///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: samples/docview/docview.cpp // Purpose: Document/view demo // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: Vadim Zeitlin: merge with the MDI version and general cleanup // Created: 04/01/98 // Copyright: (c) 1998 Julian Smart // (c) 2008 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* This sample show document/view support in wxWidgets. It can be run in several ways: * With "--mdi" command line option to use multiple MDI child frames for the multiple documents (this is the default). * With "--sdi" command line option to use multiple top level windows for the multiple documents * With "--single" command line option to support opening a single document only Notice that doing it like this somewhat complicates the code, you could make things much simpler in your own programs by using either wxDocParentFrame or wxDocMDIParentFrame unconditionally (and never using the single mode) instead of supporting all of them as this sample does. */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #include "wx/stockitem.h" #endif #if !wxUSE_DOC_VIEW_ARCHITECTURE #error You must set wxUSE_DOC_VIEW_ARCHITECTURE to 1 in setup.h! #endif #include "wx/docview.h" #include "wx/docmdi.h" #if wxUSE_AUI #include "wx/aui/tabmdi.h" #endif // wxUSE_AUI #include "docview.h" #include "doc.h" #include "view.h" #include "wx/cmdline.h" #include "wx/config.h" #ifdef __WXMAC__ #include "wx/filename.h" #endif #ifndef wxHAS_IMAGES_IN_RESOURCES #include "doc.xpm" #include "chart.xpm" #include "notepad.xpm" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MyApp implementation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxIMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp); wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyApp, wxApp) EVT_MENU(wxID_ABOUT, MyApp::OnAbout) wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() MyApp::MyApp() { #if wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE m_mode = Mode_MDI; #else m_mode = Mode_SDI; #endif m_canvas = NULL; m_menuEdit = NULL; } // constants for the command line options names namespace CmdLineOption { #if wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE const char * const MDI = "mdi"; #endif // wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE #if wxUSE_AUI const char * const AUI = "aui"; #endif // wxUSE_AUI const char * const SDI = "sdi"; const char * const SINGLE = "single"; } // namespace CmdLineOption void MyApp::OnInitCmdLine(wxCmdLineParser& parser) { wxApp::OnInitCmdLine(parser); #if wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE parser.AddSwitch("", CmdLineOption::MDI, "run in MDI mode: multiple documents, single window"); #endif // wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE #if wxUSE_AUI parser.AddSwitch("", CmdLineOption::AUI, "run in MDI mode using AUI: multiple documents, single window"); #endif // wxUSE_AUI parser.AddSwitch("", CmdLineOption::SDI, "run in SDI mode: multiple documents, multiple windows"); parser.AddSwitch("", CmdLineOption::SINGLE, "run in single document mode"); parser.AddParam("document-file", wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE | wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); } bool MyApp::OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser) { int numModeOptions = 0; #if wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE if ( parser.Found(CmdLineOption::MDI) ) { m_mode = Mode_MDI; numModeOptions++; } #endif // wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE #if wxUSE_AUI if ( parser.Found(CmdLineOption::AUI) ) { m_mode = Mode_AUI; numModeOptions++; } #endif // wxUSE_AUI if ( parser.Found(CmdLineOption::SDI) ) { m_mode = Mode_SDI; numModeOptions++; } if ( parser.Found(CmdLineOption::SINGLE) ) { m_mode = Mode_Single; numModeOptions++; } if ( numModeOptions > 1 ) { wxLogError("Only a single option choosing the mode can be given."); return false; } // save any files given on the command line: we'll open them in OnInit() // later, after creating the frame for ( size_t i = 0; i != parser.GetParamCount(); ++i ) m_filesFromCmdLine.push_back(parser.GetParam(i)); return wxApp::OnCmdLineParsed(parser); } #ifdef __WXMAC__ void MyApp::MacNewFile() { wxDocManager::GetDocumentManager()->CreateNewDocument(); } #endif // __WXMAC__ bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; ::wxInitAllImageHandlers(); // Fill in the application information fields before creating wxConfig. SetVendorName("wxWidgets"); SetAppName("wx_docview_sample"); SetAppDisplayName("wxWidgets DocView Sample"); //// Create a document manager wxDocManager *docManager = new wxDocManager; //// Create a template relating drawing documents to their views new wxDocTemplate(docManager, "Drawing", "*.drw", "", "drw", "Drawing Doc", "Drawing View", CLASSINFO(DrawingDocument), CLASSINFO(DrawingView)); if ( m_mode == Mode_Single ) { // If we've only got one window, we only get to edit one document at a // time. Therefore no text editing, just doodling. docManager->SetMaxDocsOpen(1); } else // multiple documents mode: allow documents of different types { // Create a template relating text documents to their views new wxDocTemplate(docManager, "Text", "*.txt;*.text", "", "txt;text", "Text Doc", "Text View", CLASSINFO(TextEditDocument), CLASSINFO(TextEditView)); // Create a template relating image documents to their views new wxDocTemplate(docManager, "Image", "*.png;*.jpg", "", "png;jpg", "Image