/* Copyright Rene Rivera 2008-2015 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_PREDEF_LIBRARY_STD_ROGUEWAVE_H #define BOOST_PREDEF_LIBRARY_STD_ROGUEWAVE_H #include #include #include /* tag::reference[] = `BOOST_LIB_STD_RW` http://stdcxx.apache.org/[Roguewave] Standard {CPP} library. If available version number as major, minor, and patch. [options="header"] |=== | {predef_symbol} | {predef_version} | `+__STD_RWCOMPILER_H__+` | {predef_detection} | `+_RWSTD_VER+` | {predef_detection} | `+_RWSTD_VER+` | V.R.P |=== */ // end::reference[] #define BOOST_LIB_STD_RW BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_NOT_AVAILABLE #if defined(__STD_RWCOMPILER_H__) || defined(_RWSTD_VER) # undef BOOST_LIB_STD_RW # if defined(_RWSTD_VER) # if _RWSTD_VER < 0x010000 # define BOOST_LIB_STD_RW BOOST_PREDEF_MAKE_0X_VVRRP(_RWSTD_VER) # else # define BOOST_LIB_STD_RW BOOST_PREDEF_MAKE_0X_VVRRPP(_RWSTD_VER) # endif # else # define BOOST_LIB_STD_RW BOOST_VERSION_NUMBER_AVAILABLE # endif #endif #if BOOST_LIB_STD_RW # define BOOST_LIB_STD_RW_AVAILABLE #endif #define BOOST_LIB_STD_RW_NAME "Roguewave" #endif #include BOOST_PREDEF_DECLARE_TEST(BOOST_LIB_STD_RW,BOOST_LIB_STD_RW_NAME)