Read or write formatted images in memory (BLOBs)
void AttachBlob( BlobInfo *blob_info, const void *blob, const size_t length );
AttachBlob() attaches a blob to the BlobInfo structure.
The format of the AttachBlob method is:
void AttachBlob( BlobInfo *blob_info, const void *blob, const size_t length );
A description of each parameter follows:
Specifies a pointer to a BlobInfo structure.
The address of a character stream in one of the image formats understood by GraphicsMagick.
This size_t integer reflects the length in bytes of the blob.
MagickBool BlobIsSeekable( const Image *image );
BlobIsSeekable() returns MagickTrue if the blob supports seeks (SeekBlob() is functional).
The format of the BlobIsSeekable method is:
MagickBool BlobIsSeekable( const Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
Image to query
MagickPassFail BlobReserveSize( Image *image, magick_off_t size );
BlobReserveSize() sets the output size of the blob or file. This is used as a means to minimize memory or filesystem fragmentation if the final output size is known in advance. While it is possible that file fragmentation is reduced, it is also possible that file write performance is reduced by changing a write operation to a read, modify, write operation.
The format of the BlobReserveSize method is:
MagickPassFail BlobReserveSize( Image *image, magick_off_t size );
A description of each parameter follows:
Image to update
New output size.
MagickPassFail BlobToFile( const char *filename, const void *blob, const size_t length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
BlobToFile() writes a blob to a file. It returns MagickFail if an error occurs otherwise MagickPass.
The format of the BlobToFile method is:
MagickPassFail BlobToFile( const char *filename, const void *blob, const size_t length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
BlobToFile returns MagickPass on success; otherwise, it returns MagickFail if an error occurs.
Write the blob to this file.
The address of a blob.
This length in bytes of the blob.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *BlobToImage( const ImageInfo *image_info, const void *blob, const size_t length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
BlobToImage() implements direct to memory image formats. It returns the blob as an image.
The format of the BlobToImage method is:
Image *BlobToImage( const ImageInfo *image_info, const void *blob, const size_t length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
The image info.
The address of a character stream in one of the image formats understood by GraphicsMagick.
This size_t integer reflects the length in bytes of the blob.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
CloneBlobInfo() makes a duplicate of the given blob info structure, or if blob info is NULL, a new one.
The format of the CloneBlobInfo method is:
BlobInfo *CloneBlobInfo( const BlobInfo *blob_info );
A description of each parameter follows:
Method CloneBlobInfo returns a duplicate of the given blob info, or if blob info is NULL a new one.
a structure of type info.
void DestroyBlob( Image *image );
DestroyBlob() deallocates memory associated with a blob. The blob is a reference counted object so the object is only destroyed once its reference count decreases to zero.
The format of the DestroyBlob method is:
void DestroyBlob( Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image.
void DestroyBlobInfo( BlobInfo *blob );
DestroyBlobInfo() deallocates memory associated with an BlobInfo structure. The blob is a reference counted object so the object is only destroyed once its reference count decreases to zero. Use of DestroyBlob is preferred over this function since it assures that the blob is closed prior to destruction.
This function is no longer used within GraphicsMagick.
The format of the DestroyBlobInfo method is:
void DestroyBlobInfo( BlobInfo *blob );
A description of each parameter follows:
Specifies a pointer to a BlobInfo structure.
void DetachBlob( BlobInfo *blob_info );
DetachBlob() detaches a blob from the BlobInfo structure.
The format of the DetachBlob method is:
void DetachBlob( BlobInfo *blob_info );
A description of each parameter follows:
Specifies a pointer to a BlobInfo structure.
void *FileToBlob( const char *filename, size_t *length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
FileToBlob() returns the contents of a file in a buffer allocated via MagickMalloc() (which is equivalent to the system malloc() by default). The character '0' is appended to the buffer in case the buffer will be accessed as a string. The length of the buffer (not including the extra terminating '0' character) is returned via the 'length' parameter. If an error occurs, a NULL pointer is returned. The returned buffer must be freed by the user in a matter compatible with MagickMalloc() (e.g. via MagickFree()).
The format of the FileToBlob method is:
void *FileToBlob( const char *filename, size_t *length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
FileToBlob() returns the contents of a file as a blob. If an error occurs NULL is returned.
The filename.
This pointer to a size_t integer sets the initial length of the blob. On return, it reflects the actual length of the blob.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
FILE *GetBlobFileHandle( const Image *image );
GetBlobFileHandle() returns the stdio file handle associated with the image blob. If there is no associated file handle, then a null pointer is returned.
