Image list support
AppendImageToList() appends an image to the end of the list. Please note that this API allows the list pointer to be updated and in fact it now updates the list pointer to be the image which was just added.
The format of the AppendImageToList method is:
AppendImageToList( Image ** images, Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image list.
The image.
Image *CloneImageList( const Image *images, ExceptionInfo *exception );
CloneImageList() returns a duplicate of the image list.
The format of the CloneImageList method is:
Image *CloneImageList( const Image *images, ExceptionInfo *exception );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image list.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
DeleteImageFromList( Image ** images );
DeleteImageFromList() deletes an image from the list.
The format of the DeleteImageFromList method is:
DeleteImageFromList( Image ** images );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image list.
void DestroyImageList( Image *image );
DestroyImageList() destroys an image list. There is no effect if the image pointer is null.
The format of the DestroyImageList method is:
void DestroyImageList( Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image sequence.
GetImageFromList() returns an image at the specified offset from the list.
The format of the GetImageFromList method is:
Image *GetImageFromList( const Image *images, const long offset );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image list.
The position within the list.
long GetImageIndexInList( const Image *images );
GetImageIndexInList() returns the offset in the list of the specified image.
The format of the GetImageIndexInList method is:
long GetImageIndexInList( const Image *images );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image list.
unsigned long GetImageListLength( const Image *images );
GetImageListLength() returns the length of the list (the number of images in the list).
The format of the GetImageListLength method is:
unsigned long GetImageListLength( const Image *images );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image list.
Image ** ImageListToArray( const Image *images, ExceptionInfo *exception );
ImageListToArray() is a convenience method that converts an image list to a sequential array. For example,
group = ImageListToArray(images, exception); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) puts(group[i]->filename);
The format of the ImageListToArray method is:
Image ** ImageListToArray( const Image *images, ExceptionInfo *exception );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image list.
Return any errors or warnings in this structure.
Image *NewImageList( void );
NewImageList() creates an empty image list.
The format of the NewImageList method is:
Image *NewImageList( void );
ReverseImageList( const Image ** images );
ReverseImageList() reverses the image list.
The format of the ReverseImageList method is:
ReverseImageList( const Image ** images );
A description of each parameter follows:
The image list.
SpliceImageIntoList() removes 'length' images from the list and replaces them with the specified splice.
The format of the SpliceImageIntoList method is:
SpliceImageIntoList( Image ** images, const unsigned long length, Image *splice );
The image list.
The length of the image list to remove.
Replace the removed image list with this list.
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