inliers) << "\n"; // decompose essential into rotation and translation Mat R1, R2, t; decomposeEssentialMat(E, R1, R2, t); // Create two relative pose // P1 = K [ I | 0 ] // P2 = K [R{1,2} | {+-}t] Mat P1; hconcat(K, Vec3d::zeros(), P1); std::vector P2s(4); hconcat(K * R1, K * t, P2s[0]); hconcat(K * R1, -K * t, P2s[1]); hconcat(K * R2, K * t, P2s[2]); hconcat(K * R2, -K * t, P2s[3]); // find objects point by enumerating over 4 different projection matrices of second camera // vector to keep object points std::vector> obj_pts_per_cam(4); // vector to keep indices of image points corresponding to object points std::vector> img_idxs_per_cam(4); int cam_idx = 0, best_cam_idx = 0, max_obj_pts = 0; for (const auto &P2 : P2s) { obj_pts_per_cam[cam_idx].reserve(pts_size); img_idxs_per_cam[cam_idx].reserve(pts_size); for (int i = 0; i < pts_size; i++) { // process only inliers if (! inliers.at(i)) continue; Vec4d obj_pt; // find object point using triangulation triangulatePoints(P1, P2, points1.col(i), points2.col(i), obj_pt); obj_pt /= obj_pt(3); // normalize 4d point if (obj_pt(2) > 0) { // check if projected point has positive depth obj_pts_per_cam[cam_idx].emplace_back(Vec3d(obj_pt(0), obj_pt(1), obj_pt(2))); img_idxs_per_cam[cam_idx].emplace_back(i); } } if (max_obj_pts < (int) obj_pts_per_cam[cam_idx].size()) { max_obj_pts = (int) obj_pts_per_cam[cam_idx].size(); best_cam_idx = cam_idx; } cam_idx++; } std::cout << "Number of object points " << max_obj_pts << "\n"; const int circle_sz = 7; // draw image points that are inliers on two images std::vector labels; std::vector planes; getPlanes (obj_pts_per_cam[best_cam_idx], labels, planes, 4, 0.002, 0.99, 10000); const int num_found_planes = (int) planes.size(); RNG rng; std::vector plane_colors (num_found_planes); for (int pl = 0; pl < num_found_planes; pl++) plane_colors[pl] = Scalar (rng.uniform(0,256), rng.uniform(0,256), rng.uniform(0,256)); for (int obj_pt = 0; obj_pt < max_obj_pts; obj_pt++) { const int pt = img_idxs_per_cam[best_cam_idx][obj_pt]; if (labels[obj_pt] > 0) { // plot plane points circle (image1, pts1[pt], circle_sz, plane_colors[labels[obj_pt]-1], -1); circle (image2, pts2[pt], circle_sz, plane_colors[labels[obj_pt]-1], -1); } else { // plot inliers circle (image1, pts1[pt], circle_sz, Scalar(0,0,0), -1); circle (image2, pts2[pt], circle_sz, Scalar(0,0,0), -1); } } // concatenate two images hconcat(image1, image2, image1); const int new_img_size = 1200 * 800; // for example // resize with the same aspect ratio resize(image1, image1, Size((int)sqrt ((double) image1.cols * new_img_size / image1.rows), (int)sqrt ((double) image1.rows * new_img_size / image1.cols))); imshow("image 1-2", image1); imwrite("planes.png", image1); waitKey(0); }