///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: samples/propgrid/tests.cpp // Purpose: wxPropertyGrid tests // Author: Jaakko Salli // Modified by: // Created: 2007-05-16 // Copyright: (c) Jaakko Salli // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #include "wx/propgrid/propgrid.h" #include "wx/propgrid/advprops.h" #include "wx/propgrid/manager.h" #include "propgrid.h" #include "sampleprops.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTestCustomFlagsProperty // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Test customizing wxColourProperty via subclassing // // * Includes custom colour entry. // * Includes extra custom entry. // class MyColourProperty : public wxColourProperty { public: MyColourProperty( const wxString& label = wxPG_LABEL, const wxString& name = wxPG_LABEL, const wxColour& value = *wxWHITE ) : wxColourProperty(label, name, value) { wxPGChoices colours; colours.Add("White"); colours.Add("Black"); colours.Add("Red"); colours.Add("Green"); colours.Add("Blue"); colours.Add("Custom"); colours.Add("None"); m_choices = colours; SetIndex(0); wxVariant variant; variant << value; SetValue(variant); } virtual ~MyColourProperty() { } virtual wxColour GetColour( int index ) const wxOVERRIDE { switch (index) { case 0: return *wxWHITE; case 1: return *wxBLACK; case 2: return *wxRED; case 3: return *wxGREEN; case 4: return *wxBLUE; case 5: // Return current colour for the custom entry wxColour col; if ( GetIndex() == GetCustomColourIndex() ) { if ( m_value.IsNull() ) return col; col << m_value; return col; } return *wxWHITE; } return wxColour(); } virtual wxString ColourToString( const wxColour& col, int index, int argFlags = 0 ) const wxOVERRIDE { if ( index == (int)(m_choices.GetCount()-1) ) return wxEmptyString; return wxColourProperty::ColourToString(col, index, argFlags); } virtual int GetCustomColourIndex() const wxOVERRIDE { return m_choices.GetCount()-2; } }; void FormMain::AddTestProperties( wxPropertyGridPage* pg ) { pg->Append( new MyColourProperty("CustomColourProperty", wxPG_LABEL, *wxGREEN) ); pg->GetProperty("CustomColourProperty")->SetAutoUnspecified(true); pg->SetPropertyEditor( "CustomColourProperty", wxPGEditor_ComboBox ); pg->SetPropertyHelpString("CustomColourProperty", "This is a MyColourProperty from the sample app. " "It is built by subclassing wxColourProperty."); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void FormMain::OnDumpList( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { wxVariant values = m_pPropGridManager->GetPropertyValues("list", wxNullProperty, wxPG_INC_ATTRIBUTES); wxString text = "This only tests that wxVariant related routines do not crash.\n"; wxDialog* dlg = new wxDialog(this,wxID_ANY,"wxVariant Test", wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER); for ( size_t i = 0; i < values.GetCount(); i++ ) { wxString t; wxVariant& v = values[i]; wxString strValue = v.GetString(); if ( v.GetName().EndsWith("@attr") ) { text += wxString::Format("Attributes:\n"); for ( size_t n = 0; n < v.GetCount(); n++ ) { wxVariant& a = v[n]; t.Printf(" attribute %i: name=\"%s\" (type=\"%s\" value=\"%s\")\n",(int)n, a.GetName(),a.GetType(),a.GetString()); text += t; } } else { t.Printf("%i: name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"\n",(int)i, v.GetName(),v.GetType(),strValue); text += t; } } // multi-line text editor dialog const int spacing = 8; wxBoxSizer* topsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); wxBoxSizer* rowsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); wxTextCtrl* ed = new wxTextCtrl(dlg, wxID_ANY, text, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY); rowsizer->Add( ed, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border(wxALL, spacing)); topsizer->Add( rowsizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand()); rowsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); rowsizer->Add( new wxButton(dlg,wxID_OK,"Ok"), wxSizerFlags(0).CentreHorizontal().CentreVertical().Border(wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, spacing)); topsizer->Add( rowsizer, wxSizerFlags().Right() ); dlg->SetSizer( topsizer ); topsizer->SetSizeHints( dlg ); dlg->SetSize(400,300); dlg->Centre(); dlg->ShowModal(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class TestRunner { public: TestRunner( const wxString& name, wxPropertyGridManager* man, wxTextCtrl* ed, wxVector* errorMessages ) { m_name = name; m_man = man; m_ed = ed; m_errorMessages = errorMessages; #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ m_preWarnings = wxPGGlobalVars->m_warnings; #endif if ( name != "none" ) Msg(name+"\n"); } ~TestRunner() { #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ int warningsOccurred = wxPGGlobalVars->m_warnings - m_preWarnings; if ( warningsOccurred ) { wxString s = wxString::Format("%i warnings occurred during test '%s'", warningsOccurred, m_name); m_errorMessages->push_back(s); Msg(s); } #endif } void Msg( const wxString& text ) { if ( m_ed ) { m_ed->AppendText(text); m_ed->AppendText("\n"); } wxLogDebug(text); } protected: wxPropertyGridManager* m_man; wxTextCtrl* m_ed; wxVector* m_errorMessages; wxString m_name; #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ int m_preWarnings; #endif }; #define RT_START_TEST(TESTNAME) \ TestRunner tr(#TESTNAME, pgman, ed, &errorMessages); #define RT_MSG(S) \ tr.Msg(S); #define RT_FAILURE() \ { \ wxString s1 = wxString::Format("Test failure in tests.cpp, line %i.",__LINE__-1); \ errorMessages.push_back(s1); \ wxLogDebug(s1); \ failures++; \ } #define RT_ASSERT(COND) \ if (!