///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: mfctest.cpp // Purpose: Sample to demonstrate mixing MFC and wxWidgets code // Author: Julian Smart // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This sample pops up an initial wxWidgets frame, with a menu item // that allows a new MFC window to be created. Note that CDummyWindow // is a class that allows a wxWidgets window to be seen as a CWnd // for the purposes of specifying a valid main window to the // MFC initialisation. // // You can easily modify this code so that an MFC window pops up // initially as the main frame, and allows wxWidgets frames to be // created subsequently. // // (1) Make MyApp::OnInit not create a main window. // (2) Define a class deriving from wxMFCWinApp and override its InitMainWnd() // to create the main window in MFC code. // // This can be accomplished by setting START_WITH_MFC_WINDOW to 1 below. #define START_WITH_MFC_WINDOW 0 // NOTES: // // * You should link with MFC DLL, not static libraries: or, to use static // run-time libraries, use this command for both building wxWidgets and // the sample: // // nmake -f makefile.vc BUILD=debug SHARED=0 DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS=0 RUNTIME_LIBS=static all // // Unless the run-time library settings match for wxWidgets and MFC, you // will get link errors for symbols such as __mbctype, __argc, and __argv // // * If you see bogus memory leaks within the MSVC IDE on exit, in this // sample or in your own project, you must be using __WXDEBUG__ + // WXUSINGDLL + _AFXDLL // Unfortunately this confuses the MSVC/MFC leak detector. To do away with // these bogus memory leaks, add this to the list of link objects, make it // first: mfc[version][u]d.lib // - [version] -> 42 or 70 or 80 etc // - u if using Unicode // Disable deprecation warnings from headers included from stdafx.h for VC8+ #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif // Also define WINVER to avoid warnings about it being undefined from the // platform SDK headers (usually this is not necessary because it is done by wx // headers but here we include the system ones before them) #ifndef WINVER #define WINVER 0x0600 #endif #include "stdafx.h" // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #include "wx/evtloop.h" #include "wx/nativewin.h" #include "wx/spinctrl.h" #include "wx/msw/mfc.h" #include "resource.h" #include "mfctest.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // theApp: // Just creating this application object runs the whole application. // SampleMFCWinApp theApp; // wxWidgets elements // Define a new application type inheriting from wxAppWithMFC class MyApp: public wxAppWithMFC { public: virtual bool OnInit() wxOVERRIDE; wxFrame *CreateFrame(); }; class MyCanvas: public wxScrolledWindow { public: MyCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event); void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event); wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; class MyChild: public wxFrame { public: MyChild(wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const long style); virtual ~MyChild(); void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnNew(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event); MyCanvas *canvas; wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; class MyPanel : public wxPanel { public: MyPanel(wxWindow *parent, const wxPoint& pos) : wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, pos) { wxSizer* const sizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, wxSize(5, 5)); sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, "Enter your &name:"), wxSizerFlags().Center().Right()); m_textName = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY); m_textName->SetHint("First Last"); sizer->Add(m_textName, wxSizerFlags().Expand().CenterVertical()); sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, "And your &age:"), wxSizerFlags().Center().Right()); m_spinAge = new wxSpinCtrl(this, wxID_ANY); sizer->Add(m_spinAge, wxSizerFlags().Expand().CenterVertical()); wxStaticBoxSizer* const box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, "wxWidgets box"); box->Add(sizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand()); SetSizer(box); // We won't be resized automatically, so set our size ourselves. SetSize(GetBestSize()); } private: wxTextCtrl* m_textName; wxSpinCtrl* m_spinAge; }; // ID for the menu quit command #define HELLO_QUIT 1 #define HELLO_NEW 2 wxDECLARE_APP(MyApp); // Notice use of wxIMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN() instead of the usual wxIMPLEMENT_APP! wxIMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(MyApp); #ifdef _UNICODE // In Unicode build MFC normally requires to manually change the entry point to // wWinMainCRTStartup() but to avoid having to modify the project options to do // it we provide an adapter for it. extern "C" int wWinMainCRTStartup(); int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, char *, int) { wWinMainCRTStartup(); } #endif // _UNICODE CMainWindow::CMainWindow() { LoadAccelTable( "MainAccelTable" ); Create( NULL, "Hello Foundation Application", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, rectDefault, NULL, "MainMenu" ); // Create