///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program: wxWidgets Widgets Sample // Name: samples/widgets/widgets.cpp // Purpose: Sample showing most of the simple wxWidgets widgets // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Created: 27.03.01 // Copyright: (c) 2001 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // for compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" // for all others, include the necessary headers #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/image.h" #include "wx/button.h" #include "wx/checkbox.h" #include "wx/listbox.h" #include "wx/statbox.h" #include "wx/stattext.h" #include "wx/textctrl.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #endif #include "wx/sysopt.h" #include "wx/bookctrl.h" #include "wx/treebook.h" #include "wx/sizer.h" #include "wx/colordlg.h" #include "wx/fontdlg.h" #include "wx/numdlg.h" #include "wx/textdlg.h" #include "wx/imaglist.h" #include "wx/treectrl.h" #include "wx/wupdlock.h" #include "wx/textcompleter.h" #include "wx/persist/toplevel.h" #include "wx/persist/treebook.h" #include "widgets.h" #include "../sample.xpm" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // control ids enum { Widgets_ClearLog = 100, Widgets_Quit, Widgets_BookCtrl, #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS Widgets_SetTooltip, #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS Widgets_SetFgColour, Widgets_SetBgColour, Widgets_SetPageBg, Widgets_SetFont, Widgets_Enable, Widgets_Show, Widgets_BorderNone, Widgets_BorderStatic, Widgets_BorderSimple, Widgets_BorderRaised, Widgets_BorderSunken, Widgets_BorderDouble, Widgets_BorderDefault, Widgets_VariantNormal, Widgets_VariantSmall, Widgets_VariantMini, Widgets_VariantLarge, Widgets_LayoutDirection, Widgets_GlobalBusyCursor, Widgets_BusyCursor, Widgets_GoToPage, Widgets_GoToPageLast = Widgets_GoToPage + 100, TextEntry_Begin, TextEntry_DisableAutoComplete = TextEntry_Begin, TextEntry_AutoCompleteFixed, TextEntry_AutoCompleteFilenames, TextEntry_AutoCompleteDirectories, TextEntry_AutoCompleteCustom, TextEntry_AutoCompleteKeyLength, TextEntry_SetHint, TextEntry_End }; const wxChar *WidgetsCategories[MAX_PAGES] = { #if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) wxT("Universal"), #else wxT("Native"), #endif wxT("Generic"), wxT("Pickers"), wxT("Comboboxes"), wxT("With items"), wxT("Editable"), wxT("Books"), wxT("All controls") }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // our classes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define a new application type, each program should derive a class from wxApp class WidgetsApp : public wxApp { public: WidgetsApp() { #if USE_LOG m_logTarget = NULL; #endif // USE_LOG } // override base class virtuals // ---------------------------- // this one is called on application startup and is a good place for the app // initialization (doing it here and not in the ctor allows to have an error // return: if OnInit() returns false, the application terminates) virtual bool OnInit() wxOVERRIDE; // real implementation of WidgetsPage method with the same name bool IsUsingLogWindow() const; private: #if USE_LOG wxLog* m_logTarget; #endif // USE_LOG wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(WidgetsApp); }; wxDECLARE_APP(WidgetsApp); // This provides a convenient wxGetApp() accessor. // Define a new frame type: this is going to be our main frame class WidgetsFrame : public wxFrame { public: // ctor(s) and dtor WidgetsFrame(const wxString& title); virtual ~WidgetsFrame(); protected: // event handlers #if USE_LOG void OnButtonClearLog(wxCommandEvent& event); #endif // USE_LOG void OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event); #if wxUSE_MENUS void OnPageChanging(WidgetsBookCtrlEvent& event); void OnPageChanged(WidgetsBookCtrlEvent& event); void OnGoToPage(wxCommandEvent& event); #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS void OnSetTooltip(wxCommandEvent& event); #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS void OnSetFgCol(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetBgCol(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetPageBg(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetFont(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnEnable(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnShow(wxCommandEvent &event); void OnSetBorder(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSetVariant(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnToggleLayoutDirection(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnToggleGlobalBusyCursor(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnToggleBusyCursor(wxCommandEvent& event); // wxTextEntry-specific tests void OnDisableAutoComplete(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAutoCompleteFixed(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAutoCompleteFilenames(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAutoCompleteDirectories(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAutoCompleteCustom(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnAutoCompleteKeyLength(wxCommandEvent& event); void DoUseCustomAutoComplete(size_t minLength = 1); void OnSetHint(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnUpdateTextUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event) { event.Enable( CurrentPage()->GetTextEntry() != NULL ); } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS // initialize the book: add all pages to it void InitBook(); // return the currently selected page (never NULL) WidgetsPage *CurrentPage(); private: void OnWidgetFocus(wxFocusEvent& event); void OnWidgetContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent& event); void ConnectToWidgetEvents(); // the panel containing everything wxPanel *m_panel; #if USE_LOG // the listbox for logging messages wxListBox *m_lboxLog; // the log target we use to redirect messages to the listbox wxLog *m_logTarget; #endif // USE_LOG // the book containing the test pages WidgetsBookCtrl *m_book; // any class wishing to process wxWidgets events must use this macro wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; #if USE_LOG // A log target which just redirects the messages to a listbox class LboxLogger : public wxLog { public: LboxLogger(wxListBox *lbox, wxLog *logOld) { m_lbox = lbox; //m_lbox->Disable(); -- looks ugly under MSW m_logOld = logOld; } virtual ~LboxLogger() { wxLog::SetActiveTarget(m_logOld); } private: // implement sink functions virtual void DoLogTextAtLevel(wxLogLevel level, const wxString& msg) wxOVERRIDE { if ( level == wxLOG_Trace ) { if ( m_logOld ) m_logOld->LogTextAtLevel(level, msg); return; } #ifdef __WXUNIVERSAL__ m_lbox->AppendAndEnsureVisible(msg); #else // other ports don't have this method yet m_lbox->Append(msg); m_lbox->SetFirstItem(m_lbox->GetCount() - 1); #endif } // the control we use wxListBox *m_lbox; // the old log target wxLog *m_logOld; }; #endif // USE_LOG // array of pages WX_DEFINE_ARRAY_PTR(WidgetsPage *, ArrayWidgetsPage); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // misc macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxIMPLEMENT_APP(WidgetsApp); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event tables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(WidgetsFrame, wxFrame) #if USE_LOG EVT_BUTTON(Widgets_ClearLog, WidgetsFrame::OnButtonClearLog) #endif // USE_LOG EVT_BUTTON(Widgets_Quit, WidgetsFrame::OnExit) #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS EVT_MENU(Widgets_SetTooltip, WidgetsFrame::OnSetTooltip) #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS #if wxUSE_MENUS EVT_WIDGETS_PAGE_CHANGING(wxID_ANY, WidgetsFrame::OnPageChanging) EVT_MENU_RANGE(Widgets_GoToPage, Widgets_GoToPageLast, WidgetsFrame::OnGoToPage) EVT_MENU(Widgets_SetFgColour, WidgetsFrame::OnSetFgCol) EVT_MENU(Widgets_SetBgColour, WidgetsFrame::OnSetBgCol) EVT_MENU(Widgets_SetPageBg, WidgetsFrame::OnSetPageBg) EVT_MENU(Widgets_SetFont, WidgetsFrame::OnSetFont) EVT_MENU(Widgets_Enable, WidgetsFrame::OnEnable) EVT_MENU(Widgets_Show, WidgetsFrame::OnShow) EVT_MENU_RANGE(Widgets_BorderNone, Widgets_BorderDefault, WidgetsFrame::OnSetBorder) EVT_MENU_RANGE(Widgets_VariantNormal, Widgets_VariantLarge, WidgetsFrame::OnSetVariant) EVT_MENU(Widgets_LayoutDirection, WidgetsFrame::OnToggleLayoutDirection) EVT_MENU(Widgets_GlobalBusyCursor, WidgetsFrame::OnToggleGlobalBusyCursor) EVT_MENU(Widgets_BusyCursor, WidgetsFrame::OnToggleBusyCursor) EVT_MENU(TextEntry_DisableAutoComplete, WidgetsFrame::OnDisableAutoComplete) EVT_MENU(TextEntry_AutoCompleteFixed, WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteFixed) EVT_MENU(TextEntry_AutoCompleteFilenames, WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteFilenames) EVT_MENU(TextEntry_AutoCompleteDirectories, WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteDirectories) EVT_MENU(TextEntry_AutoCompleteCustom, WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteCustom) EVT_MENU(TextEntry_AutoCompleteKeyLength, WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteKeyLength) EVT_MENU(TextEntry_SetHint, WidgetsFrame::OnSetHint) EVT_UPDATE_UI_RANGE(TextEntry_Begin, TextEntry_End - 1, WidgetsFrame::OnUpdateTextUI) EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, WidgetsFrame::OnExit) #endif // wxUSE_MENUS wxEND_EVENT_TABLE() // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // app class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool WidgetsApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; SetVendorName("wxWidgets_Samples"); // the reason for having these ifdef's is that I often run two copies of // this sample side by side and it is useful to see which