(COND)) \ RT_FAILURE() #define RT_FAILURE_MSG(MSG) \ { \ wxString s1 = wxString::Format("Test failure in tests.cpp, line %i.",__LINE__-1); \ errorMessages.push_back(s1); \ wxLogDebug(s1); \ wxString s2 = wxString::Format("Message: %s",MSG); \ errorMessages.push_back(s2); \ wxLogDebug(s2); \ failures++; \ } #define RT_VALIDATE_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT(PROPS, EXTRATEXT) \ { \ unsigned int h1_ = PROPS->GetVirtualHeight(); \ unsigned int h2_ = PROPS->GetActualVirtualHeight(); \ if ( h1_ != h2_ ) \ { \ wxString s_ = wxString::Format("VirtualHeight = %i, should be %i (%s)", h1_, h2_, EXTRATEXT); \ RT_FAILURE_MSG(s_); \ _failed_ = true; \ } \ else \ { \ _failed_ = false; \ } \ } inline bool GetRandomBooleanVal() { return (rand() % 2) != 0; } extern "C" int gpiro_cmpfunc(const void* a, const void* b) { const wxPGProperty* p1 = *static_cast(a); const wxPGProperty* p2 = *static_cast(b); return (int) (((size_t)p1->GetClientData()) - ((size_t)p2->GetClientData())); } wxVector GetPropertiesInRandomOrder( wxPropertyGridInterface* props, int iterationFlags = wxPG_ITERATE_ALL ) { wxVector arr; wxPropertyGridIterator it; for ( it = props->GetIterator(iterationFlags); !it.AtEnd(); ++it ) { wxPGProperty* p = *it; size_t randomNumber = rand(); p->SetClientData(reinterpret_cast(randomNumber)); arr.push_back(p); } wxPGProperty** firstEntry = &arr[0]; qsort(firstEntry, arr.size(), sizeof(wxPGProperty*), gpiro_cmpfunc); return arr; } // Callback for testing property sorting int MyPropertySortFunction(wxPropertyGrid* WXUNUSED(propGrid), wxPGProperty* p1, wxPGProperty* p2) { // Reverse alphabetical order return p2->GetLabel().CmpNoCase( p1->GetBaseName() ); } bool FormMain::RunTests( bool fullTest, bool interactive ) { wxString t; wxPropertyGridManager* pgman = m_pPropGridManager; wxPropertyGrid* pg; size_t i; pgman->ClearSelection(); srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL) % UINT_MAX)); int failures = 0; bool _failed_ = false; wxVector errorMessages; wxDialog* dlg = NULL; dlg = new wxDialog(this,wxID_ANY,"wxPropertyGrid Regression Tests", wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER); // multi-line text editor dialog const int spacing = 8; wxBoxSizer* topsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); wxBoxSizer* rowsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); wxTextCtrl* ed = new wxTextCtrl(dlg, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY); rowsizer->Add( ed, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border(wxALL, spacing)); topsizer->Add( rowsizer, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand()); rowsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); rowsizer->Add( new wxButton(dlg,wxID_OK,"Ok"), wxSizerFlags(0).CentreHorizontal().CentreVertical().Border(wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, spacing)); topsizer->Add( rowsizer, wxSizerFlags().Right() ); dlg->SetSizer( topsizer ); topsizer->SetSizeHints( dlg ); dlg->SetSize(400,300); dlg->Move(wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SCREEN_X)-dlg->GetSize().x, wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SCREEN_Y)-dlg->GetSize().y); dlg->Show(); { // // Basic iterator tests RT_START_TEST(GetIterator) wxPGVIterator it; int count; count = 0; for ( it = pgman->GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_PROPERTIES); !it.AtEnd(); it.Next() ) { wxPGProperty* p = it.GetProperty(); if ( p->IsCategory() ) RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("'%s' is a category (non-private child property expected)",p->GetLabel())) else if ( p->GetParent()->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_AGGREGATE) ) RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("'%s' is a private child (non-private child property expected)",p->GetLabel())) count++; } RT_MSG(wxString::Format("GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_PROPERTIES) -> %i entries", count)); count = 0; for ( it = pgman->GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES); !it.AtEnd(); it.Next() ) { wxPGProperty* p = it.GetProperty(); if ( !p->IsCategory() ) RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("'%s' is not a category (only category was expected)",p->GetLabel())) count++; } RT_MSG(wxString::Format("GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES) -> %i entries", count)); count = 0; for ( it = pgman->GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_PROPERTIES|wxPG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES); !it.AtEnd(); it.Next() ) { wxPGProperty* p = it.GetProperty(); if ( p->GetParent()->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_AGGREGATE) ) RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("'%s' is a private child (non-private child property or category expected)",p->GetLabel())) count++; } RT_MSG(wxString::Format("GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_PROPERTIES|wxPG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES) -> %i entries", count)); count = 0; for ( it = pgman->GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_VISIBLE); !it.AtEnd(); it.Next() ) { wxPGProperty* p = it.GetProperty(); if ( (p->GetParent() != p->GetGrid()->GetRoot() && !p->GetParent()->IsExpanded()) ) RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("'%s' had collapsed parent (only visible properties expected)",p->GetLabel())) else if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN) ) RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("'%s' was hidden (only visible properties expected)",p->GetLabel())) count++; } RT_MSG(wxString::Format("GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_VISIBLE) -> %i entries", count)); } if ( fullTest ) { // Test that setting focus to properties does not crash things RT_START_TEST(SelectProperty) wxPropertyGridIterator it; size_t ind; for ( ind=0; indGetPageCount(); ind++ ) { wxPropertyGridPage* page = pgman->GetPage(ind); pgman->SelectPage(page); for ( it = page->GetIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_VISIBLE); !it.AtEnd(); ++it ) { wxPGProperty* p = *it; RT_MSG(p->GetLabel()); pgman->GetGrid()->SelectProperty(p, true); ::wxMilliSleep(150); Update(); } } } { // // Delete everything in reverse order RT_START_TEST(DeleteProperty) wxPGVIterator it; wxVector array; for ( it = pgman->GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_ALL&~(wxPG_IT_CHILDREN(wxPG_PROP_AGGREGATE))); !it.AtEnd(); it.Next() ) array.push_back(it.GetProperty()); wxVector::reverse_iterator it2; for ( it2 = array.rbegin(); it2 != array.rend(); ++it2 ) { wxPGProperty* p = *it2; RT_MSG(wxString::Format("Deleting '%s' ('%s')",p->GetLabel(),p->GetName())); pgman->DeleteProperty(p); } // Check if grid is empty. it = pgman->GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_ALL&~(wxPG_IT_CHILDREN(wxPG_PROP_AGGREGATE))); if ( !it.AtEnd() ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString("Not all properties are deleted")); } // Recreate grid ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; } { // // Test property default values RT_START_TEST(Default_Values) wxPGVIterator it; for ( it = pgman->GetVIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_PROPERTIES); !it.AtEnd(); it.Next() ) { wxPGProperty* p = it.GetProperty(); pgman->SetPropertyValue(p, p->GetDefaultValue()); } // Recreate grid ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; } { // // Test wxAny<->wxVariant conversion RT_START_TEST(WXVARIANT_TO_WXANY_CONVERSION) wxPGProperty* prop; wxAny any; #if wxUSE_DATETIME prop = pgman->GetProperty("DateProperty"); wxDateTime testTime = wxDateTime::Now(); any = testTime; prop->SetValue(any); if ( prop->GetValue().GetAny().As() != testTime ) RT_FAILURE(); #endif prop = pgman->GetProperty("IntProperty"); int testInt = 25537983; any = testInt; prop->SetValue(any); if ( prop->GetValue().GetAny().As() != testInt ) RT_FAILURE(); #ifdef wxLongLong_t if ( prop->GetValue().GetAny().As() != testInt ) RT_FAILURE(); #endif prop = pgman->GetProperty("StringProperty"); wxString testString = "asd934jfyn3"; any = testString; prop->SetValue(any); if ( prop->GetValue().GetAny().As() != testString ) RT_FAILURE(); // Test with a type generated with IMPLEMENT_VARIANT_OBJECT() prop = pgman->GetProperty("ColourProperty"); wxColour testCol = *wxCYAN; any = testCol; prop->SetValue(any); if ( prop->GetValue().GetAny().As() != testCol ) RT_FAILURE(); // Test with a type with custom wxVariantData defined by // wxPG headers. prop = pgman->GetProperty("Position"); wxPoint testPoint(199, 199); any = testPoint; prop->SetValue(any); if ( prop->GetValue().GetAny().As() != testPoint ) RT_FAILURE(); } { RT_START_TEST(GetPropertyValues) for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { wxString text; wxPropertyGridPage* page = pgman->GetPage(i); wxVariant values = page->GetPropertyValues(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int)values.GetCount(); j++ ) { wxVariant& v = values[j]; t.Printf("%i: name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\"\n",(int)j, v.GetName(),v.GetType()); text += t; } ed->AppendText(text); } } { RT_START_TEST(SetPropertyValue_and_GetPropertyValue) // In this section, mixed up usage of "propname" and "propname" // in wxPropertyGridInterface functions is intentional. // Purpose is to test wxPGPropArgCls ctors. //pg = (wxPropertyGrid*) NULL; wxArrayString test_arrstr_1; test_arrstr_1.Add("Apple"); test_arrstr_1.Add("Orange"); test_arrstr_1.Add("Lemon"); wxArrayString test_arrstr_2; test_arrstr_2.Add("Potato"); test_arrstr_2.Add("Cabbage"); test_arrstr_2.Add("Cucumber"); wxArrayInt test_arrint_1; test_arrint_1.Add(1); test_arrint_1.Add(2); test_arrint_1.Add(3); wxArrayInt test_arrint_2; test_arrint_2.Add(0); test_arrint_2.Add(1); test_arrint_2.Add(4); #if wxUSE_DATETIME wxDateTime dt1 = wxDateTime::Now(); dt1.SetYear(dt1.GetYear()-1); wxDateTime dt2 = wxDateTime::Now(); dt2.SetYear(dt2.GetYear()-10); #endif wxColour colWithAlpha(1, 128, 254, 100); wxString colWithAlphaStr(colWithAlpha.GetAsString(wxC2S_CSS_SYNTAX)); #define FLAG_TEST_SET1 (wxCAPTION|wxCLOSE_BOX|wxSYSTEM_MENU|wxRESIZE_BORDER) #define FLAG_TEST_SET2 (wxSTAY_ON_TOP|wxCAPTION|wxICONIZE|wxSYSTEM_MENU) pgman->SetPropertyValue("StringProperty","Text1"); pgman->SetPropertyValue("IntProperty",1024); pgman->SetPropertyValue("FloatProperty",1024.0000000001); pgman->SetPropertyValue("BoolProperty",false); pgman->SetPropertyValue("EnumProperty",120); pgman->SetPropertyValue("ArrayStringProperty",test_arrstr_1); wxColour emptyCol; pgman->SetPropertyValue("ColourProperty",emptyCol); pgman->SetPropertyValue("ColourProperty", const_cast(static_cast(wxBLACK))); pgman->SetPropertyValue("Size",WXVARIANT(wxSize(150,150))); pgman->SetPropertyValue("Position",WXVARIANT(wxPoint(150,150))); pgman->SetPropertyValue("MultiChoiceProperty",test_arrint_1); #if wxUSE_DATETIME pgman->SetPropertyValue("DateProperty",dt1); #endif pgman->SelectPage(2); pg = pgman->GetGrid(); if ( pg->GetPropertyValueAsString("StringProperty") != "Text1" ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pg->GetPropertyValueAsInt("IntProperty") != 1024 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pg->GetPropertyValueAsDouble("FloatProperty") != 1024.0000000001 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pg->GetPropertyValueAsBool("BoolProperty") != false ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pg->GetPropertyValueAsLong("EnumProperty") != 120 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pg->GetPropertyValueAsArrayString("ArrayStringProperty") != test_arrstr_1 ) RT_FAILURE(); wxColour col; col << pgman->GetPropertyValue("ColourProperty"); if ( col != *wxBLACK ) RT_FAILURE(); wxVariant varSize(pg->GetPropertyValue("Size")); if ( wxSizeRefFromVariant(varSize) != wxSize(150,150) ) RT_FAILURE(); wxVariant varPos(pg->GetPropertyValue("Position")); if ( wxPointRefFromVariant(varPos) != wxPoint(150,150) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( !