///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: shaped.cpp // Purpose: Shaped Window sample // Author: Robin Dunn // Modified by: // Created: 28-Mar-2003 // Copyright: (c) Robin Dunn // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" // for all others, include the necessary headers #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/panel.h" #include "wx/stattext.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/layout.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #include "wx/image.h" #endif #include "wx/dcclient.h" #include "wx/graphics.h" #include "wx/image.h" #include "wx/scopedptr.h" #include "wx/sizer.h" #include "wx/slider.h" #ifndef wxHAS_IMAGES_IN_RESOURCES #include "../sample.xpm" #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // menu ids enum { Show_Shaped = 100, Show_Transparent, Show_TransparentBg, // must be consecutive and in the same order as wxShowEffect enum elements Show_Effect_First, Show_Effect_Roll = Show_Effect_First, Show_Effect_Slide, Show_Effect_Blend, Show_Effect_Expand, Show_Effect_Last = Show_Effect_Expand }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private classes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define a new application type, each program should derive a class from wxApp class MyApp : public wxApp { public: // override base class virtuals // ---------------------------- // this one is called on application startup and is a good place for the app // initialization (doing it here and not in the ctor allows to have an error // return: if OnInit() returns false, the application terminates) virtual bool OnInit() wxOVERRIDE; }; // Main frame just contains the menu items invoking the other tests class MainFrame : public wxFrame { public: MainFrame(); private: void OnShowShaped(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnShowTransparent(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnShowEffect(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event); wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; // Define a new frame type: this is going to the frame showing the // effect of wxFRAME_SHAPED class ShapedFrame : public wxFrame { public: // ctor(s) ShapedFrame(wxFrame *parent); void SetWindowShape(); // event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual) void OnDoubleClick(wxMouseEvent& evt); void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& evt); void OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& evt); void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& evt); void OnExit(wxMouseEvent& evt); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& evt); private: enum ShapeKind { Shape_None, Shape_Star, #if wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT Shape_Circle, #endif // wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT Shape_Max } m_shapeKind; wxBitmap m_bmp; wxPoint m_delta; // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; // Define a new frame type: this is going to the frame showing the // effect of wxWindow::SetTransparent and of // wxWindow::SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_TRANSPARENT) class SeeThroughFrame : public wxFrame { public: void Create(wxWindow* parent); private: // event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual) void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& evt); void OnAlpha(wxCommandEvent& event); // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; class EffectFrame : public wxFrame { public: EffectFrame(wxWindow *parent, wxShowEffect effect, // TODO: add menu command to the main frame to allow changing // these parameters unsigned timeout = 1000) : wxFrame(parent, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format("Frame shown with %s effect", GetEffectName(effect)), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(450, 300)), m_effect(effect), m_timeout(timeout) { new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format("Effect: %s", GetEffectName(effect)), wxPoint(20, 20)); new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format("Timeout: %ums", m_timeout), wxPoint(20, 60)); ShowWithEffect(m_effect, m_timeout); Bind(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, &EffectFrame::OnClose, this); } private: static const char *GetEffectName(wxShowEffect effect) { static const char *names[] = { "none", "roll to left", "roll to right", "roll to top", "roll to bottom", "slide to left", "slide to right", "slide to top", "slide to bottom", "fade", "expand", }; wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( WXSIZEOF(names) == wxSHOW_EFFECT_MAX, EffectNamesMismatch ); return names[effect]; } void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { HideWithEffect(m_effect, m_timeout); event.Skip(); } wxShowEffect m_effect; unsigned m_timeout; }; // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the application class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxIMPLEMENT_APP(MyApp); // `Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; wxInitAllImageHandlers(); new MainFrame; // success: wxApp::OnRun() will be called which will enter the main message // loop and the application will run. If we returned false here, the // application would exit immediately. return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main frame // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MainFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(Show_Shaped, MainFrame::OnShowShaped) EVT_MENU(Show_Transparent, MainFrame::OnShowTransparent) EVT_MENU(Show_TransparentBg, MainFrame::OnShowTransparent) EVT_MENU_RANGE(Show_Effect_First, Show_Effect_Last, MainFrame::OnShowEffect) EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MainFrame::OnExit) wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() MainFrame::MainFrame() : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "wxWidgets Shaped Sample", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 100)) { SetIcon(wxICON(sample)); wxMenuBar * const mbar = new wxMenuBar; wxMenu * const menuFrames = new wxMenu; menuFrames->Append(Show_Shaped, "Show &shaped window\tCtrl-S"); menuFrames->Append(Show_Transparent, "Show &transparent window\tCtrl-T"); menuFrames->Append(Show_TransparentBg, "Show with &transparent background\tShift-Ctrl-T"); menuFrames->AppendSeparator(); menuFrames->Append(Show_Effect_Roll, "Show &rolled effect\tCtrl-R"); menuFrames->Append(Show_Effect_Slide, "Show s&lide effect\tCtrl-L"); menuFrames->Append(Show_Effect_Blend, "Show &fade effect\tCtrl-F"); menuFrames->Append(Show_Effect_Expand, "Show &expand effect\tCtrl-E"); menuFrames->AppendSeparator(); menuFrames->Append(wxID_EXIT, "E&xit"); mbar->Append(menuFrames, "&Show"); SetMenuBar(mbar); Show(); } void MainFrame::OnShowShaped(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { ShapedFrame *shapedFrame = new ShapedFrame(this); shapedFrame->Show(true); } void MainFrame::OnShowTransparent(wxCommandEvent& event) { SeeThroughFrame *seeThroughFrame = new SeeThroughFrame; if ( event.GetId() == Show_TransparentBg ) { wxString reason; if (IsTransparentBackgroundSupported(&reason)) { seeThroughFrame->SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_TRANSPARENT); } else { wxLogError("Can't use transparent background: %s", reason); delete seeThroughFrame; return; } } seeThroughFrame->Create(this); seeThroughFrame->Show(true); } void MainFrame::OnShowEffect(wxCommandEvent& event) { int effect = event.GetId(); static wxDirection direction = wxLEFT; direction = (wxDirection)(((int)direction)<< 1); if ( direction > wxDOWN ) direction = wxLEFT ; wxShowEffect eff; switch ( effect ) { case Show_Effect_Roll: switch ( direction ) { case wxLEFT: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_ROLL_TO_LEFT; break; case wxRIGHT: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_ROLL_TO_RIGHT; break; case wxTOP: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_ROLL_TO_TOP; break; case wxBOTTOM: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_ROLL_TO_BOTTOM; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( "invalid direction" ); return; } break; case Show_Effect_Slide: switch ( direction ) { case wxLEFT: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_LEFT; break; case wxRIGHT: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_RIGHT; break; case wxTOP: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_TOP; break; case wxBOTTOM: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_BOTTOM; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( "invalid direction" ); return; } break; case Show_Effect_Blend: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_BLEND; break; case Show_Effect_Expand: eff = wxSHOW_EFFECT_EXPAND; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( "invalid effect" ); return; } new EffectFrame(this, eff, 1000); } void MainFrame::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Close(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shaped frame // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ShapedFrame, wxFrame) EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(ShapedFrame::OnDoubleClick) EVT_LEFT_DOWN(ShapedFrame::OnLeftDown) EVT_LEFT_UP(ShapedFrame::OnLeftUp) EVT_MOTION(ShapedFrame::OnMouseMove) EVT_RIGHT_UP(ShapedFrame::OnExit) EVT_PAINT(ShapedFrame::OnPaint) wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() // frame