Variables Index

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Index Entry  Section

! 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

# 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

$ 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

* 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

- 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

0 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

? 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

@ 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

_ 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

aliases 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
all_quotes, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
ARGC 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
argv 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ARGV0 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell

BAUD 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
BAUD, use of 18.1 Description
BUFFER 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
BUFFERLINES 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
builtins 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module

cdpath 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
CDPATH 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
chpwd_functions 9.3.1 Hook Functions
COLUMNS 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
COLUMNS, use of 18.1 Description
commands 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
comppostfuncs, use of 20.7 Completion System Variables
compprefuncs, use of 20.7 Completion System Variables
compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
CONTEXT 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
context, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
context, use of 20.6 Utility Functions
CORRECT_IGNORE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
CORRECT_IGNORE_FILE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
CPUTYPE 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
CURRENT 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
CURSOR 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
CUTBUFFER 18.5 User-Defined Widgets

dirstack 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
DIRSTACKSIZE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
dis_aliases 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
dis_builtins 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
dis_functions 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
dis_functions_source 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
dis_galiases 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
dis_patchars 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
dis_reswords 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
dis_saliases 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module

EDITOR 18.2 Keymaps
EGID 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ENV 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
ENV, use of 4.2 Compatibility
EPOCHREALTIME 22.10 The zsh/datetime Module
EPOCHSECONDS 22.10 The zsh/datetime Module
epochtime 22.10 The zsh/datetime Module
ERRNO 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
errnos 22.27.3 Parameters
EUID 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
exact, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
exact_string, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
expl, use of 20.6 Utility Functions

FCEDIT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
fignore 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
FIGNORE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
fpath 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
FPATH 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
fpath, searching 17 Shell Builtin Commands
fpath, use of 9.1 Autoloading Functions
fpath, with zcompile 17 Shell Builtin Commands
funcfiletrace 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
FUNCNEST 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
funcsourcetrace 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
funcstack 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
functions 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
functions_source 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
functrace 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module

galiases 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
GID 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

HELPDIR 26.2.1 Accessing On-Line Help
histchars 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
HISTCHARS 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
histchars, use of 6.7 Comments
histchars, use of 14.1.1 Overview
HISTCMD 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
HISTFILE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
HISTNO 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
history 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
historywords 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
HISTORY_IGNORE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
HISTSIZE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
HISTSIZE, use of 14.1 History Expansion
HOME 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
HOME, use of 5.1 Startup/Shutdown Files
HOST 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

IFS 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
IFS, use of 14.3 Parameter Expansion
IFS, use of 14.4 Command Substitution
IFS, use of 17 Shell Builtin Commands
ignored, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
incarg, use of 26.7.1 Widgets
insert, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
insert_positions, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
IPREFIX 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
ISEARCHMATCH_ACTIVE 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
ISEARCHMATCH_END 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
ISEARCHMATCH_START 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
ISUFFIX 19.2 Completion Special Parameters

jobdirs 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
jobstates 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
jobtexts 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module

KEYBOARD_HACK 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
KEYMAP 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
keymaps 22.34 The zsh/zleparameter Module
KEYS 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
KEYS_QUEUED_COUNT 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
KEYTIMEOUT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
killring 18.5 User-Defined Widgets

LANG 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
langinfo 22.15 The zsh/langinfo Module
LASTABORTEDSEARCH 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
LASTSEARCH 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
LASTWIDGET 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
last_prompt, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
LBUFFER 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
LC_ALL 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
LC_COLLATE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
LC_CTYPE 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
LC_MESSAGES 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
LC_NUMERIC 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
LC_TIME 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
line, use of 20.6 Utility Functions
LINENO 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
LINES 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
LINES, use of 18.1 Description
list, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
LISTMAX 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
list_lines, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
list_max, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
LOGCHECK 22.31 The zsh/watch Module
LOGNAME 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

MACHTYPE 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
MAIL 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
MAILCHECK 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
mailpath 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
MAILPATH 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
manpath 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
MANPATH 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
mapfile 22.16 The zsh/mapfile Module
MARK 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
match 14.8.4 Globbing Flags
MATCH 14.8.4 Globbing Flags
mbegin 14.8.4 Globbing Flags
MBEGIN 14.8.4 Globbing Flags
mend 14.8.4 Globbing Flags
MEND 14.8.4 Globbing Flags
MENUSELECT 22.7.3 Menu selection
modules 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
module_path 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
MODULE_PATH 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell

nameddirs 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
nmatches, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
NULLCMD 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
NULLCMD, ignoring 16.2.10 Shell Emulation
NULLCMD, ignoring 16.2.10 Shell Emulation
NULLCMD, use of 7.3 Redirections with no command
NUMERIC 18.5 User-Defined Widgets

OLDPWD 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
old_insert, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
old_list, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
OPTARG 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
OPTARG, use of 17 Shell Builtin Commands
OPTIND 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
OPTIND, use of 17 Shell Builtin Commands
options 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
opt_args, use of 20.6 Utility Functions
OSTYPE 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

parameter, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
parameters 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
patchars 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
path 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PATH 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
path, use of 8 Command Execution
pattern_insert, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
pattern_match, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
PENDING 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
PERIOD 9.3.1 Hook Functions
periodic_functions 9.3.1 Hook Functions
pid, sysparams 22.27.3 Parameters
pipestatus 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
POSTDISPLAY 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
POSTEDIT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PPID 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ppid, sysparams 22.27.3 Parameters
PREBUFFER 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
precmd_functions 9.3.1 Hook Functions
PREDISPLAY 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
preexec_functions 9.3.1 Hook Functions
PREFIX 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
PROMPT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
prompt 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PROMPT2 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PROMPT3 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PROMPT4 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PROMPT_EOL_MARK 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PS1 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PS2 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PS3 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PS4 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
psvar 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
PSVAR 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
psvar, use of 13.3 Conditional Substrings in Prompts
PWD 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