(pg->GetPropertyValueAsArrayInt("MultiChoiceProperty") == test_arrint_1) ) RT_FAILURE(); #if wxUSE_DATETIME if ( !(pg->GetPropertyValueAsDateTime("DateProperty") == dt1) ) RT_FAILURE(); #endif #if wxUSE_LONGLONG && defined(wxLongLong_t) pgman->SetPropertyValue("IntProperty",wxLL(10000000000)); if ( pg->GetPropertyValueAsLongLong("IntProperty") != wxLL(10000000000) ) RT_FAILURE(); #else pgman->SetPropertyValue("IntProperty",1000000000); if ( pg->GetPropertyValueAsLong("IntProperty") != 1000000000 ) RT_FAILURE(); #endif pg->SetPropertyValue("StringProperty","Text2"); pg->SetPropertyValue("IntProperty",512); pg->SetPropertyValue("FloatProperty",512.0); pg->SetPropertyValue("BoolProperty",true); pg->SetPropertyValue("EnumProperty",80); pg->SetPropertyValue("ArrayStringProperty",test_arrstr_2); pg->SetPropertyValue("ColourProperty", const_cast(static_cast(wxWHITE))); pg->SetPropertyValue("Size",WXVARIANT(wxSize(300,300))); pg->SetPropertyValue("Position",WXVARIANT(wxPoint(300,300))); pg->SetPropertyValue("MultiChoiceProperty",test_arrint_2); #if wxUSE_DATETIME pg->SetPropertyValue("DateProperty",dt2); #endif //pg = (wxPropertyGrid*) NULL; pgman->SelectPage(0); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsString("StringProperty") != "Text2" ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsInt("IntProperty") != 512 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsDouble("FloatProperty") != 512.0 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsBool("BoolProperty") != true ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsLong("EnumProperty") != 80 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsArrayString("ArrayStringProperty") != test_arrstr_2 ) RT_FAILURE(); col << pgman->GetPropertyValue("ColourProperty"); if ( col != *wxWHITE ) RT_FAILURE(); varSize = pgman->GetPropertyValue("Size"); if ( wxSizeRefFromVariant(varSize) != wxSize(300,300) ) RT_FAILURE(); varPos = pgman->GetPropertyValue("Position"); if ( wxPointRefFromVariant(varPos) != wxPoint(300,300) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( !(pgman->GetPropertyValueAsArrayInt("MultiChoiceProperty") == test_arrint_2) ) RT_FAILURE(); #if wxUSE_DATETIME if ( !(pgman->GetPropertyValueAsDateTime("DateProperty") == dt2) ) RT_FAILURE(); #endif #if wxUSE_LONGLONG && defined(wxLongLong_t) pgman->SetPropertyValue("IntProperty",wxLL(-80000000000)); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsLongLong("IntProperty") != wxLL(-80000000000) ) RT_FAILURE(); #else pgman->SetPropertyValue("IntProperty",-1000000000); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsLong("IntProperty") != -1000000000 ) RT_FAILURE(); #endif // Make sure children of composite parent get updated as well // Original string value: "Lamborghini Diablo SV; 5707; [300; 3.9; 8.6] 300000; Not Convertible" // // This updates children as well wxString nvs = "Lamborghini Diablo XYZ; 5707; [100; 3.9; 8.6] 3000002; Convertible"; pgman->SetPropertyValue("Car", nvs); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsString("Car.Model") != "Lamborghini Diablo XYZ" ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Did not match: Car.Model=%s", pgman->GetPropertyValueAsString("Car.Model"))); } if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsInt("Car.Speeds.Max. Speed (mph)") != 100 ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Did not match: Car.Speeds.Max. Speed (mph)=%s", pgman->GetPropertyValueAsString("Car.Speeds.Max. Speed (mph)"))); } if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsInt("Car.Price ($)") != 3000002 ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format(wxS("Did not match: Car.Price ($)=%s"), pgman->GetPropertyValueAsString(wxS("Car.Price ($)")))); } if ( !pgman->GetPropertyValueAsBool("Car.Convertible") ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Did not match: Car.Convertible=%s", pgman->GetPropertyValueAsString("Car.Convertible"))); } // SetPropertyValueString for special cases such as wxColour pgman->SetPropertyValueString("ColourProperty", "(123,4,255)"); col << pgman->GetPropertyValue("ColourProperty"); if ( col != wxColour(123, 4, 255) ) RT_FAILURE(); pgman->SetPropertyValueString("ColourProperty", "#FE860B"); col << pgman->GetPropertyValue("ColourProperty"); if ( col != wxColour(254, 134, 11) ) RT_FAILURE(); pgman->SetPropertyValueString("ColourPropertyWithAlpha", "(10, 20, 30, 128)"); col << pgman->GetPropertyValue("ColourPropertyWithAlpha"); if ( col != wxColour(10, 20, 30, 128) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pgman->GetPropertyValueAsString("ColourPropertyWithAlpha") != "(10,20,30,128)" ) RT_FAILURE(); } { RT_START_TEST(SetPropertyValueUnspecified) // Null variant setter tests pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("StringProperty"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("IntProperty"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("FloatProperty"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("BoolProperty"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("EnumProperty"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("ArrayStringProperty"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("ColourProperty"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("Size"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("Position"); pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("MultiChoiceProperty"); #if wxUSE_DATETIME pgman->SetPropertyValueUnspecified("DateProperty"); #endif } { // // Test multiple selection RT_START_TEST(MULTIPLE_SELECTION) if ( !