The CoderInfo class supports obtaining information about GraphicsMagick support for an image format (designated by a magick string). It may be used to provide support for a specific named format (provided as an argument to the constructor), or as an element of a container when format support is queried using the coderInfoList() templated function.
The following code fragment illustrates how CoderInfo may be used:
CoderInfo info("GIF"); cout << info->name() << ": (" << info->description() << ") : "; cout << "Readable = "; if ( info->isReadable() ) cout << "true"; else cout << "false"; cout << ", "; cout << "Writable = "; if ( info->isWritable() ) cout << "true"; else cout << "false"; cout << ", "; cout << "Multiframe = "; if ( info->isMultiframe() ) cout << "true"; else cout << "false"; cout << endl;
The definition of class 'Magick::CoderInfo' is:
namespace Magick { class MagickDLLDecl CoderInfo { public: enum MatchType { AnyMatch, // match any coder TrueMatch, // match coder if true FalseMatch // match coder if false }; // Default constructor CoderInfo ( void ); // Copy constructor CoderInfo ( const CoderInfo &coder_ ); // Construct with coder name CoderInfo ( const std::string &name_ ); // Destructor ~CoderInfo ( void ); // Format name std::string name( void ) const; // Format description std::string description( void ) const; // Format is readable bool isReadable( void ) const; // Format is writeable bool isWritable( void ) const; // Format supports multiple frames bool isMultiFrame( void ) const; // Assignment operator CoderInfo& operator= (const CoderInfo &coder_ ); }; }
Copyright © Bob Friesenhahn 1999 - 2022
Copyright © GraphicsMagick Group 2002 - 2023