one is which wxString title; #if defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) title = "wxUniv/"; #endif #if defined(__WXMSW__) title += "wxMSW"; #elif defined(__WXGTK__) title += "wxGTK"; #elif defined(__WXMAC__) title += "wxMAC"; #elif defined(__WXMOTIF__) title += "wxMOTIF"; #else title += "wxWidgets"; #endif wxFrame *frame = new WidgetsFrame(title + " widgets demo"); frame->Show(); #if USE_LOG m_logTarget = wxLog::GetActiveTarget(); #endif // USE_LOG return true; } bool WidgetsApp::IsUsingLogWindow() const { #if USE_LOG return wxLog::GetActiveTarget() == m_logTarget; #else // !USE_LOG return false; #endif // USE_LOG } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WidgetsFrame construction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WidgetsFrame::WidgetsFrame(const wxString& title) : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, title) { // set the frame icon SetIcon(wxICON(sample)); // init everything #if USE_LOG m_lboxLog = NULL; m_logTarget = NULL; #endif // USE_LOG m_book = NULL; #if wxUSE_MENUS // create the menubar wxMenuBar *mbar = new wxMenuBar; wxMenu *menuWidget = new wxMenu; #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS menuWidget->Append(Widgets_SetTooltip, "Set &tooltip...\tCtrl-T"); menuWidget->AppendSeparator(); #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS menuWidget->Append(Widgets_SetFgColour, "Set &foreground...\tCtrl-F"); menuWidget->Append(Widgets_SetBgColour, "Set &background...\tCtrl-B"); menuWidget->Append(Widgets_SetPageBg, "Set &page background...\tShift-Ctrl-B"); menuWidget->Append(Widgets_SetFont, "Set f&ont...\tCtrl-O"); menuWidget->AppendCheckItem(Widgets_Enable, "&Enable/disable\tCtrl-E"); menuWidget->AppendCheckItem(Widgets_Show, "Show/Hide"); wxMenu *menuBorders = new wxMenu; menuBorders->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_BorderDefault, "De&fault\tCtrl-Shift-9"); menuBorders->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_BorderNone, "&None\tCtrl-Shift-0"); menuBorders->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_BorderSimple, "&Simple\tCtrl-Shift-1"); menuBorders->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_BorderDouble, "&Double\tCtrl-Shift-2"); menuBorders->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_BorderStatic, "Stati&c\tCtrl-Shift-3"); menuBorders->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_BorderRaised, "&Raised\tCtrl-Shift-4"); menuBorders->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_BorderSunken, "S&unken\tCtrl-Shift-5"); menuWidget->AppendSubMenu(menuBorders, "Set &border"); wxMenu* const menuVariants = new wxMenu; menuVariants->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_VariantMini, "&Mini\tCtrl-Shift-6"); menuVariants->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_VariantSmall, "&Small\tCtrl-Shift-7"); menuVariants->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_VariantNormal, "&Normal\tCtrl-Shift-8"); menuVariants->AppendRadioItem(Widgets_VariantLarge, "&Large\tCtrl-Shift-9"); menuWidget->AppendSubMenu(menuVariants, "Set &variant"); menuWidget->AppendSeparator(); menuWidget->AppendCheckItem(Widgets_LayoutDirection, "Toggle &layout direction\tCtrl-L"); menuWidget->Check(Widgets_LayoutDirection, GetLayoutDirection() == wxLayout_RightToLeft); menuWidget->AppendSeparator(); menuWidget->AppendCheckItem(Widgets_GlobalBusyCursor, "Toggle &global busy cursor\tCtrl-Shift-U"); menuWidget->AppendCheckItem(Widgets_BusyCursor, "Toggle b&usy cursor\tCtrl-U"); menuWidget->AppendSeparator(); menuWidget->Append(wxID_EXIT, "&Quit\tCtrl-Q"); mbar->Append(menuWidget, "&Widget"); wxMenu *menuTextEntry = new wxMenu; menuTextEntry->AppendRadioItem(TextEntry_DisableAutoComplete, "&Disable auto-completion"); menuTextEntry->AppendRadioItem(TextEntry_AutoCompleteFixed, "Fixed-&list auto-completion"); menuTextEntry->AppendRadioItem(TextEntry_AutoCompleteFilenames, "&Files names auto-completion"); menuTextEntry->AppendRadioItem(TextEntry_AutoCompleteDirectories, "&Directories names auto-completion"); menuTextEntry->AppendRadioItem(TextEntry_AutoCompleteCustom, "&Custom auto-completion"); menuTextEntry->AppendRadioItem(TextEntry_AutoCompleteKeyLength, "Custom with &min length"); menuTextEntry->AppendSeparator(); menuTextEntry->Append(TextEntry_SetHint, "Set help &hint"); mbar->Append(menuTextEntry, "&Text"); SetMenuBar(mbar); mbar->Check(Widgets_Enable, true); mbar->Check(Widgets_Show, true); mbar->Check(Widgets_VariantNormal, true); #endif // wxUSE_MENUS // create controls m_panel = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY); wxSizer *sizerTop = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); // we have 2 panes: book with pages demonstrating the controls in the // upper one and the log window with some buttons in the lower int style = wxBK_DEFAULT; // Uncomment to suppress page theme (draw in solid colour) //style |= wxNB_NOPAGETHEME; m_book = new WidgetsBookCtrl(m_panel, Widgets_BookCtrl, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, style, "Widgets"); InitBook(); // the lower one only has the log listbox and a button to clear it #if USE_LOG wxSizer *sizerDown = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( m_panel, wxID_ANY, "&Log window" ), wxVERTICAL); m_lboxLog = new wxListBox(m_panel, wxID_ANY); sizerDown->Add(m_lboxLog, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().Border()); sizerDown->SetMinSize(100, 150); #else wxSizer *sizerDown = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); #endif // USE_LOG wxBoxSizer *sizerBtns = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); wxButton *btn; #if USE_LOG btn = new wxButton(m_panel, Widgets_ClearLog, "Clear &log"); sizerBtns->Add(btn); sizerBtns->AddSpacer(10); #endif // USE_LOG btn = new wxButton(m_panel, Widgets_Quit, "E&xit"); sizerBtns->Add(btn); sizerDown->Add(sizerBtns, wxSizerFlags().Border().Right()); // put everything together sizerTop->Add(m_book, wxSizerFlags(1).Expand().DoubleBorder(wxALL & ~(wxTOP | wxBOTTOM))); sizerTop->AddSpacer(5); sizerTop->Add(sizerDown, wxSizerFlags(0).Expand().DoubleBorder(wxALL & ~wxTOP)); m_panel->SetSizer(sizerTop); const bool sizeSet = wxPersistentRegisterAndRestore(this, "Main"); const wxSize sizeMin = m_panel->GetBestSize(); if ( !sizeSet ) SetClientSize(sizeMin); SetMinClientSize(sizeMin); #if USE_LOG // now that everything is created we can redirect the log messages to the // listbox m_logTarget = new LboxLogger(m_lboxLog, wxLog::GetActiveTarget()); wxLog::SetActiveTarget(m_logTarget); #endif } void WidgetsFrame::InitBook() { wxImageList *imageList = new wxImageList(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE); wxImage img(sample_xpm); imageList->Add(wxBitmap(img.Scale(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE))); #if !USE_TREEBOOK WidgetsBookCtrl *books[MAX_PAGES]; #endif ArrayWidgetsPage pages[MAX_PAGES]; wxArrayString labels[MAX_PAGES]; wxMenu *menuPages = new wxMenu; unsigned int nPage = 0; int cat, imageId = 1; // we need to first create all pages and only then add them to the book // as we need the image list first // // we also construct the pages menu during this first iteration for ( cat = 0; cat < MAX_PAGES; cat++ ) { #if USE_TREEBOOK nPage++; // increase for parent page #else books[cat] = new WidgetsBookCtrl(m_book, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBK_DEFAULT); #endif for ( WidgetsPageInfo *info = WidgetsPage::ms_widgetPages; info; info = info->GetNext() ) { if( (info->GetCategories() & ( 1 << cat )) == 0) continue; WidgetsPage *page = (*info->GetCtor())( #if USE_TREEBOOK m_book #else books[cat] #endif , imageList); pages[cat].Add(page); labels[cat].Add(info->GetLabel()); if ( cat == ALL_PAGE ) { menuPages->AppendRadioItem( Widgets_GoToPage + nPage, info->GetLabel() ); #if !USE_TREEBOOK // consider only for book in book architecture nPage++; #endif } #if USE_TREEBOOK // consider only for treebook architecture (with subpages) nPage++; #endif } } GetMenuBar()->Append(menuPages, "&Page"); m_book->AssignImageList(imageList); for ( cat = 0; cat < MAX_PAGES; cat++ ) { #if USE_TREEBOOK m_book->AddPage(NULL,WidgetsCategories[cat],false,0); #else m_book->AddPage(books[cat],WidgetsCategories[cat],false,0); books[cat]->SetImageList(imageList); #endif // now do add them size_t count = pages[cat].GetCount(); for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { #if USE_TREEBOOK m_book->AddSubPage #else books[cat]->AddPage #endif ( pages[cat][n], labels[cat][n], false, // don't select imageId++ ); } } Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_WIDGETS_PAGE_CHANGED, &WidgetsFrame::OnPageChanged, this); const bool pageSet = wxPersistentRegisterAndRestore(m_book); #if USE_TREEBOOK // for treebook page #0 is empty parent page only so select the first page // with some contents if ( !pageSet || !m_book->GetCurrentPage() ) m_book->SetSelection(1); // but ensure that the top of the tree is shown nevertheless wxTreeCtrl * const tree = m_book->GetTreeCtrl(); wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; tree->EnsureVisible(tree->GetFirstChild(tree->GetRootItem(), cookie)); #else if ( !pageSet || !m_book->GetCurrentPage() ) { // for other books set selection twice to force connected event handler // to force lazy creation of initial visible content m_book->SetSelection(1); m_book->SetSelection(0); } #endif // USE_TREEBOOK } WidgetsPage *WidgetsFrame::CurrentPage() { wxWindow *page = m_book->GetCurrentPage(); #if !USE_TREEBOOK WidgetsBookCtrl *subBook = wxStaticCast(page, WidgetsBookCtrl); wxCHECK_MSG( subBook, NULL, "no WidgetsBookCtrl?" ); page = subBook->GetCurrentPage(); #endif // !USE_TREEBOOK return wxStaticCast(page, WidgetsPage); } void