#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/stitching.hpp" #include using namespace std; using namespace cv; bool divide_images = false; Stitcher::Mode mode = Stitcher::PANORAMA; vector imgs; string result_name = "result.jpg"; void printUsage(char** argv); int parseCmdArgs(int argc, char** argv); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int retval = parseCmdArgs(argc, argv); if (retval) return EXIT_FAILURE; //![stitching] Mat pano; Ptr stitcher = Stitcher::create(mode); Stitcher::Status status = stitcher->stitch(imgs, pano); if (status != Stitcher::OK) { cout << "Can't stitch images, error code = " << int(status) << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } //![stitching] imwrite(result_name, pano); cout << "stitching completed successfully\n" << result_name << " saved!"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void printUsage(char** argv) { cout << "Images stitcher.\n\n" << "Usage :\n" << argv[0] <<" [Flags] img1 img2 [...imgN]\n\n" "Flags:\n" " --d3\n" " internally creates three chunks of each image to increase stitching success\n" " --mode (panorama|scans)\n" " Determines configuration of stitcher. The default is 'panorama',\n" " mode suitable for creating photo panoramas. Option 'scans' is suitable\n" " for stitching materials under affine transformation, such as scans.\n" " --output \n" " The default is 'result.jpg'.\n\n" "Example usage :\n" << argv[0] << " --d3 --mode scans img1.jpg img2.jpg\n"; } int parseCmdArgs(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc == 1) { printUsage(argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (string(argv[i]) == "--help" || string(argv[i]) == "/?") { printUsage(argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--d3") { divide_images = true; } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--output") { result_name = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (string(argv[i]) == "--mode") { if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "panorama") mode = Stitcher::PANORAMA; else if (string(argv[i + 1]) == "scans") mode = Stitcher::SCANS; else { cout << "Bad --mode flag value\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } i++; } else { Mat img = imread(samples::findFile(argv[i])); if (img.empty()) { cout << "Can't read image '" << argv[i] << "'\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (divide_images) { Rect rect(0, 0, img.cols / 2, img.rows); imgs.push_back(img(rect).clone()); rect.x = img.cols / 3; imgs.push_back(img(rect).clone()); rect.x = img.cols / 2; imgs.push_back(img(rect).clone()); } else imgs.push_back(img); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }