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PO Mode Index

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Index Entry Section

#, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
#, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments

,, PO Mode command4.5 Marking Translatable Strings

., PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
., PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
.emacs’ customizations8.3.1 Completing GNU gettext Installation

0, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
0, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands

<, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
<, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning

=, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
=, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands

>, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
>, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning

?, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
?, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands

_, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
_, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands

a, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
A, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
A, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
a, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
auxiliary PO file8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files

C-c C-a, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
C-c C-a, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
C-c C-a, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
C-c C-a, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
C-c C-c, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
C-c C-c, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
C-c C-k, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
C-c C-k, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
C-j, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
C-j, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
commands8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
comment out PO file entry8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
consulting program sources8.3.12 C Sources Context
consulting translations to other languages8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
current entry of a PO file8.3.3 Entry Positioning
cut and paste for translated strings8.3.9 Modifying Translations

DEL, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
DEL, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
DEL, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries

editing comments8.3.10 Modifying Comments
editing multiple entries8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
editing translations8.3.9 Modifying Translations
etags, using for marking strings4.5 Marking Translatable Strings
exiting PO subedit8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition

f, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
F, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
F, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
f, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
find source fragment for a PO file entry8.3.12 C Sources Context

h, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
h, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands

installing PO mode8.3.1 Completing GNU gettext Installation

k, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
K, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
k, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
K, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
k, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
k, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations

LFD, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
LFD, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
looking at the source to aid translation8.3.12 C Sources Context

m, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
m, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
M-,, PO Mode command4.5 Marking Translatable Strings
M-., PO Mode command4.5 Marking Translatable Strings
M-A, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
M-A, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
M-S, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
M-s, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
M-s, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
M-S, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
marking strings for translation4.5 Marking Translatable Strings
moving by fuzzy entries8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
moving by obsolete entries8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
moving by translated entries8.3.5 Translated Entries
moving by untranslated entries8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
moving through a PO file8.3.3 Entry Positioning

n, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
n, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
next-error, stepping through PO file validation results8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
normalize, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files

o, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
O, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
o, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
O, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
obsolete active entry8.3.8 Obsolete Entries

p, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
p, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
pending subedits8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
po-auto-edit-with-msgid, PO Mode variable8.3.9 Modifying Translations
po-auto-fuzzy-on-edit, PO Mode variable8.3.5 Translated Entries
po-auto-select-on-unfuzzy, PO Mode variable8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
po-confirm-and-quit, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
po-consider-as-auxiliary, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
po-consider-source-path, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
po-current-entry, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
po-cycle-auxiliary, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
po-cycle-source-reference, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
po-edit-comment, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
po-edit-msgstr, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
po-exchange-location, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
po-fade-out-entry, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
po-fade-out-entry, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
po-first-entry, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
po-help, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
po-ignore-as-auxiliary, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
po-ignore-source-path, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
po-kill-comment, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
po-kill-msgstr, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
po-kill-msgstr, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
po-kill-ring-save-comment, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
po-kill-ring-save-msgstr, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
po-last-entry, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
po-mark-translatable, PO Mode command4.5 Marking Translatable Strings
po-msgid-to-msgstr, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
po-next-entry, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
po-next-fuzzy-entry, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
po-next-obsolete-entry, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
po-next-translated-entry, PO Mode command8.3.5 Translated Entries
po-next-untranslated-entry, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
po-normalize, PO Mode command8.3.4 Normalizing Strings in Entries
po-other-window, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
po-pop-location, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
po-previous-entry, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
po-previous-fuzzy-entry, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
po-previous-obsolete-entry, PO Mode command8.3.8 Obsolete Entries
po-previous-translated-entry, PO Mode command8.3.5 Translated Entries
po-previous-untransted-entry, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
po-push-location, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
po-quit, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
po-select-auxiliary, PO Mode command8.3.13 Consulting Auxiliary PO Files
po-select-mark-and-mark, PO Mode command4.5 Marking Translatable Strings
po-select-source-reference, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
po-statistics, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
po-subedit-abort, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
po-subedit-cycle-auxiliary, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
po-subedit-exit, PO Mode command8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition
po-subedit-mode-hook, PO Mode variable8.3.10 Modifying Comments
po-tags-search, PO Mode command4.5 Marking Translatable Strings
po-undo, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
po-unfuzzy, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
po-validate, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
po-yank-comment, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
po-yank-msgstr, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations

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