///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: accesstest.cpp // Purpose: wxWidgets accessibility sample // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 2002-02-12 // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" // for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you // need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWidgets headers) #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY #include "wx/access.h" #endif // wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY #include "wx/splitter.h" #include "wx/cshelp.h" #ifdef __WXMSW__ #include "windows.h" #include #include #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY #include #endif // wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY #include "wx/msw/ole/oleutils.h" #include "wx/msw/winundef.h" #ifndef OBJID_CLIENT #define OBJID_CLIENT 0xFFFFFFFC #endif #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resources // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the application icon (under Windows it is in resources) #ifndef wxHAS_IMAGES_IN_RESOURCES #include "../sample.xpm" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private classes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define a new application type, each program should derive a class from wxApp class MyApp : public wxApp { public: // override base class virtuals // ---------------------------- // this one is called on application startup and is a good place for the app // initialization (doing it here and not in the ctor allows to have an error // return: if OnInit() returns false, the application terminates) virtual bool OnInit() wxOVERRIDE; }; #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY // Define a new frame type: this is going to be our main frame class MyFrame : public wxFrame { public: // ctor(s) MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); // event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual) void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnQuery(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); // Log messages to the text control void Log(const wxString& text); // Recursively give information about an object void LogObject(int indent, IAccessible* obj); // Get info for a child (id > 0) or object (id == 0) void GetInfo(IAccessible* accessible, int id, wxString& name, wxString& role); private: wxTextCtrl* m_textCtrl; // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IDs for the controls and the menu commands enum { // menu items AccessTest_Quit = 1, // query the hierarchy AccessTest_Query, // it is important for the id corresponding to the "About" command to have // this standard value as otherwise it won't be handled properly under Mac // (where it is special and put into the "Apple" menu) AccessTest_About = wxID_ABOUT }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event tables and other macros for wxWidgets // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the event tables connect the wxWidgets events with the functions (event // handlers) which process them. It can be also done at run-time, but for the // simple menu events like this the static method is much simpler. wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(AccessTest_Quit, MyFrame::OnQuit) EVT_MENU(AccessTest_Query, MyFrame::OnQuery) EVT_MENU(AccessTest_About, MyFrame::OnAbout) wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() #endif // wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY // Create a new application object: this macro will allow wxWidgets to create // the application object during program execution (it's better than using a // static object for many reasons) and also declares the accessor function // wxGetApp() which will return the reference of the right type (i.e. MyApp and // not wxApp) wxIMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp); // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the application class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY // Note: JAWS for Windows will only speak the context-sensitive // help if you use this help provider: // wxHelpProvider::Set(new wxHelpControllerHelpProvider(m_helpController)). // JAWS does not seem to be getting the help text from // the wxAccessible object. wxHelpProvider::Set(new wxSimpleHelpProvider()); // create the main application window MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("AccessTest wxWidgets App", wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340)); // and show it (the frames, unlike simple controls, are not shown when // created initially) frame->Show(true); // success: wxApp::OnRun() will be called which will enter the main message // loop and the application will run. If we returned false here, the // application would exit immediately. return true; #else wxMessageBox( "This sample has to be compiled with wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY", "Building error", wxOK); return false; #endif // wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY } #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY class FrameAccessible: public wxWindowAccessible { public: FrameAccessible(wxWindow* win): wxWindowAccessible(win) {} // Gets the name of the specified object. virtual wxAccStatus GetName(int childId, wxString* name) wxOVERRIDE { if (childId == wxACC_SELF) { * name = "Julian's Frame"; return wxACC_OK; } else return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } }; class ScrolledWindowAccessible: public wxWindowAccessible { public: ScrolledWindowAccessible(wxWindow* win): wxWindowAccessible(win) {} // Gets the name of the specified object. virtual wxAccStatus GetName(int childId, wxString* name) wxOVERRIDE { if (childId == wxACC_SELF) { * name = "My scrolled window"; return wxACC_OK; } else return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } }; class SplitterWindowAccessible: public wxWindowAccessible { public: SplitterWindowAccessible(wxWindow* win): wxWindowAccessible(win) {} // Gets the name of the specified object. virtual wxAccStatus GetName(int childId, wxString* name) wxOVERRIDE; // Can return either a child object, or an integer // representing the child element, starting from 1. virtual wxAccStatus HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, int* childId, wxAccessible** childObject) wxOVERRIDE; // Returns the rectangle for this object (id = 0) or a child element (id > 0). virtual wxAccStatus GetLocation(wxRect& rect, int elementId) wxOVERRIDE; // Navigates from fromId to toId/toObject. virtual wxAccStatus Navigate(wxNavDir navDir, int fromId, int* toId, wxAccessible** toObject) wxOVERRIDE; // Gets the number of children. virtual wxAccStatus GetChildCount(int* childCount) wxOVERRIDE; // Gets the specified child (starting from 1). // If *child is NULL and return value is wxACC_OK, // this means that the child is a simple element and // not an accessible object. virtual wxAccStatus GetChild(int childId, wxAccessible** child) wxOVERRIDE; // Gets the parent, or NULL. virtual wxAccStatus GetParent(wxAccessible** parent) wxOVERRIDE; // Performs the default action. childId is 0 (the action for this object) // or > 0 (the action for a child). // Return wxACC_NOT_SUPPORTED if there is no default action for this // window (e.g. an edit control). virtual wxAccStatus DoDefaultAction(int childId) wxOVERRIDE; // Gets the default action for this object (0) or > 0 (the action for a child). // Return wxACC_OK even if there is no action. actionName is the action, or the empty // string if there is no action. // The retrieved string describes the action that is performed on an object, // not what the object does as a result. For example, a toolbar button that prints // a document has a default action of "Press" rather than "Prints the current document." virtual wxAccStatus GetDefaultAction(int childId, wxString* actionName) wxOVERRIDE; // Returns the description for this object or a child. virtual wxAccStatus GetDescription(int childId, wxString* description) wxOVERRIDE; // Returns help text for this object or a child, similar to tooltip text. virtual wxAccStatus GetHelpText(int childId, wxString* helpText) wxOVERRIDE; // Returns the keyboard shortcut for this object or child. // Return e.g. ALT+K virtual wxAccStatus GetKeyboardShortcut(int childId, wxString* shortcut) wxOVERRIDE; // Returns a role constant. virtual wxAccStatus GetRole(int childId, wxAccRole* role) wxOVERRIDE; // Returns a state constant. virtual wxAccStatus GetState(int childId, long* state) wxOVERRIDE; // Returns a localized string representing the value for the object // or child. virtual wxAccStatus GetValue(int childId, wxString* strValue) wxOVERRIDE; // Selects the object or child. virtual wxAccStatus Select(int childId, wxAccSelectionFlags selectFlags) wxOVERRIDE; // Gets the window with the keyboard focus. // If childId is 0 and child is NULL, no object in // this subhierarchy has the focus. // If this object has the focus, child should be 'this'. virtual wxAccStatus GetFocus(int* childId, wxAccessible** child) wxOVERRIDE; // Gets a variant representing the selected children // of this object. // Acceptable values: // - a null variant (IsNull() returns true) // - a list variant (GetType() == "list") // - an integer representing the selected child element, // or 0 if this object is selected (GetType() == "long") // - a "void*" pointer to a wxAccessible child object virtual wxAccStatus GetSelections(wxVariant* selections) wxOVERRIDE; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main frame // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // frame constructor MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, title, pos, size, style) { m_textCtrl = NULL; SetAccessible(new FrameAccessible(this)); // set the frame icon SetIcon(wxICON(sample)); #if wxUSE_MENUS // create a menu bar wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu; // the "About" item should be in the help menu wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu; helpMenu->Append(AccessTest_About, "&About", "Show about dialog"); menuFile->Append(AccessTest_Query, "Query", "Query the window hierarchy"); menuFile->AppendSeparator(); menuFile->Append(AccessTest_Quit, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program"); // now append the freshly created menu to the menu bar... wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar(); menuBar->Append(menuFile, "&File"); menuBar->Append(helpMenu, "&Help"); // ... and attach this menu bar to the frame SetMenuBar(menuBar); #endif // wxUSE_MENUS #if 0 // wxUSE_STATUSBAR // create a status bar just for fun (by default with 1 pane only) CreateStatusBar(2); SetStatusText("Welcome