constructor ShapedFrame::ShapedFrame(wxFrame *parent) : wxFrame(parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(100, 100), 0 | wxFRAME_SHAPED | wxSIMPLE_BORDER | wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wxSTAY_ON_TOP ) { m_shapeKind = Shape_Star; m_bmp = wxBitmap("star.png", wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); SetSize(wxSize(m_bmp.GetWidth(), m_bmp.GetHeight())); SetToolTip("Right-click to close, double click to cycle shape"); SetWindowShape(); } void ShapedFrame::SetWindowShape() { switch ( m_shapeKind ) { case Shape_None: SetShape(wxRegion()); break; case Shape_Star: SetShape(wxRegion(m_bmp, *wxWHITE)); break; #if wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT case Shape_Circle: { wxGraphicsPath path = wxGraphicsRenderer::GetDefaultRenderer()->CreatePath(); path.AddCircle(m_bmp.GetWidth()/2, m_bmp.GetHeight()/2, 30); SetShape(path); } break; #endif // wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT case Shape_Max: wxFAIL_MSG( "invalid shape kind" ); break; } } void ShapedFrame::OnDoubleClick(wxMouseEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { m_shapeKind = static_cast((m_shapeKind + 1) % Shape_Max); SetWindowShape(); } void ShapedFrame::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& evt) { CaptureMouse(); wxPoint pos = ClientToScreen(evt.GetPosition()); wxPoint origin = GetPosition(); int dx = pos.x - origin.x; int dy = pos.y - origin.y; m_delta = wxPoint(dx, dy); } void ShapedFrame::OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { if (HasCapture()) { ReleaseMouse(); } } void ShapedFrame::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& evt) { wxPoint pt = evt.GetPosition(); if (evt.Dragging() && evt.LeftIsDown()) { wxPoint pos = ClientToScreen(pt); Move(wxPoint(pos.x - m_delta.x, pos.y - m_delta.y)); } } void ShapedFrame::OnExit(wxMouseEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { Close(); } void ShapedFrame::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { wxPaintDC dc(this); dc.DrawBitmap(m_bmp, 0, 0, true); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // see-through frame // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(SeeThroughFrame, wxFrame) EVT_PAINT(SeeThroughFrame::OnPaint) wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() void SeeThroughFrame::Create(wxWindow* parent) { wxFrame::Create(parent, wxID_ANY, "Transparency test", wxDefaultPosition, wxWindow::FromDIP(wxSize(300, 300), parent), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE | wxSTAY_ON_TOP); SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); const int initialAlpha = wxALPHA_OPAQUE / 2; // Create control for choosing alpha and put it in the middle of the window. wxPanel* panel = new wxPanel(this); wxSlider* slider = new wxSlider ( panel, wxID_ANY, initialAlpha, wxALPHA_TRANSPARENT, wxALPHA_OPAQUE, wxDefaultPosition, FromDIP(wxSize(256, -1)), wxSL_HORIZONTAL | wxSL_LABELS ); slider->Bind(wxEVT_SLIDER, &SeeThroughFrame::OnAlpha, this); const wxSizerFlags center = wxSizerFlags().Center().Border(); wxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer->Add(new wxStaticText(panel, wxID_ANY, "Window opacity:"), center); sizer->Add(slider, center); panel->SetSizer(sizer); wxSizer* sizerTop = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizerTop->AddStretchSpacer(); sizerTop->Add(panel, center); sizerTop->AddStretchSpacer(); SetSizer(sizerTop); // Note that this must be called before the frame is shown. SetTransparent(initialAlpha); } // Paints a grid of varying hue and alpha void SeeThroughFrame::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { wxPaintDC dc(this); wxScopedPtr gc(wxGraphicsContext::Create(dc)); // Draw 3 bands: one opaque, one semi-transparent and one transparent. const wxSize size = GetClientSize(); const double h = size.y / 3.0; wxGraphicsPath path = gc->CreatePath(); path.AddRectangle(0, 0, size.x, h); gc->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(0, 0, 255, wxALPHA_OPAQUE))); gc->FillPath(path); gc->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(0, 0, 255, wxALPHA_OPAQUE / 2))); gc->Translate(0, h); gc->FillPath(path); // This blue won't actually be seen and instead the white background will // be visible, because this brush is fully transparent. gc->SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(0, 0, 255, wxALPHA_TRANSPARENT))); gc->Translate(0, h); gc->FillPath(path); } void SeeThroughFrame::OnAlpha(wxCommandEvent& event) { SetTransparent(event.GetInt()); }