Doc", "Image View", CLASSINFO(ImageDocument), CLASSINFO(ImageView)); } // create the main frame window wxFrame *frame = NULL; switch ( m_mode ) { #if wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE case Mode_MDI: frame = new wxDocMDIParentFrame(docManager, NULL, wxID_ANY, GetAppDisplayName(), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 400)); break; #endif // wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE #if wxUSE_AUI case Mode_AUI: frame = new wxDocParentFrameAny ( docManager, NULL, wxID_ANY, GetAppDisplayName(), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 400) ); break; #endif // wxUSE_AUI case Mode_SDI: case Mode_Single: frame = new wxDocParentFrame(docManager, NULL, wxID_ANY, GetAppDisplayName(), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 400)); break; } // and its menu bar wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu; menuFile->Append(wxID_NEW); menuFile->Append(wxID_OPEN); if ( m_mode == Mode_Single ) AppendDocumentFileCommands(menuFile, true); menuFile->AppendSeparator(); menuFile->Append(wxID_EXIT); // A nice touch: a history of files visited. Use this menu. docManager->FileHistoryUseMenu(menuFile); #if wxUSE_CONFIG docManager->FileHistoryLoad(*wxConfig::Get()); #endif // wxUSE_CONFIG if ( m_mode == Mode_Single ) { m_canvas = new MyCanvas(NULL, frame); m_menuEdit = CreateDrawingEditMenu(); } CreateMenuBarForFrame(frame, menuFile, m_menuEdit); frame->SetIcon(wxICON(doc)); frame->Centre(); frame->Show(); if ( m_filesFromCmdLine.empty() ) { // on macOS the dialog will be shown by MacNewFile #ifndef __WXMAC__ docManager->CreateNewDocument(); #endif } else // we have files to open on command line { for ( size_t i = 0; i != m_filesFromCmdLine.size(); ++i ) docManager->CreateDocument(m_filesFromCmdLine[i], wxDOC_SILENT); } return true; } int MyApp::OnExit() { wxDocManager * const manager = wxDocManager::GetDocumentManager(); #if wxUSE_CONFIG manager->FileHistorySave(*wxConfig::Get()); #endif // wxUSE_CONFIG delete manager; return wxApp::OnExit(); } void MyApp::AppendDocumentFileCommands(wxMenu *menu, bool supportsPrinting) { menu->Append(wxID_CLOSE); menu->Append(wxID_SAVE); menu->Append(wxID_SAVEAS); menu->Append(wxID_REVERT, _("Re&vert...")); if ( supportsPrinting ) { menu->AppendSeparator(); menu->Append(wxID_PRINT); menu->Append(wxID_PRINT_SETUP, "Print &Setup..."); menu->Append(wxID_PREVIEW); } } wxMenu *MyApp::CreateDrawingEditMenu() { wxMenu * const menu = new wxMenu; menu->Append(wxID_UNDO); menu->Append(wxID_REDO); menu->AppendSeparator(); menu->Append(wxID_CUT, "&Cut last segment"); return menu; } void MyApp::CreateMenuBarForFrame(wxFrame *frame, wxMenu *file, wxMenu *edit) { wxMenuBar *menubar = new wxMenuBar; menubar->Append(file, wxGetStockLabel(wxID_FILE)); if ( edit ) menubar->Append(edit, wxGetStockLabel(wxID_EDIT)); wxMenu *help= new wxMenu; help->Append(wxID_ABOUT); menubar->Append(help, wxGetStockLabel(wxID_HELP)); frame->SetMenuBar(menubar); } wxFrame *MyApp::CreateChildFrame(wxView *view, bool isCanvas) { // create a child frame of appropriate class for the current mode wxFrame *subframe = NULL; wxDocument *doc = view->GetDocument(); switch ( GetMode() ) #if wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE { case Mode_MDI: subframe = new wxDocMDIChildFrame ( doc, view, wxStaticCast(GetTopWindow(), wxDocMDIParentFrame), wxID_ANY, "Child Frame", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300, 300) ); break; #endif // wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE #if wxUSE_AUI case Mode_AUI: subframe = new wxDocChildFrameAny ( doc, view, wxStaticCast(GetTopWindow(), wxAuiMDIParentFrame), wxID_ANY, "Child Frame", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300, 300) ); break; #endif // wxUSE_AUI case Mode_SDI: case Mode_Single: subframe = new wxDocChildFrame ( doc, view, wxStaticCast(GetTopWindow(), wxDocParentFrame), wxID_ANY, "Child Frame", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300, 300) ); subframe->Centre(); break; } wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu; menuFile->Append(wxID_NEW); menuFile->Append(wxID_OPEN); AppendDocumentFileCommands(menuFile, isCanvas); menuFile->AppendSeparator(); menuFile->Append(wxID_EXIT); wxMenu *menuEdit; if ( isCanvas ) { menuEdit = CreateDrawingEditMenu(); doc->GetCommandProcessor()->SetEditMenu(menuEdit); doc->GetCommandProcessor()->Initialize(); } else // text frame { menuEdit = new wxMenu; menuEdit->Append(wxID_COPY); menuEdit->Append(wxID_PASTE); menuEdit->Append(wxID_SELECTALL); } CreateMenuBarForFrame(subframe, menuFile, menuEdit); subframe->SetIcon(isCanvas ? wxICON(chrt) : wxICON(notepad)); return subframe; } void MyApp::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxString modeName; switch ( m_mode ) { #if wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE case Mode_MDI: modeName = "MDI"; break; #endif // wxUSE_MDI_ARCHITECTURE #if wxUSE_AUI case Mode_AUI: modeName = "AUI"; break; #endif // wxUSE_AUI case Mode_SDI: modeName = "SDI"; break; case Mode_Single: modeName = "single document"; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( "unknown mode "); } const int docsCount = wxDocManager::GetDocumentManager()->GetDocumentsVector().size(); wxLogMessage ( "This is the wxWidgets Document/View Sample\n" "running in %s mode.\n" "%d open documents.\n" "\n" "Authors: Julian Smart, Vadim Zeitlin\n" "\n" "Usage: docview [--{mdi,aui,sdi,single}]", modeName, docsCount ); }