libdvbv5 1.26.1
Library to work with Digital TV devices on Linux
Digital TV table parsing


file  descriptors.h
 Provides a way to handle MPEG-TS descriptors found on Digital TV streams.
file  header.h
 Provides the MPEG TS table headers.
file  atsc_header.h
 Provides some common ATSC stuff.
file  atsc_eit.h
 Provides the table parser for the ATSC EIT (Event Information Table)
file  cat.h
 Provides the table parser for the CAT (Conditional Access Table)
file  eit.h
 Provides the table parser for the DVB EIT (Event Information Table)
file  mgt.h
 Provides the table parser for the ATSC MGT (Master Guide Table)
file  nit.h
 Provides the descriptors for NIT MPEG-TS table.
file  pat.h
 Provides the descriptors for PAT MPEG-TS table.
file  pmt.h
 Provides the descriptors for PMT MPEG-TS table.
file  sdt.h
 Provides the descriptors for SDT MPEG-TS table.
file  vct.h
 Provides the descriptors for TVCT and CVCT tables.
file  mpeg_es.h
 Provides the table parser for the MPEG-TS Elementary Stream.
file  mpeg_pes.h
 Provides the table parser for the MPEG-PES Elementary Stream.
file  mpeg_ts.h
 Provides the table parser for the MPEG-PES Elementary Stream.

Data Structures

struct  dvb_desc
 Linked list containing the several descriptors found on a MPEG-TS table. More...
struct  dvb_descriptor
 Contains the parser information for the MPEG-TS parser code. More...
struct  dvb_ts_packet_header
 Header of a MPEG-TS transport packet. More...
struct  dvb_table_header
 Header of a MPEG-TS table. More...
struct  atsc_table_eit_event
 ATSC EIT event table. More...
union  atsc_table_eit_desc_length
 ATSC EIT descriptor length. More...
struct  atsc_table_eit
 ATSC EIT table. More...
struct  dvb_table_eit_event
 DVB EIT event table. More...
struct  dvb_table_eit
 DVB EIT table. More...
struct  atsc_table_mgt_table
 ATSC tables descrition at MGT table. More...
struct  atsc_table_mgt
 ATSC MGT table. More...
union  dvb_table_nit_transport_header
 MPEG-TS NIT transport header. More...
struct  dvb_table_nit_transport
 MPEG-TS NIT transport table. More...
struct  dvb_table_nit
 MPEG-TS NIT table. More...
struct  dvb_table_pat_program
 MPEG-TS PAT program table. More...
struct  dvb_table_pat
 MPEG-TS PAT table. More...
struct  dvb_table_pmt_stream
 MPEG-TS PMT stream table. More...
struct  dvb_table_pmt
 MPEG-TS PMT table. More...
struct  dvb_table_sdt_service
 MPEG-TS SDT service table. More...
struct  dvb_table_sdt
 MPEG-TS SDT table. More...
struct  atsc_table_vct_channel
 ATSC VCT channel table (covers both CVCT and TVCT) More...
struct  atsc_table_vct
 ATSC VCT table (covers both CVCT and TVCT) More...
union  atsc_table_vct_descriptor_length
 ATSC VCT descriptor length. More...
struct  dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start
 MPEG ES Sequence header. More...
struct  dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start
 MPEG ES Picture start header. More...
struct  ts_t
 MPEG PES timestamp structure, used for dts and pts. More...
struct  dvb_mpeg_pes_optional
 MPEG PES optional header. More...
struct  dvb_mpeg_pes
 MPEG PES data structure. More...
struct  dvb_mpeg_ts_adaption
 MPEG TS header adaption field. More...
struct  dvb_mpeg_ts
 MPEG TS header. More...