a container representing the MFC window in wxWidgets window // hierarchy. m_containerWX = new wxNativeContainerWindow(m_hWnd); // Now we can create children of this container as usual. new MyPanel(m_containerWX, wxPoint(5, 5)); // An ugly but necessary workaround to prevent the container TLW from // resizing the panel to fit its entire client area as it would do if it // were its only child. new wxWindow(m_containerWX, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(4, 4), wxSize(1, 1)); } void CMainWindow::OnPaint() { CString s = "Hello, Windows!"; CPaintDC dc( this ); CRect rect; GetClientRect( rect ); dc.SetTextAlign( TA_BASELINE | TA_CENTER ); dc.SetTextColor( ::GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOWTEXT ) ); dc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); dc.TextOut( ( rect.right / 2 ), ( rect.bottom / 2 ), s, s.GetLength() ); } void CMainWindow::OnAbout() { CDialog about( "AboutBox", this ); about.DoModal(); } void CMainWindow::OnTest() { wxMessageBox("This is a wxWidgets message box.\nWe're about to create a new wxWidgets frame.", "wxWidgets", wxOK); wxGetApp().CreateFrame(); } // CMainWindow message map: // Associate messages with member functions. // // It is implied that the ON_WM_PAINT macro expects a member function // "void OnPaint()". // // It is implied that members connected with the ON_COMMAND macro // receive no arguments and are void of return type, e.g., "void OnAbout()". // BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMainWindow, CFrameWnd ) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP( CMainWindow ) ON_WM_PAINT() ON_COMMAND( IDM_ABOUT, OnAbout ) ON_COMMAND( IDM_TEST, OnTest ) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() /********************************************************************* * wxWidgets elements ********************************************************************/ bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; #if !START_WITH_MFC_WINDOW (void) CreateFrame(); #endif return true; } wxFrame *MyApp::CreateFrame() { MyChild *subframe = new MyChild(NULL, "Canvas Frame", wxPoint(10, 10), wxSize(300, 300), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); subframe->SetTitle("wxWidgets canvas frame"); // Give it a status line subframe->CreateStatusBar(); // Make a menubar wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu; file_menu->Append(HELLO_NEW, "&New MFC Window"); file_menu->Append(HELLO_QUIT, "&Close"); wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar; menu_bar->Append(file_menu, "&File"); // Associate the menu bar with the frame subframe->SetMenuBar(menu_bar); int width, height; subframe->GetClientSize(&width, &height); MyCanvas *canvas = new MyCanvas(subframe, wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(width, height)); canvas->SetCursor(wxCursor(wxCURSOR_PENCIL)); subframe->canvas = canvas; subframe->Show(true); // Return the main frame window return subframe; } wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyCanvas, wxScrolledWindow) EVT_PAINT(MyCanvas::OnPaint) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(MyCanvas::OnMouseEvent) wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() // Define a constructor for my canvas MyCanvas::MyCanvas(wxWindow *parent, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) : wxScrolledWindow(parent, -1, pos, size) { } // Define the repainting behaviour void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxPaintDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(* wxSWISS_FONT); dc.SetPen(* wxGREEN_PEN); dc.DrawLine(0, 0, 200, 200); dc.DrawLine(200, 0, 0, 200); dc.SetBrush(* wxCYAN_BRUSH); dc.SetPen(* wxRED_PEN); dc.DrawRectangle(100, 100, 100, 50); dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(150, 150, 100, 50, 20); dc.DrawEllipse(250, 250, 100, 50); dc.DrawLine(50, 230, 200, 230); dc.DrawText("This is a test string", 50, 230); } // This implements a tiny doodling program! Drag the mouse using // the left button. void MyCanvas::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event) { static long s_xpos = -1; static long s_ypos = -1; wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetPen(* wxBLACK_PEN); wxPoint pos = event.GetPosition(); if (s_xpos > -1 && s_ypos > -1 && event.Dragging()) { dc.DrawLine(s_xpos, s_ypos, pos.x, pos.y); } s_xpos = pos.x; s_ypos = pos.y; } wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyChild, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(HELLO_QUIT, MyChild::OnQuit) EVT_MENU(HELLO_NEW, MyChild::OnNew) EVT_ACTIVATE(MyChild::OnActivate) wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() MyChild::MyChild(wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const long style) : wxFrame(frame, -1, title, pos, size, style) { canvas = NULL; } MyChild::~MyChild() { if ( IsLastBeforeExit() ) PostQuitMessage(0); } void MyChild::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Close(true); } void MyChild::OnNew(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { CMainWindow *mainWin = new CMainWindow(); mainWin->ShowWindow( TRUE ); mainWin->UpdateWindow(); } void MyChild::OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event) { if (event.GetActive() && canvas) canvas->SetFocus(); }