WidgetsFrame::ConnectToWidgetEvents() { const Widgets& widgets = CurrentPage()->GetWidgets(); for ( Widgets::const_iterator it = widgets.begin(); it != widgets.end(); ++it ) { wxWindow* const w = *it; wxCHECK_RET(w, "NULL widget"); w->Bind(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, &WidgetsFrame::OnWidgetFocus, this); w->Bind(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, &WidgetsFrame::OnWidgetFocus, this); w->Bind(wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU, &WidgetsFrame::OnWidgetContextMenu, this); } } WidgetsFrame::~WidgetsFrame() { #if USE_LOG delete m_logTarget; #endif // USE_LOG } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WidgetsFrame event handlers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WidgetsFrame::OnExit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Close(); } #if USE_LOG void WidgetsFrame::OnButtonClearLog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_lboxLog->Clear(); } #endif // USE_LOG #if wxUSE_MENUS void WidgetsFrame::OnPageChanging(WidgetsBookCtrlEvent& event) { #if USE_TREEBOOK // don't allow selection of entries without pages (categories) if ( !m_book->GetPage(event.GetSelection()) ) event.Veto(); #else wxUnusedVar(event); #endif } void WidgetsFrame::OnPageChanged(WidgetsBookCtrlEvent& event) { const int sel = event.GetSelection(); // adjust "Page" menu selection wxMenuItem *item = GetMenuBar()->FindItem(Widgets_GoToPage + sel); if ( item ) item->Check(); GetMenuBar()->Check(Widgets_BusyCursor, false); // create the pages on demand, otherwise the sample startup is too slow as // it creates hundreds of controls WidgetsPage *curPage = CurrentPage(); if ( curPage->GetChildren().empty() ) { wxWindowUpdateLocker noUpdates(curPage); curPage->CreateContent(); curPage->Layout(); ConnectToWidgetEvents(); } // re-apply the attributes to the widget(s) curPage->SetUpWidget(); event.Skip(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnGoToPage(wxCommandEvent& event) { #if USE_TREEBOOK m_book->SetSelection(event.GetId() - Widgets_GoToPage); #else m_book->SetSelection(m_book->GetPageCount()-1); WidgetsBookCtrl *book = wxStaticCast(m_book->GetCurrentPage(), WidgetsBookCtrl); book->SetSelection(event.GetId() - Widgets_GoToPage); #endif } #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS void WidgetsFrame::OnSetTooltip(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTextEntryDialog dialog ( this, "Tooltip text (may use \\n, leave empty to remove): ", "Widgets sample", WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_tooltip ); if ( dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK ) return; WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_tooltip = dialog.GetValue(); WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_tooltip.Replace("\\n", "\n"); CurrentPage()->SetUpWidget(); } #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS namespace { // Trivial wrapper for wxGetColourFromUser() which also does something even if // the colour dialog is not available in the current build (which may happen // for the ports in development and it is still useful to see how colours work) wxColour GetColourFromUser(wxWindow *parent, const wxColour& colDefault) { #if wxUSE_COLOURDLG return wxGetColourFromUser(parent, colDefault); #else // !wxUSE_COLOURDLG if ( colDefault == *wxBLACK ) return *wxWHITE; else return *wxBLACK; #endif // wxUSE_COLOURDLG/!wxUSE_COLOURDLG } } // anonymous namespace void WidgetsFrame::OnSetFgCol(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // allow for debugging the default colour the first time this is called WidgetsPage *page = CurrentPage(); if (!WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colFg.IsOk()) WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colFg = page->GetForegroundColour(); wxColour col = GetColourFromUser(this, WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colFg); if ( !col.IsOk() ) return; WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colFg = col; page->SetUpWidget(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnSetBgCol(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { WidgetsPage *page = CurrentPage(); if ( !WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colBg.IsOk() ) WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colBg = page->GetBackgroundColour(); wxColour col = GetColourFromUser(this, WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colBg); if ( !col.IsOk() ) return; WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colBg = col; page->SetUpWidget(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnSetPageBg(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxColour col = GetColourFromUser(this, GetBackgroundColour()); if ( !col.IsOk() ) return; WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_colPageBg = col; CurrentPage()->SetUpWidget(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnSetFont(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { #if wxUSE_FONTDLG WidgetsPage *page = CurrentPage(); if (!WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_font.IsOk()) WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_font = page->GetFont(); wxFont font = wxGetFontFromUser(this, WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_font); if ( !font.IsOk() ) return; WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_font = font; page->SetUpWidget(); // The best size of the widget could have changed after changing its font, // so re-layout to show it correctly. page->Layout(); #else wxLogMessage("Font selection dialog not available in current build."); #endif } void WidgetsFrame::OnEnable(wxCommandEvent& event) { WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_enabled = event.IsChecked(); CurrentPage()->SetUpWidget(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnShow(wxCommandEvent &event) { WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_show = event.IsChecked(); CurrentPage()->SetUpWidget(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnSetBorder(wxCommandEvent& event) { int border; switch ( event.GetId() ) { case Widgets_BorderNone: border = wxBORDER_NONE; break; case Widgets_BorderStatic: border = wxBORDER_STATIC; break; case Widgets_BorderSimple: border = wxBORDER_SIMPLE; break; case Widgets_BorderRaised: border = wxBORDER_RAISED; break; case Widgets_BorderSunken: border = wxBORDER_SUNKEN; break; case Widgets_BorderDouble: border = wxBORDER_DOUBLE; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( "unknown border style" ); wxFALLTHROUGH; case Widgets_BorderDefault: border = wxBORDER_DEFAULT; break; } WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_defaultFlags &= ~wxBORDER_MASK; WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_defaultFlags |= border; WidgetsPage *page = CurrentPage(); page->RecreateWidget(); ConnectToWidgetEvents(); // re-apply the attributes to the widget(s) page->SetUpWidget(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnSetVariant(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxWindowVariant v; switch ( event.GetId() ) { case Widgets_VariantSmall: v = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL; break; case Widgets_VariantMini: v = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_MINI; break; case Widgets_VariantLarge: v = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_LARGE; break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( "unknown window variant" ); wxFALLTHROUGH; case Widgets_VariantNormal: v = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL; break; } WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_variant = v; CurrentPage()->SetUpWidget(); CurrentPage()->Layout(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnToggleLayoutDirection(wxCommandEvent&) { wxLayoutDirection dir = WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_dir; if (dir == wxLayout_Default) dir = GetLayoutDirection(); WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_dir = (dir == wxLayout_LeftToRight) ? wxLayout_RightToLeft : wxLayout_LeftToRight; CurrentPage()->SetUpWidget(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnToggleGlobalBusyCursor(wxCommandEvent& event) { if ( event.IsChecked() ) wxBeginBusyCursor(); else wxEndBusyCursor(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnToggleBusyCursor(wxCommandEvent& event) { WidgetsPage::GetAttrs().m_cursor = (event.IsChecked() ? *wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR : wxNullCursor); CurrentPage()->SetUpWidget(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnDisableAutoComplete(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTextEntryBase *entry = CurrentPage()->GetTextEntry(); wxCHECK_RET( entry, "menu item should be disabled" ); if ( entry->AutoComplete(wxArrayString()) ) { wxLogMessage("Disabled auto completion."); } else { wxLogMessage("AutoComplete() failed."); } } void WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteFixed(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTextEntryBase *entry = CurrentPage()->GetTextEntry(); wxCHECK_RET( entry, "menu item should be disabled" ); wxArrayString completion_choices; // add a few strings so a completion occurs on any letter typed for ( char idxc = 'a'; idxc < 'z'; ++idxc ) completion_choices.push_back(wxString::Format("%c%c", idxc, idxc)); completion_choices.push_back("is this string for test?"); completion_choices.push_back("this is a test string"); completion_choices.push_back("this is another test string"); completion_choices.push_back("this string is for test"); if ( entry->AutoComplete(completion_choices) ) { wxLogMessage("Enabled auto completion of a set of fixed strings."); } else { wxLogMessage("AutoComplete() failed."); } } void WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteFilenames(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTextEntryBase *entry = CurrentPage()->GetTextEntry(); wxCHECK_RET( entry, "menu item should be disabled" ); if ( entry->AutoCompleteFileNames() ) { wxLogMessage("Enabled auto completion of file names."); } else { wxLogMessage("AutoCompleteFileNames() failed."); } } void WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteDirectories(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTextEntryBase *entry = CurrentPage()->GetTextEntry(); wxCHECK_RET( entry, "menu item should be disabled" ); if ( entry->AutoCompleteDirectories() ) { wxLogMessage("Enabled auto completion of directories."); } else { wxLogMessage("AutoCompleteDirectories() failed."); } } void WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteCustom(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { DoUseCustomAutoComplete(); } void WidgetsFrame::DoUseCustomAutoComplete(size_t minLength) { wxTextEntryBase *entry = CurrentPage()->GetTextEntry(); wxCHECK_RET( entry, "menu item should be disabled" ); // This is a simple (and hence rather useless) example of a custom // completer class that completes the first word (only) initially and only // build the list of the possible second words once the first word is // known. This allows to avoid building the full 676000 item list of // possible strings all at once as the we have 1000 possibilities for the // first word (000..999) and 676 (aa..zz) for the second one. class CustomTextCompleter : public wxTextCompleterSimple { public: explicit CustomTextCompleter(size_t minLength) : m_minLength(minLength) { } virtual void GetCompletions(const wxString& prefix, wxArrayString& res) wxOVERRIDE { // This is used for illustrative purposes only and shows how many // completions we return every time when we're called. class LogCompletions { public: LogCompletions(const wxString& prefix, const wxArrayString& res) : m_prefix(prefix), m_res(res) { } ~LogCompletions() { wxLogMessage("Returning %lu possible completions for " "prefix \"%s\"", m_res.size(), m_prefix); } private: const wxString& m_prefix; const wxArrayString& m_res; } logCompletions(prefix, res); // Wait for enough text to be entered before proposing completions: // this is done to avoid proposing too many of them when the // control is empty, for example. if ( prefix.length() < m_minLength ) return; // The only valid strings start with 3 digits so check for their // presence proposing to complete the remaining ones. if ( !wxIsdigit(prefix[0]) ) return; if ( prefix.length() == 1 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) for ( int j = 0; j < 10; j++ ) res.push_back(wxString::Format("%s%02d", prefix, 10*i + j)); return; } else if ( !wxIsdigit(prefix[1]) ) return; if ( prefix.length() == 2 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) res.push_back(wxString::Format("%s%d", prefix, i)); return; } else if ( !wxIsdigit(prefix[2]) ) return; // Next we must have a space and two letters. wxString prefix2(prefix); if ( prefix.length() == 3 ) prefix2 += ' '; else if ( prefix[3] != ' ' ) return; if ( prefix2.length() == 4 ) { for ( char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++ ) for ( char d = 'a'; d <= 'z'; d++ ) res.push_back(wxString::Format("%s%c%c", prefix2, c, d)); return; } else if ( !wxIslower(prefix[4]) ) return; if ( prefix.length() == 5 ) { for ( char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++ ) res.push_back(prefix + c); } } size_t m_minLength; }; if ( entry->AutoComplete(new CustomTextCompleter(minLength))) { wxLogMessage("Enabled custom auto completer for \"NNN XX\" items " "(where N is a digit and X is a letter)."); } else { wxLogMessage("AutoComplete() failed."); } } void WidgetsFrame::OnAutoCompleteKeyLength(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const wxString message = "The auto-completion is triggered if and only if\n" "the length of the search key (prefix) is at least [LENGTH].\n" "Hint: 0 disables the length check completely."; const wxString prompt = "Enter the minimum key length:"; const wxString caption = "Minimum key length"; int res = wxGetNumberFromUser(message, prompt, caption, 1, 0, 100, this); if ( res == -1 ) return; wxLogMessage("The minimum key length for autocomplete is %d.", res); DoUseCustomAutoComplete(static_cast(res)); } void WidgetsFrame::OnSetHint(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTextEntryBase *entry = CurrentPage()->GetTextEntry(); wxCHECK_RET( entry, "menu item should be disabled" ); static wxString s_hint("Type here"); wxString hint = wxGetTextFromUser("Text hint:", "Widgets sample", s_hint, this); if ( hint.empty() ) return; s_hint = hint; if ( entry->SetHint(hint) ) { wxLogMessage("Set hint to \"%s\".", hint); } else { wxLogMessage("Text hints not