///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: keyboard.cpp // Purpose: Keyboard wxWidgets sample // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: Marcin Wojdyr // Created: 07.04.02 // Copyright: (c) 2002 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #ifndef wxHAS_IMAGES_IN_RESOURCES #include "../sample.xpm" #endif // IDs for menu items enum { QuitID = wxID_EXIT, ClearID = wxID_CLEAR, SkipHook = 100, SkipDown, // These IDs must be in the same order as MyFrame::InputKind enum elements. IDInputCustom, IDInputEntry, IDInputText, #if wxUSE_HOTKEY HotKeyRegister, HotKeyUnregister, #endif // wxUSE_HOTKEY TestAccelA, TestAccelCtrlA, TestAccelEsc }; // Define a new frame type: this is going to be our main frame class MyFrame : public wxFrame { public: MyFrame(const wxString& title); private: // event handlers void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Close(true); } void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnInputWindowKind(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnTestAccelA(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_logText->AppendText("Test accelerator \"A\" used.\n"); } void OnTestAccelCtrlA(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_logText->AppendText("Test accelerator \"Ctrl-A\" used.\n"); } void OnTestAccelEsc(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_logText->AppendText("Test accelerator \"Esc\" used.\n"); } #if wxUSE_HOTKEY void OnRegisterHotKey(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { if ( RegisterHotKey(0, wxMOD_ALT | wxMOD_SHIFT, WXK_HOME) ) { m_logText->AppendText("Try pressing Alt-Shift-Home anywhere now.\n"); } else { m_logText->AppendText("Failed to register hot key.\n"); } } void OnUnregisterHotKey(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { if ( !UnregisterHotKey(0) ) { m_logText->AppendText("Failed to unregister hot key.\n"); } } void OnHotkey(wxKeyEvent& event) { LogEvent("Hot key", event); } #endif // wxUSE_HOTKEY void OnClear(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_logText->Clear(); } void OnSkipDown(wxCommandEvent& event) { m_skipDown = event.IsChecked(); } void OnSkipHook(wxCommandEvent& event) { m_skipHook = event.IsChecked(); } void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { LogEvent("KeyDown", event); if ( m_skipDown ) event.Skip(); } void OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent& event) { LogEvent("KeyUp", event); } void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event) { LogEvent("Char", event); event.Skip(); } void OnCharHook(wxKeyEvent& event) { // The logged messages can be confusing if the input window doesn't // have focus so warn about this. if ( !m_inputWin->HasFocus() ) { m_logText->SetDefaultStyle(*wxRED); m_logText->AppendText("WARNING: focus is not on input window, " "non-hook events won't be logged.\n"); m_logText->SetDefaultStyle(wxTextAttr()); } LogEvent("Hook", event); if ( m_skipHook ) event.Skip(); } void OnPaintInputWin(wxPaintEvent& event); void LogEvent(const wxString& name, wxKeyEvent& event); // Set m_inputWin to either a new window of the given kind: enum InputKind { Input_Custom, // Just a plain wxWindow Input_Entry, // Single-line wxTextCtrl Input_Text // Multi-line wxTextCtrl }; void DoCreateInputWindow(InputKind inputKind); wxTextCtrl *m_logText; wxWindow *m_inputWin; bool m_skipHook, m_skipDown; }; // Define a new application type, each program should derive a class from wxApp class MyApp : public wxApp { public: // 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here