 Maximum size of a table session to be parsed.
#define DVB_CRC_SIZE
 number of bytes for the descriptor's CRC check
 ATSC PID for the Program and System Information Protocol.
 ATSC EIT table ID.
#define atsc_eit_event_foreach(_event, _eit)
 Macro used to find event on an ATSC EIT table.
 ATSC CAT table ID.
 ATSC PID table ID.
 DVB EIT table ID for the actual TS.
 DVB EIT table ID for other TS.
 DVB EIT Program ID.
 Start table ID for the DVB EIT schedule data on the actual TS The range has 0x0f elements (0x50 to 0x5F).
 Start table ID for the DVB EIT schedule data on other TS The range has 0x0f elements (0x60 to 0x6F).
#define dvb_eit_event_foreach(_event, _eit)
 Macro used to find event on a DVB EIT table.
 ATSC MGT table ID.
 NIT table ID.
#define DVB_TABLE_NIT2
 NIT table ID (alternative table ID)
 NIT Program ID.
#define dvb_nit_transport_foreach(_tran, _nit)
 Macro used to find a transport inside a NIT table.
 PAT table ID.
 PAT Program ID.
#define dvb_pat_program_foreach(_pgm, _pat)
 Macro used to find programs on a PAT table.
 PMT table ID.
#define dvb_pmt_stream_foreach(_stream, _pmt)
 Macro used to find streams on a PMT table.
 SDT table ID.
#define DVB_TABLE_SDT2
 SDT table ID (alternative table ID)
 SDT Program ID.
#define dvb_sdt_service_foreach(_service, _sdt)
 Macro used to find services on a SDT table.
 TVCT table ID.
 CVCT table ID.
 Program ID with the VCT tables on it.
#define atsc_vct_channel_foreach(_channel, _vct)
 Macro used to find channels on a VCT table.
 Picture Start.
 User Data.
 Sequence Start.
 Group Of Pictures.
#define DVB_MPEG_PES
 MPEG Packetized Elementary Stream magic.
 PES Audio.
 PES Video.
 PES Stream map.
 PES padding.
 PES private.
 PES ECM Stream.
 PES EMM Stream.
 PES Stream directory.
 PES H.222.1 type E.
#define DVB_MPEG_TS
 MPEG Transport Stream magic.
 Size of an MPEG packet.


typedef void(* dvb_table_init_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, void **table)
 Function prototype for a function that initializes the descriptors parsing on a table.
typedef int(* dvb_desc_init_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, struct dvb_desc *desc)
 Function prototype for the descriptors parsing init code.
typedef void(* dvb_desc_print_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const struct dvb_desc *desc)
 Function prototype for the descriptors parsing print code.
typedef void(* dvb_desc_free_func) (struct dvb_desc *desc)
 Function prototype for the descriptors memory free code.
typedef void nit_handler_callback_t(struct dvb_table_nit *nit, struct dvb_desc *desc, void *priv)
 typedef for a callback used when a NIT table entry is found
typedef void nit_tran_handler_callback_t(struct dvb_table_nit *nit, struct dvb_table_nit_transport *tran, struct dvb_desc *desc, void *priv)
 typedef for a callback used when a NIT transport table entry is found
typedef int(* dvb_desc_ext_init_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, struct dvb_extension_descriptor *ext, void *desc)
 Function prototype for the extended descriptors parsing init code.
typedef void(* dvb_desc_ext_print_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const struct dvb_extension_descriptor *ext, const void *desc)
 Function prototype for the extended descriptors parsing print code.
typedef void(* dvb_desc_ext_free_func) (const void *desc)
 Function prototype for the extended descriptors parsing free code.