(pgman->GetExtraStyle() & wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION) ) ReplaceGrid( -1, wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; pg = pgman->GetGrid(); wxPGProperty* prop1 = pg->GetProperty("Label"); wxPGProperty* prop2 = pg->GetProperty("Cell Text Colour"); wxPGProperty* prop3 = pg->GetProperty("Height"); wxPGProperty* catProp = pg->GetProperty("Appearance"); RT_ASSERT( prop1 && prop2 && prop3 ); pg->ClearSelection(); pg->AddToSelection(prop1); pg->AddToSelection(prop2); pg->AddToSelection(prop3); // Adding category to selection should fail silently pg->AddToSelection(catProp); wxArrayPGProperty selectedProperties = pg->GetSelectedProperties(); RT_ASSERT( selectedProperties.size() == 3 ) RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop1) ) RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop2) ) RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop3) ) RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(catProp) ) pg->RemoveFromSelection(prop1); wxArrayPGProperty selectedProperties2 = pg->GetSelectedProperties(); RT_ASSERT( selectedProperties2.size() == 2 ) RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop1) ) RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop2) ) RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop3) ) pg->ClearSelection(); wxArrayPGProperty selectedProperties3 = pg->GetSelectedProperties(); RT_ASSERT( selectedProperties3.size() == 0 ) RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop1) ) RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop2) ) RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop3) ) pg->SelectProperty(prop2); RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop1) ) RT_ASSERT( pg->IsPropertySelected(prop2) ) RT_ASSERT( !pg->IsPropertySelected(prop3) ) } { // // Test retrieving main parent of the property RT_START_TEST(GetMainParent) pgman = m_pPropGridManager; // Simple properties wxPGProperty* prop = pgman->GetProperty("DateProperty"); wxPGProperty* parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "DateProperty"); prop = pgman->GetProperty("Label"); parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "Label"); // Properties with children prop = pgman->GetProperty("Font"); RT_ASSERT(prop); parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "Font"); prop = pgman->GetProperty("Font.Style"); RT_ASSERT(prop); parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "Font"); prop = pgman->GetProperty("Car"); RT_ASSERT(prop); parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "Car"); prop = pgman->GetProperty("Car.Model"); RT_ASSERT(prop); parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "Car"); prop = pgman->GetProperty("Car.Speeds"); RT_ASSERT(prop); parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "Car"); prop = pgman->GetProperty("3D Object.Triangle 3.A"); RT_ASSERT(prop); parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "3D Object"); prop = pgman->GetProperty("3D Object.Triangle 3.A.Z"); RT_ASSERT(prop); parent = prop->GetMainParent(); RT_ASSERT(parent); RT_ASSERT(parent->GetName() == "3D Object"); } { // // Test label editing RT_START_TEST(LABEL_EDITING) pg = pgman->GetGrid(); // Just mostly test that these won't crash pg->MakeColumnEditable(0, true); pg->MakeColumnEditable(2, true); pg->MakeColumnEditable(0, false); pg->MakeColumnEditable(2, false); pg->SelectProperty("Height"); pg->BeginLabelEdit(0); pg->BeginLabelEdit(0); pg->EndLabelEdit(0); pg->EndLabelEdit(0); // Recreate grid ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; } { RT_START_TEST(Attributes) wxPGProperty* prop = pgman->GetProperty("StringProperty"); prop->SetAttribute("Dummy Attribute", 15L); if ( prop->GetAttribute("Dummy Attribute").GetLong() != 15L ) RT_FAILURE(); prop->SetAttribute("Dummy Attribute", wxVariant()); if ( !prop->GetAttribute("Dummy Attribute").IsNull() ) RT_FAILURE(); } { RT_START_TEST(Attributes with PGManager) const long val = 25; pgman->SetPropertyAttribute("IntProperty", "Dummy Attribute", val); if ( pgman->GetPropertyAttribute("IntProperty", "Dummy Attribute").GetLong() != val ) RT_FAILURE(); pgman->SetPropertyAttribute("IntProperty", "Dummy Attribute", wxVariant()); if ( !pgman->GetPropertyAttribute("IntProperty", "Dummy Attribute").IsNull() ) RT_FAILURE(); } { RT_START_TEST(Getting list of attributes) wxPGProperty* prop = pgman->GetProperty("Height"); const wxPGAttributeStorage& attrs1 = prop->GetAttributes(); if ( attrs1.GetCount() < 1 ) RT_FAILURE(); const wxPGAttributeStorage& attrs2 = pgman->GetPropertyAttributes("Height"); if ( attrs2.GetCount() != attrs1.GetCount() ) RT_FAILURE(); // Compare both lists wxVariant val1; wxVariant val2; wxPGAttributeStorage::const_iterator it = attrs1.StartIteration(); while ( attrs1.GetNext(it, val1) ) { val2 = attrs2.FindValue(val1.GetName()); if ( val1 != val2 ) RT_FAILURE(); } } { RT_START_TEST(Copying list of attributes) wxPGAttributeStorage attrs1(pgman->GetPropertyAttributes("Height")); if ( attrs1.GetCount() < 1 ) RT_FAILURE(); wxPGAttributeStorage attrs2; attrs2 = attrs1; if ( attrs2.GetCount() != attrs1.GetCount() ) RT_FAILURE(); // Compare both lists wxVariant val1; wxVariant val2; wxPGAttributeStorage::const_iterator it = attrs1.StartIteration(); while ( attrs1.GetNext(it, val1) ) { val2 = attrs2.FindValue(val1.GetName()); if ( val1 != val2 ) RT_FAILURE(); } } { RT_START_TEST(MaxLength) wxPGProperty* prop1 = pgman->GetProperty("StringProperty"); if ( !prop1->SetMaxLength(10) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop1->GetMaxLength() != 10 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( !prop1->SetMaxLength(-1) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop1->GetMaxLength() != 0 ) RT_FAILURE(); wxPGProperty* prop2 = pgman->GetProperty("LongStringProp"); if ( !prop2->SetMaxLength(20) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop2->GetMaxLength() != 