supported."); } } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS void WidgetsFrame::OnWidgetFocus(wxFocusEvent& event) { // Don't show annoying message boxes when starting or closing the sample, // only log these events in our own logger. if ( wxGetApp().IsUsingLogWindow() ) { wxWindow* win = (wxWindow*)event.GetEventObject(); wxLogMessage("Widget '%s' %s focus", win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName(), event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_SET_FOCUS ? "got" : "lost"); } event.Skip(); } void WidgetsFrame::OnWidgetContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent& event) { wxWindow* win = (wxWindow*)event.GetEventObject(); wxLogMessage("Context menu event for %s at %dx%d", win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName(), event.GetPosition().x, event.GetPosition().y); event.Skip(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WidgetsPageInfo // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WidgetsPageInfo::WidgetsPageInfo(Constructor ctor, const wxString& label, int categories) : m_label(label) , m_categories(categories) { m_ctor = ctor; m_next = NULL; // dummy sorting: add and immediately sort in the list according to label if ( WidgetsPage::ms_widgetPages ) { WidgetsPageInfo *node_prev = WidgetsPage::ms_widgetPages; if ( wxStrcmp(label, node_prev->GetLabel().c_str()) < 0 ) { // add as first m_next = node_prev; WidgetsPage::ms_widgetPages = this; } else { WidgetsPageInfo *node_next; do { node_next = node_prev->GetNext(); if ( node_next ) { // add if between two if ( wxStrcmp(label, node_next->GetLabel().c_str()) < 0 ) { node_prev->SetNext(this); m_next = node_next; // force to break loop node_next = NULL; } } else { // add as last node_prev->SetNext(this); m_next = node_next; } node_prev = node_next; } while ( node_next ); } } else { // add when first WidgetsPage::ms_widgetPages = this; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WidgetsPage // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WidgetsPageInfo *WidgetsPage::ms_widgetPages = NULL; WidgetsPage::WidgetsPage(WidgetsBookCtrl *book, wxImageList *imaglist, const char *const icon[]) : wxPanel(book, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCLIP_CHILDREN | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL) { imaglist->Add(wxBitmap(wxImage(icon).Scale(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE))); } /* static */ WidgetAttributes& WidgetsPage::GetAttrs() { static WidgetAttributes s_attrs; return s_attrs; } void WidgetsPage::SetUpWidget() { const Widgets widgets = GetWidgets(); for ( Widgets::const_iterator it = widgets.begin(); it != widgets.end(); ++it ) { wxCHECK_RET(*it, "NULL widget"); #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS (*it)->SetToolTip(GetAttrs().m_tooltip); #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS #if wxUSE_FONTDLG if ( GetAttrs().m_font.IsOk() ) { (*it)->SetFont(GetAttrs().m_font); } #endif // wxUSE_FONTDLG if ( GetAttrs().m_colFg.IsOk() ) { (*it)->SetForegroundColour(GetAttrs().m_colFg); } if ( GetAttrs().m_colBg.IsOk() ) { (*it)->SetBackgroundColour(GetAttrs().m_colBg); } if (GetAttrs().m_dir != wxLayout_Default) (*it)->SetLayoutDirection(GetAttrs().m_dir); (*it)->Enable(GetAttrs().m_enabled); (*it)->Show(GetAttrs().m_show); (*it)->SetCursor(GetAttrs().m_cursor); (*it)->SetWindowVariant(GetAttrs().m_variant); (*it)->Refresh(); } if ( GetAttrs().m_colPageBg.IsOk() ) { SetBackgroundColour(GetAttrs().m_colPageBg); Refresh(); } } wxSizer *WidgetsPage::CreateSizerWithText(wxControl *control, wxWindowID id, wxTextCtrl **ppText) { wxSizer *sizerRow = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); wxTextCtrl *text = new wxTextCtrl(this, id, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER); sizerRow->Add(control, wxSizerFlags(0).Border(wxRIGHT).CentreVertical()); sizerRow->Add(text, wxSizerFlags(1).Border(wxLEFT).CentreVertical()); if ( ppText ) *ppText = text; return sizerRow; } // create a sizer containing a label and a text ctrl wxSizer *WidgetsPage::CreateSizerWithTextAndLabel(const wxString& label, wxWindowID id, wxTextCtrl **ppText) { return CreateSizerWithText(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, label), id, ppText); } // create a sizer containing a button and a text ctrl wxSizer *WidgetsPage::CreateSizerWithTextAndButton(wxWindowID idBtn, const wxString& label, wxWindowID id, wxTextCtrl **ppText) { return CreateSizerWithText(new wxButton(this, idBtn, label), id, ppText); } wxCheckBox *WidgetsPage::CreateCheckBoxAndAddToSizer(wxSizer *sizer, const wxString& label, wxWindowID id) { wxCheckBox *checkbox = new wxCheckBox(this, id, label); sizer->Add(checkbox, wxSizerFlags().HorzBorder()); sizer->AddSpacer(2); return checkbox; } /* static */ bool WidgetsPage::IsUsingLogWindow() { return wxGetApp().IsUsingLogWindow(); }