uint32_t dvb_bcd (uint32_t bcd)
 Converts from BCD to CPU integer internal representation.
void dvb_hexdump (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const char *prefix, const unsigned char *buf, int len)
 dumps data into the logs in hexadecimal format
int dvb_desc_parse (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buflen, struct dvb_desc **head_desc)
 parse MPEG-TS descriptors
void dvb_desc_free (struct dvb_desc **list)
 frees a dvb_desc linked list
void dvb_desc_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_desc *desc)
 prints the contents of a struct dvb_desc linked list
void dvb_table_header_init (struct dvb_table_header *header)
 Initializes and parses MPEG-TS table header.
void dvb_table_header_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const struct dvb_table_header *header)
 Prints the content of the MPEG-TS table header.
ssize_t atsc_table_eit_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct atsc_table_eit **table)
 Initializes and parses ATSC EIT table.
void atsc_table_eit_free (struct atsc_table_eit *table)
 Frees all data allocated by the ATSC EIT table parser.
void atsc_table_eit_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct atsc_table_eit *table)
 Prints the content of the ATSC EIT table.
ssize_t dvb_table_eit_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct dvb_table_eit **table)
 Initializes and parses EIT table.
void dvb_table_eit_free (struct dvb_table_eit *table)
 Frees all data allocated by the DVB EIT table parser.
void dvb_table_eit_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_table_eit *table)
 Prints the content of the DVB EIT table.
void dvb_time (const uint8_t data[5], struct tm *tm)
 Converts a DVB EIT formatted timestamp into struct tm.
ssize_t atsc_table_mgt_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct atsc_table_mgt **table)
 Initializes and parses MGT table.
void atsc_table_mgt_free (struct atsc_table_mgt *table)
 Frees all data allocated by the MGT table parser.
void atsc_table_mgt_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct atsc_table_mgt *table)
 Prints the content of the MGT table.
ssize_t dvb_table_nit_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct dvb_table_nit **table)
 Initializes and parses NIT table.
void dvb_table_nit_free (struct dvb_table_nit *table)
 Frees all data allocated by the NIT table parser.
void dvb_table_nit_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_table_nit *table)
 Prints the content of the NIT table.
void dvb_table_nit_descriptor_handler (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_table_nit *table, enum descriptors descriptor, nit_handler_callback_t *call_nit, nit_tran_handler_callback_t *call_tran, void *priv)
 For each entry at NIT and NIT transport tables, call a callback.
ssize_t dvb_table_pat_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct dvb_table_pat **table)
 Initializes and parses PAT table.
void dvb_table_pat_free (struct dvb_table_pat *table)
 Frees all data allocated by the PAT table parser.
void dvb_table_pat_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_table_pat *table)
 Prints the content of the PAT table.
ssize_t dvb_table_pmt_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct dvb_table_pmt **table)
 Initializes and parses PMT table.
void dvb_table_pmt_free (struct dvb_table_pmt *table)
 Frees all data allocated by the PMT table parser.
void dvb_table_pmt_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const struct dvb_table_pmt *table)
 Prints the content of the PAT table.
ssize_t dvb_table_sdt_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct dvb_table_sdt **table)
 Initializes and parses SDT table.
void dvb_table_sdt_free (struct dvb_table_sdt *table)
 Frees all data allocated by the SDT table parser.
void dvb_table_sdt_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_table_sdt *table)
 Prints the content of the SDT table.
ssize_t atsc_table_vct_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct atsc_table_vct **table)
 Initializes and parses VCT table.
void atsc_table_vct_free (struct atsc_table_vct *table)
 Frees all data allocated by the VCT table parser.
void atsc_table_vct_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct atsc_table_vct *table)
 Prints the content of the VCT table.
int dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start_init (const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start *seq_start)
 Initialize a struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start from buffer.
void dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start *seq_start)
 Print details of struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start.
int dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start_init (const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start *pic_start)
 Initialize a struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start from buffer.
void dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start *pic_start)
 Print details of struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start.
ssize_t dvb_mpeg_pes_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, uint8_t *table)
 Initialize a struct dvb_mpeg_pes from buffer.
void dvb_mpeg_pes_free (struct dvb_mpeg_pes *pes)
 Deallocate memory associated with a struct dvb_mpeg_pes.
void dvb_mpeg_pes_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_mpeg_pes *pes)
 Print details of struct dvb_mpeg_pes.
ssize_t dvb_mpeg_ts_init (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, uint8_t *table, ssize_t *table_length)
 Initialize a struct dvb_mpeg_ts from buffer.
void dvb_mpeg_ts_free (struct dvb_mpeg_ts *ts)
 Deallocate memory associated with a struct dvb_mpeg_ts.
void dvb_mpeg_ts_print (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_mpeg_ts *ts)
 Print details of struct dvb_mpeg_ts.


const dvb_table_init_func dvb_table_initializers [256]
 Table with all possible descriptors.
const struct dvb_descriptor dvb_descriptors []
 Contains the parsers for the several descriptors.
const char * pmt_stream_name []
 Converts from enum dvb_streams into a string.
const char * dvb_mpeg_es_frame_names [5]
 Vector that translates from enum dvb_mpeg_es_frame_t to string.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation



ATSC PID for the Program and System Information Protocol.

Definition at line 44 of file atsc_header.h.

◆ atsc_eit_event_foreach

#define atsc_eit_event_foreach (   _event,

Macro used to find event on an ATSC EIT table.

_eventevent to seek
_eitpointer to struct atsc_table_eit_event

Definition at line 160 of file atsc_eit.h.



CVCT table ID.

Definition at line 60 of file vct.h.



ATSC EIT table ID.