to wxWidgets!"); #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR wxSplitterWindow* splitter = new wxSplitterWindow(this, wxID_ANY); splitter->SetAccessible(new SplitterWindowAccessible(splitter)); wxListBox* listBox = new wxListBox(splitter, wxID_ANY); listBox->Append("Cabbages"); listBox->Append("Kings"); listBox->Append("Sealing wax"); listBox->Append("Strings"); listBox->CreateAccessible(); listBox->SetHelpText("This is a sample wxWidgets listbox, with a number of items in it."); m_textCtrl = new wxTextCtrl(splitter, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE); m_textCtrl->CreateAccessible(); m_textCtrl->SetHelpText("This is a sample wxWidgets multiline text control."); splitter->SplitHorizontally(listBox, m_textCtrl, 150); #if 0 wxScrolledWindow* scrolledWindow = new wxScrolledWindow(this, wxID_ANY); scrolledWindow->SetAccessible(new ScrolledWindowAccessible(scrolledWindow)); #endif } // event handlers void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // true is to force the frame to close Close(true); } void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxString msg; msg.Printf( "This is the About dialog of the AccessTest sample.\n" "Welcome to %s", wxVERSION_STRING); wxMessageBox(msg, "About AccessTest", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this); } void MyFrame::OnQuery(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_textCtrl->Clear(); IAccessible* accessibleFrame = NULL; if (S_OK != AccessibleObjectFromWindow((HWND) GetHWND(), (DWORD)OBJID_CLIENT, IID_IAccessible, (void**) & accessibleFrame)) { Log("Could not get object."); return; } if (accessibleFrame) { //Log("Got an IAccessible for the frame."); LogObject(0, accessibleFrame); Log("Checking children using AccessibleChildren()..."); // Now check the AccessibleChildren function works OK long childCount = 0; if (S_OK != accessibleFrame->get_accChildCount(& childCount)) { Log("Could not get number of children."); accessibleFrame->Release(); return; } else if (childCount == 0) { Log("No children."); accessibleFrame->Release(); return; } long obtained = 0; VARIANT *var = new VARIANT[childCount]; int i; for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { VariantInit(& (var[i])); var[i].vt = VT_DISPATCH; } if (S_OK == AccessibleChildren(accessibleFrame, 0, childCount, var, &obtained)) { for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { IAccessible* childAccessible = NULL; if (var[i].pdispVal) { if (var[i].pdispVal->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessible, (LPVOID*) & childAccessible) == S_OK) { var[i].pdispVal->Release(); wxString name, role; GetInfo(childAccessible, 0, name, role); wxString str; str.Printf("Found child %s/%s", name, role); Log(str); childAccessible->Release(); } else { var[i].pdispVal->Release(); } } } } else { Log("AccessibleChildren failed."); } delete[] var; accessibleFrame->Release(); } } // Log messages to the text control void MyFrame::Log(const wxString& text) { if (m_textCtrl) { wxString text2(text); text2.Replace("\n", " "); text2.Replace("\r", " "); m_textCtrl->SetInsertionPointEnd(); m_textCtrl->WriteText(text2 + "\n"); } } // Recursively give information about an object void MyFrame::LogObject(int indent, IAccessible* obj) { wxString name, role; if (indent == 0) { GetInfo(obj, 0, name, role); wxString str; str.Printf("Name = %s; Role = %s", name, role); str.Pad(indent, ' ', false); Log(str); } long childCount = 0; if (S_OK == obj->get_accChildCount(& childCount)) { wxString str; str.Printf("There are %d children.", (int) childCount); str.Pad(indent, ' ', false); Log(str); Log(""); } int i; for (i = 1; i <= childCount; i++) { GetInfo(obj, i, name, role); wxString str; str.Printf("%d) Name = %s; Role = %s", i, name, role); str.Pad(indent, ' ', false); Log(str); VARIANT var; VariantInit(& var); var.vt = VT_I4; var.lVal = i; IDispatch* pDisp = NULL; IAccessible* childObject = NULL; if (S_OK == obj->get_accChild(var, & pDisp) && pDisp) { str.Printf("This is a real object."); str.Pad(indent+4, ' ', false); Log(str); if (pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessible, (LPVOID*) & childObject) == S_OK) { LogObject(indent + 4, childObject); childObject->Release(); } pDisp->Release(); } else { str.Printf("This is an element."); str.Pad(indent+4, ' ', false); Log(str); } // Log(""); } } // Get info for a child (id > 0) or object (id == 0) void MyFrame::GetInfo(IAccessible* accessible, int id, wxString& name, wxString& role) { VARIANT var; VariantInit(& var); var.vt = VT_I4; var.lVal = id; BSTR bStrName = 0; HRESULT hResult = accessible->get_accName(var, & bStrName); if (hResult == S_OK) { name = wxConvertStringFromOle(bStrName); SysFreeString(bStrName); } else { name = "NO NAME"; } VARIANT varRole; VariantInit(& varRole); hResult = accessible->get_accRole(var, & varRole); if (hResult == S_OK && varRole.vt == VT_I4) { wxChar buf[256]; GetRoleText(varRole.lVal, buf, 256); role = buf; } else { role = "NO ROLE"; } } /* * SplitterWindowAccessible implementation */ // Gets the name of the specified object. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetName(int childId, wxString* name) { if (childId == wxACC_SELF) { * name = "Splitter window"; return wxACC_OK; } wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter) { if (splitter->IsSplit()) { // Two windows, and the sash. if (childId == 1 || childId == 3) return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; else if (childId == 2) { *name = "Sash"; return wxACC_OK; } } } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Can return either a child object, or an integer // representing the child element, starting from 1. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, int* childId, wxAccessible** WXUNUSED(childObject)) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter) { if (splitter->IsSplit()) { wxPoint clientPt = splitter->ScreenToClient(pt); if (splitter->SashHitTest(clientPt.x, clientPt.y)) { // We're over the sash *childId = 2; return wxACC_OK; } } } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Returns the rectangle for this object (id = 0) or a child element (id > 0). wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetLocation(wxRect& rect, int elementId) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter && elementId == 2 && splitter->IsSplit()) { wxSize clientSize = splitter->GetClientSize(); if (splitter->GetSplitMode() == wxSPLIT_VERTICAL) { rect.x = splitter->GetSashPosition(); rect.y = 0; rect.SetPosition(splitter->ClientToScreen(rect.GetPosition())); rect.width = splitter->GetSashSize(); rect.height = clientSize.y; } else { rect.x = 0; rect.y = splitter->GetSashPosition(); rect.SetPosition(splitter->ClientToScreen(rect.GetPosition())); rect.width = clientSize.x; rect.height = splitter->GetSashSize(); } return wxACC_OK; } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Navigates from fromId to toId/toObject. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::Navigate(wxNavDir navDir, int fromId, int* toId, wxAccessible** toObject) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter && splitter->IsSplit()) { switch (navDir) { case wxNAVDIR_DOWN: { if (splitter->GetSplitMode() != wxSPLIT_VERTICAL) { if (fromId == 1) { *toId = 2; *toObject = NULL; return wxACC_OK; } else if (fromId == 2) { *toId = 3; *toObject = splitter->GetWindow2()->GetAccessible(); return wxACC_OK; } } return wxACC_FALSE; #if 0 // below line is not executed due to earlier return break; #endif } case wxNAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD: { if (fromId == 2) return wxACC_FALSE; } break; case wxNAVDIR_LASTCHILD: { if (fromId == 2) return wxACC_FALSE; } break; case wxNAVDIR_LEFT: { if (splitter->GetSplitMode() != wxSPLIT_HORIZONTAL) { if (fromId == 3) { *toId = 2; *toObject = NULL; return wxACC_OK; } else if (fromId == 2) { *toId = 1; *toObject = splitter->GetWindow1()->GetAccessible(); return wxACC_OK; } } return wxACC_FALSE; } #if 0 // below line is not executed due to earlier return break; #endif case wxNAVDIR_NEXT: { if (fromId == 1) { *toId = 2; *toObject = NULL; return wxACC_OK; } else if (fromId == 2) { *toId = 3; *toObject = splitter->GetWindow2()->GetAccessible(); return wxACC_OK; } return wxACC_FALSE; } #if 0 // below line is not executed due to earlier return break; #endif case wxNAVDIR_PREVIOUS: { if (fromId == 3) { *toId = 2; *toObject = NULL; return wxACC_OK; } else if (fromId == 2) { *toId = 1; *toObject = splitter->GetWindow1()->GetAccessible(); return wxACC_OK; } return wxACC_FALSE; } #if 0 // below line is not executed due to earlier return break; #endif case wxNAVDIR_RIGHT: { if (splitter->GetSplitMode() != wxSPLIT_HORIZONTAL) { if (fromId == 1) { *toId = 2; *toObject = NULL; return wxACC_OK; } else if (fromId == 2) { *toId = 3; *toObject = splitter->GetWindow2()->GetAccessible(); return wxACC_OK; } } // Can't go right spatially if split horizontally. return wxACC_FALSE; } #if 0 // below line is not executed due to earlier return break; #endif case wxNAVDIR_UP: { if (splitter->GetSplitMode() != wxSPLIT_VERTICAL) { if (fromId == 3) { *toId = 2; return wxACC_OK; } else if (fromId == 2) { *toId = 1; *toObject = splitter->GetWindow1()->GetAccessible(); return wxACC_OK; } } // Can't go up spatially if split vertically. return wxACC_FALSE; #if 0 // below line is not executed due to earlier return break; #endif } } } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Gets the number of children. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetChildCount(int* childCount) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter) { if (splitter->IsSplit()) { // Two windows, and the sash. *childCount = 3; return wxACC_OK; } else { // No sash -- 1 or 0 windows. if (splitter->GetWindow1() || splitter->GetWindow2()) { *childCount = 1; return wxACC_OK; } else { *childCount = 0; return wxACC_OK; } } } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Gets the specified child (starting from 1). // If *child is NULL and return value is wxACC_OK, // this means that the child is a simple element and // not an accessible object. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetChild(int childId, wxAccessible** child) { if (childId == wxACC_SELF) { *child = this; return wxACC_OK; } wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter) { if (splitter->IsSplit()) { // Two windows, and the sash. if (childId == 1) { *child = splitter->GetWindow1()->GetAccessible(); } else if (childId == 2) { *child = NULL; // Sash } else if (childId == 3) { *child = splitter->GetWindow2()->GetAccessible(); } else { return wxACC_FAIL; } return wxACC_OK; } else { // No sash -- 1 or 0 windows. if (childId == 1) { if (splitter->GetWindow1()) { *child = splitter->GetWindow1()->GetAccessible(); return wxACC_OK; } else if (splitter->GetWindow2()) { *child = splitter->GetWindow2()->GetAccessible(); return wxACC_OK; } else { return wxACC_FAIL; } } else return wxACC_FAIL; } } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Gets the parent, or NULL. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetParent(wxAccessible** WXUNUSED(parent)) { return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Performs the default action. childId is 0 (the action for this object) // or > 0 (the action for a child). // Return wxACC_NOT_SUPPORTED if there is no default action for this // window (e.g. an edit control). wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::DoDefaultAction(int WXUNUSED(childId)) { return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Gets the default action for this object (0) or > 0 (the action for a child). // Return wxACC_OK even if there is no action. actionName is the action, or the empty // string if there is no action. // The retrieved string describes the action that is performed on an object, // not what the object does as a result. For example, a toolbar button that prints // a document has a default action of "Press" rather than "Prints the current document." wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetDefaultAction(int childId, wxString* WXUNUSED(actionName)) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter && splitter->IsSplit() && childId == 2) { // No default action for the splitter. return wxACC_FALSE; } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Returns the description for this object or a child. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetDescription(int childId, wxString* description) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter) { if (splitter->IsSplit()) { if (childId == 2) { * description = _("The splitter window sash."); return wxACC_OK; } } } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Returns help text for this object or a child, similar to tooltip text. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetHelpText(int childId, wxString* helpText) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter) { if (splitter->IsSplit()) { if (childId == 2) { * helpText = _("The splitter window sash."); return wxACC_OK; } } } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Returns the keyboard shortcut for this object or child. // Return e.g. ALT+K wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetKeyboardShortcut(int childId, wxString* WXUNUSED(shortcut)) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter && splitter->IsSplit() && childId == 2) { // No keyboard shortcut for the splitter. return wxACC_FALSE; } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Returns a role constant. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetRole(int childId, wxAccRole* role) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter) { if (splitter->IsSplit()) { if (childId == 2) { * role = wxROLE_SYSTEM_GRIP; return wxACC_OK; } } } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Returns a state constant. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetState(int childId, long* state) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter && splitter->IsSplit() && childId == 2) { // No particular state. Not sure what would be appropriate here. *state = wxACC_STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE; return wxACC_OK; } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Returns a localized string representing the value for the object // or child. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetValue(int childId, wxString* strValue) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter && splitter->IsSplit() && childId == 2) { // The sash position is the value. wxString pos; pos << splitter->GetSashPosition(); *strValue = pos; return wxACC_OK; } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Selects the object or child. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::Select(int childId, wxAccSelectionFlags WXUNUSED(selectFlags)) { wxSplitterWindow* splitter = wxDynamicCast(GetWindow(), wxSplitterWindow); if (splitter && splitter->IsSplit() && childId == 2) { // Can't select the sash. return wxACC_FALSE; } // Let the framework handle the other cases. return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Gets the window with the keyboard focus. // If childId is 0 and child is NULL, no object in // this subhierarchy has the focus. // If this object has the focus, child should be 'this'. wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetFocus(int* WXUNUSED(childId), wxAccessible** WXUNUSED(child)) { return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // Gets a variant representing the selected children // of this object. // Acceptable values: // - a null variant (IsNull() returns true) // - a list variant (GetType() == "list") // - an integer representing the selected child element, // or 0 if this object is selected (GetType() == "long") // - a "void*" pointer to a wxAccessible child object wxAccStatus SplitterWindowAccessible::GetSelections(wxVariant* WXUNUSED(selections)) { return wxACC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } #endif // wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY