Functions Index

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Index Entry  Section

- 6.2 Precommand Modifiers

. 17 Shell Builtin Commands

: 17 Shell Builtin Commands

[[ 6.3 Complex Commands

_absolute_command_paths 20.6 Utility Functions
_all_labels 20.6 Utility Functions
_all_matches 20.4 Control Functions
_alternative 20.6 Utility Functions
_approximate 20.4 Control Functions
_arguments 20.6 Utility Functions
_bash_completions 20.5 Bindable Commands
_cache_invalid 20.6 Utility Functions
_call_function 20.6 Utility Functions
_call_program 20.6 Utility Functions
_canonical_paths 20.4 Control Functions
_cdr 26.3 Remembering Recent Directories
_cmdambivalent 20.4 Control Functions
_cmdstring 20.4 Control Functions
_combination 20.6 Utility Functions
_command_names 20.6 Utility Functions
_complete 20.4 Control Functions
_completers 20.6 Utility Functions
_complete_debug (^X?) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_complete_help (^Xh) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_complete_help_generic 20.5 Bindable Commands
_complete_tag (^Xt) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_comp_locale 20.6 Utility Functions
_correct 20.4 Control Functions
_correct_filename (^XC) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_correct_word (^Xc) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_default 20.6 Utility Functions
_describe 20.6 Utility Functions
_description 20.6 Utility Functions
_dir_list 20.6 Utility Functions
_dispatch 20.6 Utility Functions
_email_addresses 20.6 Utility Functions
_expand 20.4 Control Functions
_expand_alias 20.4 Control Functions
_expand_alias (^Xa) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_expand_word (^Xe) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_extensions 20.4 Control Functions
_external_pwds 20.4 Control Functions
_files 20.6 Utility Functions
_generic 20.5 Bindable Commands
_gnu_generic 20.6 Utility Functions
_guard 20.6 Utility Functions
_history 20.4 Control Functions
_history_complete_word (\e/) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_ignored 20.4 Control Functions
_list 20.4 Control Functions
_match 20.4 Control Functions
_menu 20.4 Control Functions
_message 20.6 Utility Functions
_most_recent_file (^Xm) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_multi_parts 20.6 Utility Functions
_next_label 20.6 Utility Functions
_next_tags (^Xn) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_normal 20.6 Utility Functions
_numbers 20.6 Utility Functions
_oldlist 20.4 Control Functions
_options 20.6 Utility Functions
_options_set 20.6 Utility Functions
_options_unset 20.6 Utility Functions
_parameters 20.6 Utility Functions
_path_files 20.6 Utility Functions
_pick_variant 20.6 Utility Functions
_precommand 20.4 Control Functions
_prefix 20.4 Control Functions
_read_comp (^X^R) 20.5 Bindable Commands
_regex_arguments 20.6 Utility Functions
_regex_words [ -t term ] 20.6 Utility Functions
_requested 20.6 Utility Functions
_retrieve_cache 20.6 Utility Functions
_sep_parts 20.6 Utility Functions
_sequence 20.6 Utility Functions
_setup 20.6 Utility Functions
_store_cache 20.6 Utility Functions
_tags 20.6 Utility Functions
_tilde_files 20.6 Utility Functions
_user_expand 20.4 Control Functions
_values 20.6 Utility Functions
_wanted 20.6 Utility Functions
_widgets 20.6 Utility Functions

add-zle-hook-widget 26.2.5 Manipulating Hook Functions
add-zsh-hook 26.2.5 Manipulating Hook Functions
after 23.3.2 Glob qualifiers
age 23.3.2 Glob qualifiers
alias 17 Shell Builtin Commands
alias, use of 6.8 Aliasing
always 6.3 Complex Commands
autoload 17 Shell Builtin Commands
autoload, use of 9.1 Autoloading Functions

bashcompinit 20.2.1 Use of compinit
before 23.3.2 Glob qualifiers
bg 17 Shell Builtin Commands
bg, use of 10.1 Jobs
bindkey 18.3 Zle Builtins
bindkey, use of 18.2 Keymaps
break 17 Shell Builtin Commands
builtin 6.2 Precommand Modifiers
builtin 17 Shell Builtin Commands
bye 17 Shell Builtin Commands

