The Magick::Image methods annotate, draw, label, and the template function montageImages support special format characters contained in the argument text. These format characters work similar to C's printf. Whenever a format character appears in the text, it is replaced with the equivalent attribute text. The available format characters are shown in the following table:
Format Character |
Description |
%b |
file size |
%d |
directory |
%e |
filename extension |
%f |
filename |
%h |
height |
%m |
magick (e.g GIF) |
%p |
page number |
%s |
scene number |
%t |
top of filename |
%w |
width |
%x |
x resolution |
%y |
y resolution |
n |
newline |
r |
carriage return |
Copyright © Bob Friesenhahn 1999 - 2022
Copyright © GraphicsMagick Group 2002 - 2023