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PO Mode Index: Q – Y

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Index Entry Section

q, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
Q, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
q, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
Q, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands

r, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
r, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
RET, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
RET, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations

S, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
s, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
S, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
s, PO Mode command8.3.12 C Sources Context
starting a string translation8.3.9 Modifying Translations
string normalization in entries8.3.4 Normalizing Strings in Entries
subedit minor mode8.3.11 Details of Sub Edition

T, PO Mode command8.3.5 Translated Entries
t, PO Mode command8.3.5 Translated Entries
T, PO Mode command8.3.5 Translated Entries
t, PO Mode command8.3.5 Translated Entries
TAB, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
TAB, PO Mode command8.3.6 Fuzzy Entries
TAGS’, and marking translatable strings4.5 Marking Translatable Strings

U, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
u, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
U, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
u, PO Mode command8.3.7 Untranslated Entries
use the source, Luke8.3.12 C Sources Context
using obsolete translations to make new entries8.3.9 Modifying Translations
using translation compendia8.4 Using Translation Compendia

V, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands
V, PO Mode command8.3.2 Main PO mode Commands

w, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
W, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
w, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
W, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments

x, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning
x, PO Mode command8.3.3 Entry Positioning

y, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
Y, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments
y, PO Mode command8.3.9 Modifying Translations
Y, PO Mode command8.3.10 Modifying Comments

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