calendar 23.3.1 Calendar system functions
calendar_add 23.3.1 Calendar system functions
calendar_edit 23.3.1 Calendar system functions
calendar_lockfiles 23.5 Utility functions
calendar_parse 23.3.1 Calendar system functions
calendar_read 23.5 Utility functions
calendar_scandate 23.5 Utility functions
calendar_show 23.5 Utility functions
calendar_showdate 23.3.1 Calendar system functions
calendar_sort 23.3.1 Calendar system functions
cap 22.3 The zsh/cap Module
case 6.3 Complex Commands
catch 26.8 Exception Handling
cd 17 Shell Builtin Commands
cdr 26.3 Remembering Recent Directories
chdir 17 Shell Builtin Commands
chgrp 22.14 The zsh/files Module
chmod 22.14 The zsh/files Module
chown 22.14 The zsh/files Module
chpwd 9.3.1 Hook Functions
chpwd_recent_add 26.3 Remembering Recent Directories
chpwd_recent_dirs 26.3 Remembering Recent Directories
chpwd_recent_filehandler 26.3 Remembering Recent Directories
clone 22.4 The zsh/clone Module
colors 26.12.1 Descriptions
command 6.2 Precommand Modifiers
command 17 Shell Builtin Commands
command_not_found_handler 8 Command Execution
compadd 19.3 Completion Builtin Commands
comparguments 22.8 The zsh/computil Module
compaudit 20.2.1 Use of compinit
compctl 21.2 Description
compdef 20.2.3 Functions
compdescribe 22.8 The zsh/computil Module
compfiles 22.8 The zsh/computil Module
compgroups 22.8 The zsh/computil Module
compinit 20.2.1 Use of compinit
compinstall 20.2 Initialization
compquote 22.8 The zsh/computil Module
compset 19.3 Completion Builtin Commands
comptags 22.8 The zsh/computil Module
comptry 22.8 The zsh/computil Module
compvalues 22.8 The zsh/computil Module
continue 17 Shell Builtin Commands
coproc 6.1 Simple Commands & Pipelines
cube 17 Shell Builtin Commands

declare 17 Shell Builtin Commands
dirs 17 Shell Builtin Commands
disable 17 Shell Builtin Commands
disable, use of 6.5 Reserved Words
disown 17 Shell Builtin Commands
disown, use of 10.1 Jobs

echo 17 Shell Builtin Commands
echotc 22.29 The zsh/termcap Module
echoti 22.30 The zsh/terminfo Module
emulate 17 Shell Builtin Commands
enable 17 Shell Builtin Commands
eval 17 Shell Builtin Commands
example 22.13 The zsh/example Module
exec 6.2 Precommand Modifiers
exit 17 Shell Builtin Commands
export 17 Shell Builtin Commands

false 17 Shell Builtin Commands
fc 17 Shell Builtin Commands
fc, use of 14.1.1 Overview
fg 17 Shell Builtin Commands
fg, use of 10.1 Jobs
float 17 Shell Builtin Commands
float, use of 11 Arithmetic Evaluation
fned 26.12.1 Descriptions
for 6.3 Complex Commands
foreach 6.4 Alternate Forms For Complex Commands
function 6.3 Complex Commands
function, use of 9 Functions
functions 17 Shell Builtin Commands
functions, hook 9.3.1 Hook Functions
functions, use of 9 Functions

getcap 22.3 The zsh/cap Module
getln 17 Shell Builtin Commands
getopts 17 Shell Builtin Commands

hash 17 Shell Builtin Commands
histed 26.12.1 Descriptions
history 17 Shell Builtin Commands
hook functions 9.3.1 Hook Functions

if 6.3 Complex Commands
integer 17 Shell Builtin Commands
integer, use of 11 Arithmetic Evaluation
is-at-least 26.12.1 Descriptions

jobs 17 Shell Builtin Commands

kill 17 Shell Builtin Commands

let 17 Shell Builtin Commands
let, use of 11 Arithmetic Evaluation
limit 17 Shell Builtin Commands
ln 22.14 The zsh/files Module
local 17 Shell Builtin Commands
log 22.31 The zsh/watch Module
logout 17 Shell Builtin Commands

max 26.10 Mathematical Functions
min 26.10 Mathematical Functions
mkdir 22.14 The zsh/files Module
mv 22.14 The zsh/files Module

nocorrect 6.2 Precommand Modifiers
noglob 6.2 Precommand Modifiers
nslookup 26.12.1 Descriptions