QIPREFIX 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
QISUFFIX 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
quote, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
quoting, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters

RANDOM 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
RBUFFER 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
READNULLCMD 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
READNULLCMD, ignoring 16.2.10 Shell Emulation
READNULLCMD, ignoring 16.2.10 Shell Emulation
READNULLCMD, use of 7.3 Redirections with no command
redirect, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
REGION_ACTIVE 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
region_highlight 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
registers 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
REPLY 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
reply 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
REPLY, use of 6.3 Complex Commands
REPLY, use of 14.8.7 Glob Qualifiers
reply, use of 14.8.7 Glob Qualifiers
REPLY, use of 17 Shell Builtin Commands
reply, use of 17 Shell Builtin Commands
reply, use of 21.4.2 Flags with Arguments
reply, use of 21.4.3 Control Flags
reply, use of 22.38 The zsh/zutil Module
REPORTMEMORY 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
REPORTTIME 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
restore, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
reswords 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
RPROMPT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
RPROMPT2 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
RPS1 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
RPS2 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell

saliases 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
SAVEHIST 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
SECONDS 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
SHLVL 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
signals 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
SPROMPT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
status 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
STTY 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
SUFFIX 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
SUFFIX_ACTIVE 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
SUFFIX_END 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
SUFFIX_START 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
sysparams 22.27.3 Parameters

tcp_expect_lines 24.5 TCP User Parameters
tcp_filter 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_HANDLER_ACTIVE 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_LINE 24.5 TCP User Parameters
tcp_lines 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_LINE_FD 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_LOG 24.5 TCP User Parameters
tcp_no_spam_list 24.5 TCP User Parameters
tcp_on_read 24.6 TCP User-defined Parameters
TCP_OUTPUT 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_PROMPT 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_READ_DEBUG 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_SECONDS_START 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_SESS 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_SILENT 24.5 TCP User Parameters
tcp_spam_list 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_TALK_ESCAPE 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TCP_TIMEOUT 24.5 TCP User Parameters
TERM 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
termcap 22.29 The zsh/termcap Module
TERMINFO 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
terminfo 22.30 The zsh/terminfo Module
TERMINFO_DIRS 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
TIMEFMT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
TMOUT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
TMPPREFIX 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
TMPSUFFIX 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
to_end, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
TRY_BLOCK_ERROR 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
TRY_BLOCK_INTERRUPT 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
TTY 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
TTYIDLE 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

UID 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
unambiguous, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
unambiguous_cursor, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
unambiguous_positions, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
UNDO_CHANGE_NO 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
UNDO_LIMIT_NO 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
userdirs 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
usergroups 22.20 The zsh/parameter Module
USERNAME 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

vared, compstate 19.2 Completion Special Parameters
VENDOR 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
VISUAL 18.2 Keymaps

watch 22.31 The zsh/watch Module
WATCH 22.31 The zsh/watch Module
watch, use of 22.31 The zsh/watch Module
WATCHFMT 22.31 The zsh/watch Module
WIDGET 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
WIDGET, in hooks 26.2.5 Manipulating Hook Functions
WIDGETFUNC 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
widgets 22.34 The zsh/zleparameter Module
WIDGETSTYLE 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
WORDCHARS 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
words 19.2 Completion Special Parameters

YANK_ACTIVE 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
YANK_END 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
YANK_START 18.5 User-Defined Widgets

ZBEEP 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
zcurses_attrs 22.9.2 Parameters
ZCURSES_COLORS 22.9.2 Parameters
zcurses_colors 22.9.2 Parameters
ZCURSES_COLOR_PAIRS 22.9.2 Parameters
zcurses_keycodes 22.9.2 Parameters
zcurses_windows 22.9.2 Parameters
ZDOTDIR 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
ZDOTDIR, use of 5.1 Startup/Shutdown Files
ZFTP_ACCOUNT 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_CODE 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_COUNT 22.32.3 Functions
ZFTP_FILE 22.32.3 Functions
ZFTP_HOST 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_IP 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_PORT 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_PREFS 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_PWD 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_REPLY 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_SESSION 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_SIZE 22.32.3 Functions
ZFTP_SYSTEM 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_TMOUT 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_TRANSFER 22.32.3 Functions
ZFTP_TYPE 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_USER 22.32.2 Parameters
ZFTP_VERBOSE 22.32.2 Parameters
zle_bracketed_paste 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
zle_highlight 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
zle_highlight, setting 18.7 Character Highlighting
zle_highlight, use of 18.1 Description
ZLE_LINE_ABORTED 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
ZLE_RECURSIVE 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
ZLE_REMOVE_SUFFIX_CHARS 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
ZLE_RPROMPT_INDENT 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
ZLE_SPACE_SUFFIX_CHARS 15.6 Parameters Used By The Shell
ZLE_STATE 18.5 User-Defined Widgets
ZLS_COLORS 22.7.1 Colored completion listings
ZLS_COLOURS 22.7.1 Colored completion listings
zshaddhistory_functions 9.3.1 Hook Functions
zshexit_functions 9.3.1 Hook Functions
ZSH_ARGZERO 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
zsh_eval_context 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ZSH_EXECUTION_STRING 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ZSH_NAME 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ZSH_PATCHLEVEL 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
zsh_scheduled_events 22.24 The zsh/sched Module
ZSH_SCRIPT 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ZSH_SUBSHELL <S> 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell
ZSH_VERSION 15.5 Parameters Set By The Shell

This document was generated on September 23, 2023 using texi2any.