Interactively display and edit an image
unsigned int MagickXDisplayBackgroundImage( Display *display, MagickXResourceInfo *resource_info, Image *image );
MagickXDisplayBackgroundImage() displays an image in the background of a window.
The format of the MagickXDisplayBackgroundImage method is:
unsigned int MagickXDisplayBackgroundImage( Display *display, MagickXResourceInfo *resource_info, Image *image );
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.
Specifies a pointer to a X11 MagickXResourceInfo structure.
Specifies a pointer to an Image structure; returned from ReadImage.
Image *MagickXDisplayImage( Display *display, MagickXResourceInfo *resource_info, char ** argv, int argc, Image ** image, unsigned long *state );
MagickXDisplayImage() displays an image via X11. A new image is created and returned if the user interactively transforms the displayed image.
The format of the MagickXDisplayImage method is:
Image *MagickXDisplayImage( Display *display, MagickXResourceInfo *resource_info, char ** argv, int argc, Image ** image, unsigned long *state );
Method MagickXDisplayImage returns an image when the user chooses 'Open Image' from the command menu or picks a tile from the image directory. Otherwise a null image is returned.
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.
Specifies a pointer to a X11 MagickXResourceInfo structure.
Specifies the application's argument list.
Specifies the number of arguments.
Specifies an address to an address of an Image structure; returned from ReadImage.
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