Definition at line 53 of file atsc_eit.h.



ATSC MGT table ID.

Definition at line 51 of file mgt.h.



TVCT table ID.

Definition at line 59 of file vct.h.



Program ID with the VCT tables on it.

Definition at line 61 of file vct.h.

◆ atsc_vct_channel_foreach

#define atsc_vct_channel_foreach (   _channel,

Macro used to find channels on a VCT table.

_channelchannel to seek
_vctpointer to struct atsc_table_vct_channel

Definition at line 202 of file vct.h.


#define DVB_CRC_SIZE

number of bytes for the descriptor's CRC check

Definition at line 61 of file descriptors.h.

◆ dvb_eit_event_foreach

#define dvb_eit_event_foreach (   _event,

Macro used to find event on a DVB EIT table.

_eventevent to seek
_eitpointer to struct dvb_table_eit_event

Definition at line 162 of file eit.h.



Maximum size of a table session to be parsed.

Definition at line 55 of file descriptors.h.



Group Of Pictures.

Definition at line 67 of file mpeg_es.h.



Picture Start.

Definition at line 63 of file mpeg_es.h.




Definition at line 66 of file mpeg_es.h.



Sequence Start.

Definition at line 65 of file mpeg_es.h.




Definition at line 68 of file mpeg_es.h.



User Data.

Definition at line 64 of file mpeg_es.h.


#define DVB_MPEG_PES

MPEG Packetized Elementary Stream magic.

Definition at line 80 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES Audio.

Definition at line 82 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES Video.

Definition at line 83 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES Stream directory.

Definition at line 90 of file mpeg_pes.h.




Definition at line 91 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES ECM Stream.

Definition at line 88 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES EMM Stream.

Definition at line 89 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES H.222.1 type E.

Definition at line 92 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES Stream map.

Definition at line 85 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES padding.

Definition at line 86 of file mpeg_pes.h.



PES private.

Definition at line 87 of file mpeg_pes.h.


#define DVB_MPEG_TS

MPEG Transport Stream magic.

Definition at line 50 of file mpeg_ts.h.



Size of an MPEG packet.

Definition at line 51 of file mpeg_ts.h.

◆ dvb_nit_transport_foreach

#define dvb_nit_transport_foreach (   _tran,

Macro used to find a transport inside a NIT table.

_trantransport to seek
_nitpointer to struct dvb_table_nit_transport

Definition at line 189 of file nit.h.

◆ dvb_pat_program_foreach

#define dvb_pat_program_foreach (   _pgm,

Macro used to find programs on a PAT table.

_pgmprogram to seek
_patpointer to struct dvb_table_pat_program

Definition at line 121 of file pat.h.

◆ dvb_pmt_stream_foreach

#define dvb_pmt_stream_foreach (   _stream,

Macro used to find streams on a PMT table.

_streamstream to seek
_pmtpointer to struct dvb_table_pmt_stream

Definition at line 243 of file pmt.h.

◆ dvb_sdt_service_foreach

#define dvb_sdt_service_foreach (   _service,

Macro used to find services on a SDT table.

_serviceservice to seek
_sdtpointer to struct dvb_table_sdt_service

Definition at line 137 of file sdt.h.



ATSC CAT table ID.

Definition at line 47 of file cat.h.



ATSC PID table ID.

Definition at line 48 of file cat.h.



DVB EIT table ID for the actual TS.

Definition at line 68 of file eit.h.



DVB EIT table ID for other TS.

Definition at line 69 of file eit.h.



DVB EIT Program ID.

Definition at line 70 of file eit.h.



Start table ID for the DVB EIT schedule data on the actual TS The range has 0x0f elements (0x50 to 0x5F).

Definition at line 72 of file eit.h.



Start table ID for the DVB EIT schedule data on other TS The range has 0x0f elements (0x60 to 0x6F).

Definition at line 73 of file eit.h.



NIT table ID.

Definition at line 61 of file nit.h.


#define DVB_TABLE_NIT2

NIT table ID (alternative table ID)

Definition at line 62 of file nit.h.



NIT Program ID.

Definition at line 63 of file nit.h.



PAT table ID.

Definition at line 55 of file pat.h.



PAT Program ID.

Definition at line 56 of file pat.h.



PMT table ID.

Definition at line 52 of file pmt.h.



SDT table ID.

Definition at line 58 of file sdt.h.


