///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: translations.h // Purpose: List of wxWidgets available translations // Author: wxWidgets team // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @page page_translations Translations to Other Languages @tableofcontents wxWidgets uses a certain number of user-readable strings such as "help" or "Load file" which should be translated to the users language if it is different from English. wxWidgets has built in support for internationalization (@e i18n from now on) which allows for this to happen automatically if the translations to the current language are available. You may find here the list of all existing translations with the addresses of the official translators whom you should contact if you would like to submit any corrections to the translations for your language. Also, please see @ref page_translations_howtohelp if you would like to translate wxWidgets to your language if it is not mentioned here (or to help with one which already is - it is quite helpful to have several translators for one language at least for proof reading). @section page_translations_avail Available Translations Below is the table containing the list of languages supported by wxWidgets. The columns of this table have the obvious meaning: in each row you will see the language, the official translator (if any) for it and the status of the translations. Please note that email addresses in the table below are intentionally invalid to foil spam robots, remove one \@ from them.
Language Status Translator(s)
Afrikaans 68% Petri Jooste
Albanian 75% Besnik Bleta
Arabic 45% Abdullah Abouzekry
Basque 100% 3ARRANO Euskalgintza Taldea, Xabier Aramendi
Catalan 65% Pau Bosch i Crespo, Robert Millan
Chinese (simplified) 100% mrfx, Liu XiaoXi, Huang Jiawei, William Jiang
Chinese (traditional) 100% pal.tw
Czech 100% Vaclav Slavik, Herbert Breunung, Zbyněk Schwarz
Danish 74% Leif Jensen, Henrik Ræder Clausen, Morten Råbjerg Ulrich
Dutch 100% Patrick Hubers, Gideon van Melle, Thomas De Rocker
English (UK) 100% N/A
Finnish 91% Kaj G Backas, Lauri Nurmi, Jaakko Salli, Elias Julkunen, Jani Kinnunen
French (standard) 96% Stephane Junique, Lionel Allorge, Gilles Guyot
Galician 76% Leandro Regueiro, Adrián González Alba
German 100% Daniel Reith, Gerhard Gruber, Stefan Hedemann, Dr. Detlev Reymann, Mark Johnson, Martin Jost, Herbert Breunung, Ch. Buck, Max Christian Pohle, Thomas Krebs
Greek 73% Tsolakos Stavros, Nassos Yiannopoulos
Hindi 83% Dhananjaya Sharma, Priyank Bolia
Hungarian 76% Végh János Dr.
Indonesian 100% Bambang Purnomosidi D. P., Rahmat Bambang
Italian 100% Mattia Barbon, Marco Cavallini, (Koan Software), Stefano
Japanese 97% James Bishop, Hiroshi Saito, Suzumizaki-Kimitaka, Y. KABA.
Korean 85% Sungkee Jung
Latvian 90% Lauris Bukshis
Lithuanian 15% Pieter
Malay 89% Mahrazi Mohd Kamal
Nepali 100% Him Prasad Gautam
Norwegian Bokmal 74% Hans F. Nordhaug
Polish 94% Piotr Mackowiak, Janusz Piwowarski, ABX, Michał Trzebiatowski, Grzegorz Zlotowicz
Portuguese (pt) 89% Bernardo Santos Wernesback, Mario Pereira, Antonio Cardoso Martins, Carlos Gonçalves
Portuguese (pt_BR) 100% E.A. Tacao, José Eduardo de Carvalho Diniz, Adiel Mittmann, Allann Jones, Felipe
Romanian 100% Cătălin Răceanu, Adrian Hăisan, Manuel Ciosici
Russian 74% Dennis Prochko, Roman Rolinsky, Vadim Zeitlin, Andrew V. Samoilov
Slovak 74% Ivan Masar
Slovenian 97% Roman Plevel, Martin Srebotnjak
Spanish 89% Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia, JSJ, Francisco Vila, Adrián González Alba
Swedish 98% Jonas Rydberg, Kaj G Backas
Tamil 100% DINAKAR T.D.
Turkish 100% Hakki Dogusan, Kaya Zeren
Ukrainian 100% Eugene Manko, Yuri Chornoivan, Ylia K
Valencian (ca\@valencia) 65% Robert Millan
Vietnamese 100% Tran Ngoc Quan

@section page_translations_howtohelp How to Help wxWidgets uses the standard GNU gettext tools for i18n so if you are already familiar with them you shouldn't have any problems with working on wxWidgets translations. Here are the steps you should follow: -# Get the latest version of the file locale/wxstd.pot from the wxWidgets source tree: if you're using git you should already have it. Otherwise you can always retrieve it directly from the git repository: locale/wxstd.pot. -# Initialize an XY.po file for your language by using the command msginit -l XY in the same folder where you placed wxstd.pot. The "XY" is the 2 letter ISO 639-2 language code for your language. Initialization can be also done using e.g. Poedit (see next item). -# Translate the strings in this file using either your favourite text editor or a specialized tool such as Vaclav Slavik's excellent poEdit utility. -# Verify that your translations can at least be compiled (even if they are yet incomplete) by running msgfmt -vc XY.po command: please note that you must use the -c option. In particular, please fill the header fields because @c msgfmt doesn't accept the default values for them. -# Send the finished translation to Vadim Zeitlin and it will be added to the next wxWidgets release or snapshot. In addition, please consider subscribing to the very low volume wxWidgets translators mailing list on which the news especially important for the translators are announced. Thank you in advance for your help! */