14. QEMU Spice reference

14.1. Command line options

They are covered in the QEMU online documentation. Basic syntax is -spice <spice_options>.

14.2. QXL command line options

  • ram_size
  • vram_size
  • revision
  • debug
  • guestdebug
  • cmdlog
  • ram_size_mb
  • vram_size_mb
  • vram64_size_mb
  • vgamem_mb
  • surfaces

14.3. QEMU console Spice commands

  • set_password spice <password> [keep|disconnect] Set the spice connection ticket (one time password). An empty password prevents any connection. keep/disconnect indicates what to do if a client is already connected when the command is issued.
  • expire_password
  • client_migrate_info
  • info spice Show current spice state