virtual bool OnInit() wxOVERRIDE { // create the main application window new MyFrame("Keyboard wxWidgets App"); // If we returned false here, the application would exit immediately. return true; } }; // Create a new application object: this macro will allow wxWidgets to create // the application object during program execution (it's better than using a // static object for many reasons) and also declares the accessor function // wxGetApp() which will return the reference of the right type (i.e. MyApp and // not wxApp) wxIMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp); // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // frame constructor MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title) : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, title), m_inputWin(NULL), m_skipHook(true), m_skipDown(true) { SetIcon(wxICON(sample)); // create a menu bar wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu; menuFile->Append(ClearID, "&Clear log\tCtrl-L"); menuFile->AppendSeparator(); menuFile->Append(TestAccelA, "Test accelerator &1\tA"); menuFile->Append(TestAccelCtrlA, "Test accelerator &2\tCtrl-A"); menuFile->Append(TestAccelEsc, "Test accelerator &3\tEsc"); menuFile->AppendSeparator(); menuFile->AppendCheckItem(SkipHook, "Skip CHAR_HOOK event", "Not skipping this event disables both KEY_DOWN and CHAR events" ); menuFile->Check(SkipHook, true); menuFile->AppendCheckItem(SkipDown, "Skip KEY_DOWN event", "Not skipping this event disables CHAR event generation" ); menuFile->Check(SkipDown, true); menuFile->AppendSeparator(); menuFile->AppendRadioItem(IDInputCustom, "Use &custom control\tCtrl-C", "Use custom wxWindow for input window" ); menuFile->AppendRadioItem(IDInputEntry, "Use text &entry\tCtrl-E", "Use single-line wxTextCtrl for input window" ); menuFile->AppendRadioItem(IDInputText, "Use &text control\tCtrl-T", "Use multi-line wxTextCtrl for input window" ); menuFile->AppendSeparator(); menuFile->Append(QuitID, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program"); // the "About" item should be in the help menu wxMenu *menuHelp = new wxMenu; menuHelp->Append(wxID_ABOUT, "&About\tF1", "Show about dialog"); // now append the freshly created menu to the menu bar... wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar(); menuBar->Append(menuFile, "&File"); #if wxUSE_HOTKEY wxMenu* menuHotkey = new wxMenu; menuHotkey->Append(HotKeyRegister, "&Register hot key"); menuHotkey->Append(HotKeyUnregister, "&Unregister hot key"); menuBar->Append(menuHotkey, "Hot&key"); #endif // wxUSE_HOTKEY menuBar->Append(menuHelp, "&Help"); // ... and attach this menu bar to the frame SetMenuBar(menuBar); DoCreateInputWindow(Input_Custom); wxTextCtrl *headerText = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_READONLY); headerText->SetValue( " event key KeyCode mod UnicodeKey " " RawKeyCode RawKeyFlags Position Repeat"); m_logText = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY|wxTE_RICH|wxHSCROLL); // set monospace font to have output in nice columns wxFont font(wxFontInfo(10).Family(wxFONTFAMILY_TELETYPE)); headerText->SetFont(font); m_logText->SetFont(font); // layout wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer->Add(m_inputWin, wxSizerFlags().Expand()); sizer->Add(headerText, wxSizerFlags().Expand()); sizer->Add(m_logText, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand()); SetSizerAndFit(sizer); // set size and position on screen SetSize(700, 340); CentreOnScreen(); // connect menu event