RRDRESTORE(1) rrdtool RRDRESTORE(1) NNAAMMEE rrdrestore - Restore the contents of an RRD from its XML dump format SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS rrrrddttooooll rreessttoorree _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e_._x_m_l _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e_._r_r_d [----rraannggee--cchheecckk|--rr] [----ffoorrccee--oovveerrwwrriittee|--ff] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The rreessttoorree function reads the XML representation of an RRD and converts it to the native RRRRDD format. _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e_._x_m_l The name of the XXMMLL file you want to restore. The special filename "-" (a single dash) is interpreted as standard input. In order to support the restore command in pipe mode (especially when using RRRRDDttooooll over a network connection), when using "-" as a filename the end of the file can be signaled either by closing the data channel after the file has transferred (as would be the case when using input redirection within a suitable shell) or by sending a crtl-Z / newline combination. This allows one to send more commands to the RRRRDDttooooll server after a restore. _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e_._r_r_d The name of the RRRRDD to restore. ----rraannggee--cchheecckk|--rr Make sure the values in the RRAs do not exceed the limits defined for the various data sources. ----ffoorrccee--oovveerrwwrriittee|--ff Allows RRRRDDttooooll to overwrite the destination RRRRDD. AAUUTTHHOORR Tobias Oetiker 1.8.0 2022-03-14 RRDRESTORE(1)