29# warning This header is deprecated. Please use <FTGL/ftgl.h> from now.
33#ifndef __FTPixmapGlyph__
34#define __FTPixmapGlyph__
44 static FTGlyphImpl *NewImpl(FT_GlyphSlot glyph);
struct _FTGLglyph FTGLglyph
FTGLglyph * ftglCreatePixmapGlyph(FT_GlyphSlot glyph)
Create a specialisation of FTGLglyph for creating pixmaps.
FTGlyph is the base class for FTGL glyphs.
FTPixmapGlyph is a specialisation of FTGlyph for creating pixmaps.
FTPixmapGlyph(FT_GlyphSlot glyph)
virtual ~FTPixmapGlyph()
virtual const FTPoint & Render(const FTPoint &pen, int renderMode)
Render this glyph at the current pen position.
FTPoint class is a basic 3-dimensional point or vector.