The format of the GetBlobFileHandle method is:
FILE *GetBlobFileHandle( const Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
Image to query
void GetBlobInfo( BlobInfo *blob_info );
GetBlobInfo() initializes the BlobInfo structure.
The format of the GetBlobInfo method is:
void GetBlobInfo( BlobInfo *blob_info );
A description of each parameter follows:
Specifies a pointer to a BlobInfo structure.
int GetBlobStatus( const Image *image );
GetBlobStatus() returns the blob error status. For GraphicsMagick 1.3.26 and earlier, this was only set by CloseBlob() but now it is set immediately upon error.
The format of the GetBlobStatus method is:
int GetBlobStatus( const Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image.
int GetBlobFirstErrno( const Image *image );
GetBlobFirstErrno() returns the errno present (if any) when the blob first encountered as error, as indicated by GetBlobStatus(). The the purpose of this function is to help improve the quality of error reporting.
The format of the GetBlobFirstErrno method is:
int GetBlobFirstErrno( const Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image.
unsigned char *GetBlobStreamData( const Image *image );
GetBlobStreamData() returns the stream data for the image. The data is only available if the data is stored on the heap, or is memory mapped. Otherwise a NULL value is returned.
The format of the GetBlobStreamData method is:
unsigned char *GetBlobStreamData( const Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image.
MagickBool GetBlobTemporary( const Image *image );
GetBlobTemporary() returns MagickTrue if the file associated with the blob is a temporary file and should be removed when the associated image is destroyed.
The format of the GetBlobTemporary method is:
MagickBool GetBlobTemporary( const Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
Image to query
void *GetConfigureBlob( const char *filename, ExceptionInfo *exception );
GetConfigureBlob() returns the specified configure file as a blob.
The format of the GetConfigureBlob method is:
void *GetConfigureBlob( const char *filename, ExceptionInfo *exception );
A description of each parameter follows:
The configure file name.
return the full path information of the configure file.
This pointer to a size_t integer sets the initial length of the blob. On return, it reflects the actual length of the blob.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
void *ImageToBlob( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *image, size_t *length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
ImageToBlob() implements direct to memory image formats. It returns the image as a formatted blob and its length. The magick member of the Image structure determines the format of the returned blob (GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.). This function is the equivalent of WriteImage(), but writes the formatted "file" to a memory buffer rather than to an actual file.
The format of the ImageToBlob method is:
void *ImageToBlob( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *image, size_t *length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
The image info.
The image.
This pointer to a size_t integer sets the initial length of the blob. On return, it reflects the actual length of the blob.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickPassFail ImageToFile( Image *image, const char *filename, ExceptionInfo *exception );
ImageToFile() copies the input image from an open blob stream to a file. It returns False if an error occurs otherwise True. This function is used to handle coders which are unable to stream the data in using Blob I/O. Instead of streaming the data in, the data is streammed to a temporary file, and the coder accesses the temorary file directly.
The format of the ImageToFile method is:
MagickPassFail ImageToFile( Image *image, const char *filename, ExceptionInfo *exception );
ImageToFile returns MagickPass on success; otherwise, it returns MagickFail if an error occurs.
The image.
Write the image to this file.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *PingBlob( const ImageInfo *image_info, const void *blob, const size_t length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
PingBlob() returns all the attributes of an image or image sequence except for the pixels. It is much faster and consumes far less memory than BlobToImage(). On failure, a NULL image is returned and exception describes the reason for the failure.
The format of the PingBlob method is:
Image *PingBlob( const ImageInfo *image_info, const void *blob, const size_t length, ExceptionInfo *exception );
The image info.
The address of a character stream in one of the image formats understood by GraphicsMagick.
This size_t integer reflects the length in bytes of the blob.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
void SetBlobClosable( Image *image, MagickBool closeable );
SetBlobClosable() enables closing the blob if MagickTrue is passed, and exempts the blob from being closed if False is passed. Blobs are closable by default (default MagickTrue).
The format of the SetBlobClosable method is:
void SetBlobClosable( Image *image, MagickBool closeable );
A description of each parameter follows:
Image to update
Set to FALSE in order to disable closing the blob.
void SetBlobTemporary( Image *image, MagickBool isTemporary );
SetBlobTemporary() sets a boolean flag (default False) to specify if the file associated with the blob is a temporary file and should be removed when the associated image is destroyed.
The format of the SetBlobTemporary method is:
void SetBlobTemporary( Image *image, MagickBool isTemporary );
A description of each parameter follows:
Image to update
Set to True to indicate that the file associated with the blob is temporary.
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