20 ) RT_FAILURE(); wxPGProperty* prop3 = pgman->GetProperty("IntProperty"); if ( !prop3->SetMaxLength(30) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop3->GetMaxLength() != 30 ) RT_FAILURE(); wxPGProperty* prop4 = pgman->GetProperty("ArrayStringProperty"); if ( !prop4->SetMaxLength(40) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop4->GetMaxLength() != 40 ) RT_FAILURE(); wxPGProperty* prop5 = pgman->GetProperty("EnumProperty"); if ( prop5->SetMaxLength(50) ) RT_FAILURE(); wxPGProperty* prop6 = pgman->GetProperty("BoolProperty"); if ( prop6->SetMaxLength(60) ) RT_FAILURE(); } { RT_START_TEST(MaxLength with PG) pgman->SelectPage(2); pg = pgman->GetGrid(); wxPGProperty* prop1 = pgman->GetProperty("StringProperty"); if ( !pg->SetPropertyMaxLength("StringProperty", 110) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop1->GetMaxLength() != 110 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( !pg->SetPropertyMaxLength("StringProperty", -1) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop1->GetMaxLength() != 0 ) RT_FAILURE(); wxPGProperty* prop2 = pgman->GetProperty("LongStringProp"); if ( !pg->SetPropertyMaxLength("LongStringProp", 120) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop2->GetMaxLength() != 120 ) RT_FAILURE(); wxPGProperty* prop3 = pgman->GetProperty("FloatProperty"); if ( !pg->SetPropertyMaxLength("FloatProperty", 130) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( prop3->GetMaxLength() != 130 ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pg->SetPropertyMaxLength("ColourProperty", 140) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pg->SetPropertyMaxLength("BoolProperty", 150) ) RT_FAILURE(); } #if WXWIN_COMPATIBILITY_3_0 { RT_START_TEST(DoubleToString) // Locale-specific decimal separator wxString sep = wxString::Format("%g", 1.1)[1]; wxString s; if ( wxPropertyGrid::DoubleToString(s, 123.123, 2, true) != wxString::Format("123%s12", sep) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( wxPropertyGrid::DoubleToString(s, -123.123, 4, false) != wxString::Format("-123%s1230", sep) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( wxPropertyGrid::DoubleToString(s, -0.02, 1, false) != wxString::Format("0%s0", sep) ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( wxPropertyGrid::DoubleToString(s, -0.000123, 3, true) != "0" ) RT_FAILURE(); } #endif { wxPropertyGridPage* page1; wxPropertyGridPage* page2; wxPropertyGridPage* page3; wxVariant pg1_values; wxVariant pg2_values; wxVariant pg3_values; { RT_START_TEST(GetPropertyValues) page1 = pgman->GetPage(0); pg1_values = page1->GetPropertyValues("Page1",NULL,wxPG_KEEP_STRUCTURE); page2 = pgman->GetPage(1); pg2_values = page2->GetPropertyValues("Page2",NULL,wxPG_KEEP_STRUCTURE); page3 = pgman->GetPage(2); pg3_values = page3->GetPropertyValues("Page3",NULL,wxPG_KEEP_STRUCTURE); } { RT_START_TEST(SetPropertyValues) page1->SetPropertyValues(pg3_values); page2->SetPropertyValues(pg1_values); page3->SetPropertyValues(pg2_values); } } if ( !pgman->HasFlag(wxPG_HIDE_CATEGORIES) ) { RT_START_TEST(Collapse_and_GetFirstCategory_and_GetNextCategory) for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { wxPropertyGridPage* page = pgman->GetPage(i); wxPropertyGridIterator it; for ( it = page->GetIterator( wxPG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES ); !it.AtEnd(); ++it ) { wxPGProperty* p = *it; if ( !page->IsPropertyCategory(p) ) RT_FAILURE(); page->Collapse( p ); t.Printf("Collapsing: %s\n",page->GetPropertyLabel(p)); ed->AppendText(t); } } } { RT_START_TEST(Save_And_RestoreEditableState) for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { pgman->SelectPage(i); wxString stringState = pgman->SaveEditableState(); bool res = pgman->RestoreEditableState(stringState); if ( !res ) RT_FAILURE(); } } //if ( !pgman->HasFlag(wxPG_HIDE_CATEGORIES) ) { RT_START_TEST(Expand_and_GetFirstCategory_and_GetNextCategory) for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { wxPropertyGridPage* page = pgman->GetPage(i); wxPropertyGridIterator it; for ( it = page->GetIterator( wxPG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES ); !it.AtEnd(); ++it ) { wxPGProperty* p = *it; if ( !page->IsPropertyCategory(p) ) RT_FAILURE(); page->Expand( p ); t.Printf("Expand: %s\n",page->GetPropertyLabel(p)); ed->AppendText(t); } } } { RT_START_TEST(Choice_Manipulation) wxPGProperty* enumProp = pgman->GetProperty("EnumProperty"); pgman->SelectPage(2); pgman->SelectProperty(enumProp); wxASSERT(pgman->GetGrid()->GetSelection() == enumProp); const wxPGChoices& choices = enumProp->GetChoices(); int ind = enumProp->InsertChoice("New Choice", choices.GetCount()/2); enumProp->DeleteChoice(ind); // Recreate the original grid ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; } //if ( !pgman->HasFlag(wxPG_HIDE_CATEGORIES) ) { RT_START_TEST(RandomCollapse) // Select the most error prone page as visible. pgman->SelectPage(1); for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { wxVector arr; wxPropertyGridPage* page = pgman->GetPage(i); wxPropertyGridIterator it; for ( it = page->GetIterator( wxPG_ITERATE_CATEGORIES ); !it.AtEnd(); ++it ) { arr.push_back(*it); } if ( !arr.empty() ) { pgman->Collapse( arr[0] ); for ( size_t n=arr.size()-1; n>0; n-- ) { pgman->Collapse( arr[n] ); } } } } { RT_START_TEST(EnsureVisible) pgman->EnsureVisible("Cell Colour"); } { RT_START_TEST(RemoveProperty) wxPGProperty* p; wxPGProperty* origParent = pgman->GetProperty("Window Styles")->GetParent(); // For testing purposes, let's set some custom cell colours p = pgman->GetProperty("Window Styles"); p->SetCell(2, wxPGCell("style")); p = pgman->RemoveProperty("Window Styles"); pgman->Refresh(); pgman->Update(); pgman->AppendIn(origParent, p); wxASSERT( p->GetCell(2).GetText() == "style"); pgman->Refresh(); pgman->Update(); } { RT_START_TEST(SortFunction) wxPGProperty* p; // Make