pcre-match 22.21 The zsh/pcre Module
pcre_compile 22.21 The zsh/pcre Module
pcre_match 22.21 The zsh/pcre Module
pcre_study 22.21 The zsh/pcre Module
periodic 9.3.1 Hook Functions
pick-web-browser 26.9 MIME Functions
popd 17 Shell Builtin Commands
precmd 9.3.1 Hook Functions
preexec 9.3.1 Hook Functions
print 17 Shell Builtin Commands
printf 17 Shell Builtin Commands
private 22.22 The zsh/param/private Module
pushd 17 Shell Builtin Commands
pushln 17 Shell Builtin Commands
pwd 17 Shell Builtin Commands

r 17 Shell Builtin Commands
read 17 Shell Builtin Commands
regex-match 22.23 The zsh/regex Module
regexp-replace 26.12.1 Descriptions
rehash 17 Shell Builtin Commands
repeat 6.3 Complex Commands
reporter 26.2.4 Dumping Shell State
return 17 Shell Builtin Commands
return, use of 9 Functions
rm 22.14 The zsh/files Module
rmdir 22.14 The zsh/files Module
run-help 26.12.1 Descriptions
run-help, use of 26.2.1 Accessing On-Line Help
run-help-btrfs 26.12.1 Descriptions
run-help-git 26.12.1 Descriptions
run-help-ip 26.12.1 Descriptions
run-help-openssl 26.12.1 Descriptions
run-help-p4 26.12.1 Descriptions
run-help-sudo 26.12.1 Descriptions
run-help-svk 26.12.1 Descriptions
run-help-svn 26.12.1 Descriptions

sched 22.24 The zsh/sched Module
select 6.3 Complex Commands
set 17 Shell Builtin Commands
set, use of 15.2 Array Parameters
setcap 22.3 The zsh/cap Module
setopt 17 Shell Builtin Commands
shift 17 Shell Builtin Commands
source 17 Shell Builtin Commands
stat 22.26 The zsh/stat Module
strftime 22.10 The zsh/datetime Module
sum 26.10 Mathematical Functions
suspend 17 Shell Builtin Commands
sync 22.14 The zsh/files Module
syserror 22.27.1 Builtins
sysopen 22.27.1 Builtins
sysread 22.27.1 Builtins

tcp_alias 24.2.2 Session Management
tcp_aliases 24.7 TCP Utility Parameters
tcp_by_fd 24.7 TCP Utility Parameters
tcp_by_name 24.7 TCP Utility Parameters
tcp_close 24.2.1 Basic I/O
tcp_command 24.2.3 Advanced I/O
tcp_expect 24.2.3 Advanced I/O
tcp_fd_handler 24.4 TCP Utility Functions
tcp_log 24.2.2 Session Management
TCP_LOG_SESS 24.5 TCP User Parameters
tcp_on_alias 24.3 TCP User-defined Functions
tcp_on_awol 24.3 TCP User-defined Functions
tcp_on_close 24.3 TCP User-defined Functions
tcp_on_open 24.3 TCP User-defined Functions
tcp_on_rename 24.3 TCP User-defined Functions
tcp_on_spam 24.3 TCP User-defined Functions
tcp_on_unalias 24.3 TCP User-defined Functions
tcp_open 24.2.1 Basic I/O
tcp_output 24.4 TCP Utility Functions
tcp_proxy 24.2.3 Advanced I/O
tcp_read 24.2.1 Basic I/O
tcp_rename 24.2.2 Session Management
tcp_send 24.2.1 Basic I/O
tcp_sess 24.2.2 Session Management
tcp_spam 24.2.3 Advanced I/O
tcp_talk 24.2.3 Advanced I/O
tcp_wait 24.2.3 Advanced I/O
test 17 Shell Builtin Commands
throw 26.8 Exception Handling
time 6.3 Complex Commands
times 17 Shell Builtin Commands
trap 17 Shell Builtin Commands
trap, use of 9.3.2 Trap Functions
TRAPDEBUG 9.3.2 Trap Functions
TRAPERR 9.3.2 Trap Functions
TRAPEXIT 9.3.2 Trap Functions
TRAPZERR 9.3.2 Trap Functions
true 17 Shell Builtin Commands
ttyctl 17 Shell Builtin Commands
type 17 Shell Builtin Commands
typeset 17 Shell Builtin Commands
typeset, use of 15.1 Description
typeset, use of 15.2 Array Parameters

ulimit 17 Shell Builtin Commands
umask 17 Shell Builtin Commands
unfunction 17 Shell Builtin Commands
unfunction, use of 9 Functions
unhash 17 Shell Builtin Commands
unlimit 17 Shell Builtin Commands
unset 17 Shell Builtin Commands
unsetopt 17 Shell Builtin Commands
until 6.3 Complex Commands

