right arrow, space, return - go to the next page
pauses the script until the p key is pressed or the user quits the script using escape
The Simplest Script
In this barebones example, the lesson would go directly to the typing screen,
and display the words "hello world!" for the student to type.
<prac>hello world!</prac>
A More Complex Example
In this example, a few information screens are presented before the lesson,
including one that shows an image of a keyboard with the relevant keys showing.
after the lesson is complete, the user is shown a congratulatory message.
<script title="Test Lesson" bgcolor="#3f4f1f">
<page title="Introduction to Example Lesson">
<text align="center">The Lesson that follows is only an example</text>
<text align="center">lesson to help you to see how to write lessons.</text>
<text align="center">To start writing your own lessons, edit the file,</text>
<text align="center">"Lesson_1.xml" in your "TuxType/data/scripts"</text>
<text align="center">directory.</text>
<text align="center" y="300"> PRESS SPACE TO START THE LESSON!</text>
<page title="Home Row Keys" bgcolor="#3f7f3f">
<img src="/keyboard/keyboard-us.png" x="45" y="220"/>
<text align="center">In this exercise we practice the home row keys.</text>
<text align="center">asdfjkl;asdfjkl;asdfjkl;</text>
<text align="center">To start practicing hit the p key</text>
<text color="#000000" x="100" y="273">A</text>
<text color="#000000" x="130" y="273">S</text>
<text color="#000000" x="160" y="273">D</text>
<text color="#000000" x="190" y="273">F</text>
<text color="#000000" x="320" y="273">J</text>
<text color="#000000" x="350" y="273">K</text>
<text color="#000000" x="380" y="273">L</text>
<text color="#000000" x="410" y="273">;</text>
<prac goal="15">asdfjkl;asdfjkl;asdfjkl;</prac>
<img src="keyboard/space.png" x="200" y="160"/>
<img src="keyboard/larrow.png" x="460" y="18"/>
<img src="keyboard/esc.png" x="515" y="50"/>
<text align="center">Great Job!</text>
<text align="left"> To repeat the last exercise, press</text>
<text align="center">To go back to the main menu hit</text>
<text align="center">To continue on to the next exercise,</text>
<text align="center">press</text>
<text align="center">Space</text>
<text align="center">Next Exercise:</text>
<text align="center">lad lass dad sad fad gas had jag ask;</text>
<page title="Home Row Keys" bgcolor="#b07bc6">
<img src="/keyboard/keyboard-us.png" x="45" y="220"/>
<text align="center">In this exercise we practice the home row keys,</text>
<text align="center">but, a little bit differently!</text>
<text align="center">See how fast you are at this one!</text>
<text align="center">lad lass dad sad fad gas had jag ask;</text>
<text align="center">To start practicing hit the p key</text>
<text color="#000000" x="100" y="273">A</text>
<text color="#000000" x="130" y="273">S</text>
<text color="#000000" x="160" y="273">D</text>
<text color="#000000" x="190" y="273">F</text>
<text color="#000000" x="320" y="273">J</text>
<text color="#000000" x="350" y="273">K</text>
<text color="#000000" x="380" y="273">L</text>
<text color="#000000" x="410" y="273">;</text>
<prac>lad lass dad sad fad gas had jag ask; lad lass dad sad fad gas had jag ask;</prac>
<prac>lad lass dad sad fad gas had jag ask; lad lass dad sad fad gas had jag ask;</prac>
<prac>lad lass dad sad fad gas had jag ask; lad lass dad sad fad gas had jag ask;</prac>