sure indexes are as supposed p = pgman->GetProperty("User Name"); if ( p->GetIndexInParent() != 3 ) RT_FAILURE(); p = pgman->GetProperty("User Id"); if ( p->GetIndexInParent() != 2 ) RT_FAILURE(); p = pgman->GetProperty("User Home"); if ( p->GetIndexInParent() != 1 ) RT_FAILURE(); p = pgman->GetProperty("Operating System"); if ( p->GetIndexInParent() != 0 ) RT_FAILURE(); pgman->GetGrid()->SetSortFunction(MyPropertySortFunction); pgman->GetGrid()->SortChildren("Environment"); // Make sure indexes have been reversed p = pgman->GetProperty("User Name"); if ( p->GetIndexInParent() != 0 ) RT_FAILURE(); p = pgman->GetProperty("User Id"); if ( p->GetIndexInParent() != 1 ) RT_FAILURE(); p = pgman->GetProperty("User Home"); if ( p->GetIndexInParent() != 2 ) RT_FAILURE(); p = pgman->GetProperty("Operating System"); if ( p->GetIndexInParent() != 3 ) RT_FAILURE(); } { RT_START_TEST(SetPropertyBackgroundColour) wxCommandEvent evt; evt.SetInt(1); // IsChecked() will return true. evt.SetId(ID_COLOURSCHEME4); OnCatColours(evt); OnColourScheme(evt); } { RT_START_TEST(Clear) // Manager clear pgman->SelectProperty("Label"); pgman->Clear(); if ( pgman->GetPageCount() ) RT_FAILURE(); if ( pgman->GetGrid()->GetRoot()->GetChildCount() ) RT_FAILURE(); // Recreate the original grid ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; // Grid clear pgman->SelectProperty("Label"); pgman->GetGrid()->Clear(); if ( pgman->GetGrid()->GetRoot()->GetChildCount() ) RT_FAILURE(); // Recreate the original grid ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; } { RT_START_TEST(SetSplitterPosition) const int trySplitterPos = 50; int style = wxPG_AUTO_SORT; // wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER; ReplaceGrid(style, -1); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; pgman->SetSplitterPosition(trySplitterPos); if ( pgman->GetGrid()->GetSplitterPosition() != trySplitterPos ) RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Splitter position was %i (should have been %i)",(int)pgman->GetGrid()->GetSplitterPosition(),trySplitterPos)); wxSize origSz = GetSize(); wxSize sz = origSz; sz.IncBy(5, 5); SetSize(sz); if ( pgman->GetGrid()->GetSplitterPosition() != trySplitterPos ) RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Splitter position was %i (should have been %i)",(int)pgman->GetGrid()->GetSplitterPosition(),trySplitterPos)); SetSize(origSz); // Recreate the original grid ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; } { RT_START_TEST(HideProperty) wxPropertyGridPage* page = pgman->GetPage(0); wxVector arr1 = GetPropertiesInRandomOrder(page); if ( !_failed_ ) { for ( i=0; iHideProperty(p, true); wxString s = wxString::Format("HideProperty(%i, %s)", (int)i, p->GetLabel()); RT_VALIDATE_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT(page, s) if ( _failed_ ) break; } } if ( !_failed_ ) { wxVector arr2 = GetPropertiesInRandomOrder(page); for ( i=0; iHideProperty(p, false); wxString s = wxString::Format("ShowProperty(%i, %s)", (int)i, p->GetLabel()); RT_VALIDATE_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT(page, s) if ( _failed_ ) break; } } // // Let's do some more, for better consistency arr1 = GetPropertiesInRandomOrder(page); if ( !_failed_ ) { for ( i=0; iHideProperty(p, true); wxString s = wxString::Format("HideProperty(%i, %s)", (int)i, p->GetLabel()); RT_VALIDATE_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT(page, s) if ( _failed_ ) break; } } if ( !_failed_ ) { wxVector arr2 = GetPropertiesInRandomOrder(page); for ( i=0; iHideProperty(p, false); wxString s = wxString::Format("ShowProperty(%i, %s)", (int)i, p->GetLabel()); RT_VALIDATE_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT(page, s) if ( _failed_ ) break; } } // // Ok, this time only hide half of them arr1 = GetPropertiesInRandomOrder(page); arr1.resize(arr1.size()/2); if ( !_failed_ ) { for ( i=0; iHideProperty(p, true); wxString s = wxString::Format("HideProperty(%i, %s)", (int)i, p->GetLabel()); RT_VALIDATE_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT(page, s) if ( _failed_ ) break; } } if ( !_failed_ ) { wxVector arr2 = GetPropertiesInRandomOrder(page); for ( i=0; iHideProperty(p, false); wxString s = wxString::Format("ShowProperty(%i, %s)", (int)i, p->GetLabel()); RT_VALIDATE_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT(page, s) if ( _failed_ ) break; } } // Recreate the original grid ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; } { RT_START_TEST(SetFlagsAsString and GetFlagsAsString) // Select the most error prone page as visible. pgman->SelectPage(1); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { wxPropertyGridPage* page = pgman->GetPage(i); wxPropertyGridIterator it; for ( it = page->GetIterator(wxPG_ITERATE_VISIBLE); !it.AtEnd(); ++it ) { wxPGProperty *p = *it; // Save initial flags wxPGProperty::FlagType oldFlags = 0; if( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED) ) { oldFlags |= wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED; } if( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_DISABLED) ) { oldFlags |= wxPG_PROP_DISABLED; } if( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN) ) { oldFlags |= wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN; } if( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR) ) { oldFlags |= wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR; } wxString flags; if ( p->IsCategory() ) { if ( GetRandomBooleanVal() ) { if ( !flags.empty() ) { flags.append("|"); } flags.append("COLLAPSED"); } } if (GetRandomBooleanVal() ) { if ( !flags.empty() ) { flags.append("|"); } flags.append("DISABLED"); } if ( GetRandomBooleanVal() ) { if ( !flags.empty() ) { flags.append("|"); } flags.append("HIDDEN"); } // Set