vared 18.3 Zle Builtins
vcs_info 26.5.5 Function Descriptions (Public API)
vcs_info_hookadd 26.5.5 Function Descriptions (Public API)
vcs_info_hookdel 26.5.5 Function Descriptions (Public API)
vcs_info_lastmsg 26.5.5 Function Descriptions (Public API)
vcs_info_printsys 26.5.5 Function Descriptions (Public API)
vcs_info_setsys 26.5.5 Function Descriptions (Public API)

wait 17 Shell Builtin Commands
weather, example function 22.38 The zsh/zutil Module
whence 17 Shell Builtin Commands
where 17 Shell Builtin Commands
which 17 Shell Builtin Commands
while 6.3 Complex Commands

zargs 26.12.1 Descriptions
zcalc 26.10 Mathematical Functions
zcompile 17 Shell Builtin Commands
zcompile, use of 9.1 Autoloading Functions
zcp 26.12.1 Descriptions
zcurses 22.9.1 Builtin
zdelattr 22.2 The zsh/attr Module
zed 26.12.1 Descriptions
zed-set-file-name 26.12.1 Descriptions
zfanon 25.3.1 Opening a connection
zfautocheck 25.3.9 Other functions
zfcd 25.3.2 Directory management
zfcd_match 25.3.9 Other functions
zfcget 25.3.4 Retrieving files
zfclose 25.3.6 Closing the connection
zfcput 25.3.5 Sending files
zfdir 25.3.2 Directory management
zffcache 25.3.9 Other functions
zfgcp 25.3.4 Retrieving files
zfget 25.3.4 Retrieving files
zfget_match 25.3.9 Other functions
zfgoto 25.3.8 Bookmarks
zfhere 25.3.2 Directory management
zfinit 25.3.9 Other functions
zfls 25.3.2 Directory management
zfmark 25.3.8 Bookmarks
zfopen 25.3.1 Opening a connection
zformat 22.38 The zsh/zutil Module
zfparams 25.3.1 Opening a connection
zfpcp 25.3.5 Sending files
zfput 25.3.5 Sending files
zfrglob 25.3.9 Other functions
zfrtime 25.3.9 Other functions
zfsession 25.3.7 Session management
zfstat 25.3.3 Status commands
zftp 22.32 The zsh/zftp Module
zftp_chpwd, specification 22.32.3 Functions
zftp_chpwd, supplied version 25.3.9 Other functions
zftp_progress, specification 22.32.3 Functions
zftp_progress, supplied version 25.3.9 Other functions
zftransfer 25.3.7 Session management
zftype 25.3.3 Status commands
zfuget 25.3.4 Retrieving files
zfuput 25.3.5 Sending files
zgdbmpath 22.11 The zsh/db/gdbm Module
zgdbm_tied 22.11 The zsh/db/gdbm Module
zgetattr 22.2 The zsh/attr Module
zkbd 26.2.3 Keyboard Definition
zle 18.3 Zle Builtins
zlistattr 22.2 The zsh/attr Module
zln 26.12.1 Descriptions
zmathfunc 26.10 Mathematical Functions
zmathfuncdef 26.10 Mathematical Functions
zmath_cube 17 Shell Builtin Commands
zmodload 17 Shell Builtin Commands
zmv 26.12.1 Descriptions
zparseopts 22.38 The zsh/zutil Module
zprof 22.35 The zsh/zprof Module
zpty 22.36 The zsh/zpty Module
zrecompile 26.2.2 Recompiling Functions
zregexparse 22.38 The zsh/zutil Module
zselect 22.37 The zsh/zselect Module
zsetattr 22.2 The zsh/attr Module
zsh-mime-handler 26.9 MIME Functions
zsh-mime-setup 26.9 MIME Functions
zshaddhistory 9.3.1 Hook Functions
zshexit 9.3.1 Hook Functions
zsh_directory_name_generic 26.4 Abbreviated dynamic references to directories
zsocket 22.25 The zsh/net/socket Module
zstat 22.26 The zsh/stat Module
zstyle 22.38 The zsh/zutil Module
zstyle+ 26.12.1 Descriptions
ztcp 22.28 The zsh/net/tcp Module
ztie 22.11 The zsh/db/gdbm Module
zuntie 22.11 The zsh/db/gdbm Module

This document was generated on September 23, 2023 using texi2any.