/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main( int argc, char* argv[]) { using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::endl; int theResult = 0; if (argc != 4) { cerr << "Usage: SerializeNodeSet XMLFilePath Context XPathExpression" << endl; theResult = -1; } else { try { using xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils; using xalanc::XPathEvaluator; XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(); XPathEvaluator::initialize(); { using xercesc::LocalFileInputSource; using xalanc::NodeRefList; using xalanc::XalanDocument; using xalanc::XalanDOMString; using xalanc::XalanNode; using xalanc::XalanSourceTreeInit; using xalanc::XMLSupportInit; using xalanc::XalanSourceTreeDOMSupport; using xalanc::XalanSourceTreeParserLiaison; // Initialize the XalanSourceTree subsystem... XalanSourceTreeInit theSourceTreeInit; // Initialize the XMLSupport subsystem... XMLSupportInit theXMLSupportInit; // We'll use these to parse the XML file. XalanSourceTreeDOMSupport theDOMSupport; XalanSourceTreeParserLiaison theLiaison(theDOMSupport); // Hook the two together... theDOMSupport.setParserLiaison(&theLiaison); const XalanDOMString theFileName(argv[1]); // Create an input source that represents a local file... const LocalFileInputSource theInputSource(theFileName.c_str()); // Parse the document... XalanDocument* const theDocument = theLiaison.parseXMLStream(theInputSource); assert(theDocument != 0); XPathEvaluator theEvaluator; // OK, let's find the context node... XalanNode* const theContextNode = theEvaluator.selectSingleNode( theDOMSupport, theDocument, XalanDOMString(argv[2]).c_str(), theDocument->getDocumentElement()); if (theContextNode == 0) { cerr << "Error: No nodes matched the location path \"" << argv[2] << "\"." << endl << "Execution cannot continue." << endl << endl; } else { // OK, let's evaluate the expression... NodeRefList theResult; theEvaluator.selectNodeList( theResult, theDOMSupport, theContextNode, XalanDOMString(argv[3]).c_str(), theDocument->getDocumentElement()); const NodeRefList::size_type theLength = theResult.getLength(); if (theLength == 0) { cerr << endl << "Warning: No nodes matched the location path \"" << argv[3] << "\"." << endl << endl; } else { using xalanc::XalanStdOutputStream; using xalanc::XalanOutputStreamPrintWriter; using xalanc::FormatterToXML; using xalanc::FormatterTreeWalker; // OK, we're going to serialize the nodes that were // found. We should really check to make sure the // root (document) has not been selected, since we // really can't serialize a node list with the root. XalanStdOutputStream theStream(cout); XalanOutputStreamPrintWriter thePrintWriter(theStream); FormatterToXML theFormatter(thePrintWriter); FormatterTreeWalker theWalker(theFormatter); // Don't write a header... theFormatter.setShouldWriteXMLHeader(false); // It's required that we do this... theFormatter.startDocument(); // Traverse the subtree of the document rooted at // each node we've selected... for (NodeRefList::size_type i = 0; i < theLength; ++i) { const XalanNode* const theNode = theResult.item(i); assert(theNode != 0); const XalanNode::NodeType theNodeType = theNode->getNodeType(); if (theNodeType == XalanNode::DOCUMENT_NODE) { cerr << endl << "Warning: The root was selected. The root cannot be serialized." << endl; } else if (theNodeType == XalanNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { cerr << endl << "Warning: An attribute or namespace node was selected. Attribute and namespace nodes cannot be serialized." << endl; } else { theWalker.traverseSubtree(theNode); } } // It's required that we do this... theFormatter.endDocument(); } } } XPathEvaluator::terminate(); XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate(); } catch(...) { cerr << "Exception caught!" << endl; theResult = -1; } } return theResult; }