flags p->SetFlagsFromString(flags); // Verify if flags have been properly set if ( flags.Find("COLLAPSED") != wxNOT_FOUND && !p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED) ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Error setting flag from string 'COLLAPSED' for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } if ( flags.Find("COLLAPSED") == wxNOT_FOUND && p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED) ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Error resetting flag from string 'COLLAPSED'for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } if ( flags.Find("DISABLED") != wxNOT_FOUND && !p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_DISABLED) ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Error setting flag from string 'DISABLED' for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } if ( flags.Find("DISABLED") == wxNOT_FOUND && p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_DISABLED) ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Error resetting flag from string 'DISABLED' for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } if ( flags.Find("HIDDEN") != wxNOT_FOUND && !p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN) ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Error setting flag from string 'HIDDEN' for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } if ( flags.Find("HIDDEN") == wxNOT_FOUND && p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN) ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Error resetting flag from string 'HIDDEN' for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } // Get individual flags bool ok; flags = p->GetFlagsAsString(wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED); if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED) ) { ok = (flags == "COLLAPSED"); } else { ok = flags.empty(); } if ( !ok ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Invalid string for wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED flag for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } flags = p->GetFlagsAsString(wxPG_PROP_DISABLED); if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_DISABLED) ) { ok = (flags == "DISABLED"); } else { ok = flags.empty(); } if ( !ok ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Invalid string for wxPG_PROP_DISABLED flag for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } flags = p->GetFlagsAsString(wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN); if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN) ) { ok = (flags == "HIDDEN"); } else { ok = flags.empty(); } if ( !ok ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Invalid string for wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN flag for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } flags = p->GetFlagsAsString(wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR); if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR) ) { ok = (flags == "NOEDITOR"); } else { ok = flags.empty(); } if ( !ok ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Invalid string for wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR flag for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } // Get all flags flags = p->GetFlagsAsString(wxPG_STRING_STORED_FLAGS); if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED) ) { ok = (flags.Find("COLLAPSED") != wxNOT_FOUND); } else { ok = (flags.Find("COLLAPSED") == wxNOT_FOUND); } if ( !ok ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Invalid string for wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED flag for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_DISABLED) ) { ok = (flags.Find("DISABLED") != wxNOT_FOUND); } else { ok = (flags.Find("DISABLED") == wxNOT_FOUND); } if ( !ok ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Invalid string for wxPG_PROP_DISBALED flag for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN) ) { ok = (flags.Find("HIDDEN") != wxNOT_FOUND); } else { ok = (flags.Find("HIDDEN") == wxNOT_FOUND); } if ( !ok ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Invalid string for wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN flag for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } if ( p->HasFlag(wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR) ) { ok = (flags.Find("NOEDITOR") != wxNOT_FOUND); } else { ok = (flags.Find("NOEDITOR") == wxNOT_FOUND); } if ( !ok ) { RT_FAILURE_MSG(wxString::Format("Invalid string for wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR flag for property '%s'", p->GetName())); } // Restore original flags p->ChangeFlag(wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED, (oldFlags & wxPG_PROP_COLLAPSED) != 0); p->ChangeFlag(wxPG_PROP_DISABLED, (oldFlags & wxPG_PROP_DISABLED) != 0); p->ChangeFlag(wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN, (oldFlags & wxPG_PROP_HIDDEN) != 0); p->ChangeFlag(wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR, (oldFlags & wxPG_PROP_NOEDITOR) != 0); } } } if ( fullTest ) { RT_START_TEST(MultipleColumns) // Test with multiple columns ReplaceGrid( -1, -1 ); pgman = m_pPropGridManager; for ( i=3; i<12; i+=2 ) { RT_MSG(wxString::Format("%i columns",(int)i)); pgman->SetColumnCount(i); Refresh(); Update(); wxMilliSleep(500); } } if ( fullTest ) { RT_START_TEST(WindowStyles) // Recreate grid with all possible (single) flags wxASSERT(wxPG_AUTO_SORT == 0x000000010); for ( i=4; i<16; i++ ) { int flag = 1<m_warnings); #endif RT_MSG(s) for ( i=0; iClose(); } pgman->SelectPage(0); // Test may screw up the toolbar, so we need to refresh it. wxToolBar* toolBar = pgman->GetToolBar(); if ( toolBar ) toolBar->Refresh(); return retVal; } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------