handlers Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnQuit, this, QuitID); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnAbout, this, wxID_ABOUT); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnClear, this, ClearID); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnSkipHook, this, SkipHook); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnSkipDown, this, SkipDown); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnInputWindowKind, this, IDInputCustom, IDInputText); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnTestAccelA, this, TestAccelA); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnTestAccelCtrlA, this, TestAccelCtrlA); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnTestAccelEsc, this, TestAccelEsc); #if wxUSE_HOTKEY Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnRegisterHotKey, this, HotKeyRegister); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &MyFrame::OnUnregisterHotKey, this, HotKeyUnregister); Bind(wxEVT_HOTKEY, &MyFrame::OnHotkey, this); #endif // wxUSE_HOTKEY // notice that we don't connect OnCharHook() to the input window, unlike // the usual key events this one is propagated upwards Bind(wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK, &MyFrame::OnCharHook, this); // status bar is useful for showing the menu items help strings CreateStatusBar(); // and show itself (the frames, unlike simple controls, are not shown when // created initially) Show(true); } // event handlers void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxMessageBox("Demonstrates keyboard event processing in wxWidgets\n" "(c) 2002 Vadim Zeitlin\n" "(c) 2008 Marcin Wojdyr", "About wxWidgets Keyboard Sample", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this); } void MyFrame::DoCreateInputWindow(InputKind inputKind) { wxWindow* const oldWin = m_inputWin; switch ( inputKind ) { case Input_Custom: m_inputWin = new wxWindow(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 50), wxRAISED_BORDER); break; case Input_Entry: m_inputWin = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, "Press keys here"); break; case Input_Text: m_inputWin = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, "Press keys here", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 50), wxTE_MULTILINE); break; } m_inputWin->SetBackgroundColour(*wxBLUE); m_inputWin->SetForegroundColour(*wxWHITE); // connect event handlers for the blue input window m_inputWin->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, &MyFrame::OnKeyDown, this); m_inputWin->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_UP, &MyFrame::OnKeyUp, this); m_inputWin->Bind(wxEVT_CHAR, &MyFrame::OnChar, this); if ( inputKind == Input_Custom ) { m_inputWin->Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &MyFrame::OnPaintInputWin, this); } if ( oldWin ) { GetSizer()->Replace(oldWin, m_inputWin); Layout(); delete oldWin; } } void MyFrame::OnInputWindowKind(wxCommandEvent& event) { DoCreateInputWindow( static_cast(event.GetId() - IDInputCustom) ); } void MyFrame::OnPaintInputWin(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxPaintDC dc(m_inputWin); dc.SetTextForeground(*wxWHITE); wxFont font(*wxSWISS_FONT); font.SetWeight(wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD); font.SetPointSize(font.GetPointSize() + 2); dc.SetFont(font); dc.DrawLabel("Press keys here", m_inputWin->GetClientRect(), wxALIGN_CENTER); } // helper function that returns textual description of wx virtual keycode const char* GetVirtualKeyCodeName(int keycode) { switch ( keycode ) { #define WXK_(x) \ case WXK_##x: return #x; WXK_(BACK) WXK_(TAB) WXK_(RETURN) WXK_(ESCAPE) WXK_(SPACE) WXK_(DELETE) WXK_(START) WXK_(LBUTTON) WXK_(RBUTTON) WXK_(CANCEL) WXK_(MBUTTON) WXK_(CLEAR) WXK_(SHIFT) WXK_(ALT) WXK_(CONTROL) WXK_(MENU) WXK_(PAUSE) WXK_(CAPITAL) WXK_(END) WXK_(HOME) WXK_(LEFT) WXK_(UP) WXK_(RIGHT) WXK_(DOWN) WXK_(SELECT) WXK_(PRINT) WXK_(EXECUTE) WXK_(SNAPSHOT) WXK_(INSERT) WXK_(HELP) WXK_(NUMPAD0) WXK_(NUMPAD1) WXK_(NUMPAD2) WXK_(NUMPAD3) WXK_(NUMPAD4) WXK_(NUMPAD5) WXK_(NUMPAD6) WXK_(NUMPAD7) WXK_(NUMPAD8) WXK_(NUMPAD9) WXK_(MULTIPLY) WXK_(ADD) WXK_(SEPARATOR) WXK_(SUBTRACT) WXK_(DECIMAL) WXK_(DIVIDE) WXK_(F1) WXK_(F2) WXK_(F3) WXK_(F4) WXK_(F5) WXK_(F6) WXK_(F7) WXK_(F8) WXK_(F9) WXK_(F10) WXK_(F11) WXK_(F12) WXK_(F13) WXK_(F14) WXK_(F15) WXK_(F16) WXK_(F17) WXK_(F18) WXK_(F19) WXK_(F20) WXK_(F21) WXK_(F22) WXK_(F23) WXK_(F24) WXK_(NUMLOCK) WXK_(SCROLL) WXK_(PAGEUP) WXK_(PAGEDOWN) WXK_(NUMPAD_SPACE) WXK_(NUMPAD_TAB) WXK_(NUMPAD_ENTER) WXK_(NUMPAD_F1) WXK_(NUMPAD_F2) WXK_(NUMPAD_F3) WXK_(NUMPAD_F4) WXK_(NUMPAD_HOME) WXK_(NUMPAD_LEFT) WXK_(NUMPAD_UP) WXK_(NUMPAD_RIGHT) WXK_(NUMPAD_DOWN) WXK_(NUMPAD_PAGEUP) WXK_(NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN) WXK_(NUMPAD_END) WXK_(NUMPAD_BEGIN) WXK_(NUMPAD_INSERT) WXK_(NUMPAD_DELETE) WXK_(NUMPAD_EQUAL) WXK_(NUMPAD_MULTIPLY) WXK_(NUMPAD_ADD) WXK_(NUMPAD_SEPARATOR) WXK_(NUMPAD_SUBTRACT) WXK_(NUMPAD_DECIMAL) WXK_(NUMPAD_DIVIDE) WXK_(WINDOWS_LEFT) WXK_(WINDOWS_RIGHT) #ifdef __WXOSX__ WXK_(RAW_CONTROL) #endif WXK_(BROWSER_BACK) WXK_(BROWSER_FORWARD) WXK_(BROWSER_REFRESH) WXK_(BROWSER_STOP) WXK_(BROWSER_SEARCH) WXK_(BROWSER_FAVORITES) WXK_(BROWSER_HOME) WXK_(VOLUME_MUTE) WXK_(VOLUME_DOWN) WXK_(VOLUME_UP) WXK_(MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK) WXK_(MEDIA_PREV_TRACK) WXK_(MEDIA_STOP) WXK_(MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE) WXK_(LAUNCH_MAIL) WXK_(LAUNCH_APP1) WXK_(LAUNCH_APP2) WXK_(LAUNCH_0) WXK_(LAUNCH_1) WXK_(LAUNCH_2) WXK_(LAUNCH_3) WXK_(LAUNCH_4) WXK_(LAUNCH_5) WXK_(LAUNCH_6) WXK_(LAUNCH_7) WXK_(LAUNCH_8) WXK_(LAUNCH_9) // skip A/B which are duplicate cases of APP1/2 WXK_(LAUNCH_C) WXK_(LAUNCH_D) WXK_(LAUNCH_E) WXK_(LAUNCH_F) #undef WXK_ default: return NULL; } } // helper function that returns textual description of key in the event wxString GetKeyName(const wxKeyEvent &event) { int keycode = event.GetKeyCode(); const char* virt = GetVirtualKeyCodeName(keycode); if ( virt ) return virt; if ( keycode > 0 && keycode < 32 ) return wxString::Format("Ctrl-%c", (unsigned char)('A' + keycode - 1)); if ( keycode >= 32 && keycode < 128 ) return wxString::Format("'%c'", (unsigned char)keycode); #if wxUSE_UNICODE int uc = event.GetUnicodeKey(); if ( uc != WXK_NONE ) return wxString::Format("'%c'", uc); #endif return "unknown"; } void MyFrame::LogEvent(const wxString& name, wxKeyEvent& event) { wxString msg; // event key_name KeyCode modifiers Unicode raw_code raw_flags pos msg.Printf("%7s %15s %5d %c%c%c%c" #if wxUSE_UNICODE "%5d (U+%04x)" #else " none " #endif #ifdef wxHAS_RAW_KEY_CODES " %7lu 0x%08lx" #else " not-set not-set" #endif " (%5d,%5d)" " %s" "\n", name, GetKeyName(event), event.GetKeyCode(), event.ControlDown() ? 'C' : '-', event.AltDown() ? 'A' : '-', event.ShiftDown() ? 'S' : '-', event.MetaDown() ? 'M' : '-' #if wxUSE_UNICODE , event.GetUnicodeKey() , event.GetUnicodeKey() #endif #ifdef wxHAS_RAW_KEY_CODES , (unsigned long) event.GetRawKeyCode() , (unsigned long) event.GetRawKeyFlags() #endif , event.GetX() , event.GetY() , event.IsAutoRepeat() ? "Yes" : "No" ); m_logText->AppendText(msg); }