#define DVB_TABLE_SDT2

SDT table ID (alternative table ID)

Definition at line 59 of file sdt.h.



SDT Program ID.

Definition at line 60 of file sdt.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dvb_desc_ext_free_func

typedef void(* dvb_desc_ext_free_func) (const void *desc)

Function prototype for the extended descriptors parsing free code.

descstruct dvb_desc pointer

Definition at line 156 of file desc_extension.h.

◆ dvb_desc_ext_init_func

typedef int(* dvb_desc_ext_init_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, struct dvb_extension_descriptor *ext, void *desc)

Function prototype for the extended descriptors parsing init code.

parmsStruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer
bufbuffer with the content of the descriptor
extstruct dvb_extension_descriptor pointer
descstruct dvb_desc pointer

Definition at line 135 of file desc_extension.h.

◆ dvb_desc_ext_print_func

typedef void(* dvb_desc_ext_print_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const struct dvb_extension_descriptor *ext, const void *desc)

Function prototype for the extended descriptors parsing print code.

parmsStruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer
extstruct dvb_extension_descriptor pointer
descstruct dvb_desc pointer

Definition at line 147 of file desc_extension.h.

◆ dvb_desc_free_func

typedef void(* dvb_desc_free_func) (struct dvb_desc *desc)

Function prototype for the descriptors memory free code.

descpointer to struct dvb_desc pointer to be freed

Definition at line 234 of file descriptors.h.

◆ dvb_desc_init_func

typedef int(* dvb_desc_init_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, struct dvb_desc *desc)

Function prototype for the descriptors parsing init code.

parmsStruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer
bufbuffer with the content of the descriptor
descstruct dvb_desc pointer

Definition at line 215 of file descriptors.h.

◆ dvb_desc_print_func

typedef void(* dvb_desc_print_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const struct dvb_desc *desc)

Function prototype for the descriptors parsing print code.

parmsStruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer
descstruct dvb_desc pointer

Definition at line 225 of file descriptors.h.

◆ dvb_table_init_func

typedef void(* dvb_table_init_func) (struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, const uint8_t *buf, ssize_t buflen, void **table)

Function prototype for a function that initializes the descriptors parsing on a table.

parmsStruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer
bufBuffer with data to be parsed
buflenSize of the buffer to be parsed
tablepointer to a place where the allocated memory with the table structure will be stored.

Definition at line 79 of file descriptors.h.

◆ nit_handler_callback_t

typedef void nit_handler_callback_t(struct dvb_table_nit *nit, struct dvb_desc *desc, void *priv)

typedef for a callback used when a NIT table entry is found

nita struct dvb_table_nit pointer
desca struct dvb_desc pointer
privan opaque optional pointer

Definition at line 164 of file nit.h.

◆ nit_tran_handler_callback_t

typedef void nit_tran_handler_callback_t(struct dvb_table_nit *nit, struct dvb_table_nit_transport *tran, struct dvb_desc *desc, void *priv)

typedef for a callback used when a NIT transport table entry is found

nita struct dvb_table_nit pointer
trana struct dvb_table_nit_transport pointer
desca struct dvb_desc pointer
privan opaque optional pointer

Definition at line 177 of file nit.h.

Function Documentation

◆ atsc_table_eit_free()

void atsc_table_eit_free ( struct atsc_table_eit table)

Frees all data allocated by the ATSC EIT table parser.

tablepointer to struct atsc_table_eit to be freed

◆ atsc_table_eit_init()

ssize_t atsc_table_eit_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct atsc_table_eit **  table 

Initializes and parses ATSC EIT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
bufbuffer containing the EIT raw data
buflenlength of the buffer
tablepointer to struct atsc_table_eit to be allocated and filled

This function allocates an ATSC EIT table and fills the fields inside the struct. It also makes sure that all fields will follow the CPU endianness. Due to that, the content of the buffer may change.

On success, it returns the size of the allocated struct. A negative value indicates an error.

◆ atsc_table_eit_print()

void atsc_table_eit_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct atsc_table_eit table 

Prints the content of the ATSC EIT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct atsc_table_eit

◆ atsc_table_mgt_free()

void atsc_table_mgt_free ( struct atsc_table_mgt table)

Frees all data allocated by the MGT table parser.

tablepointer to struct atsc_table_mgt to be freed

◆ atsc_table_mgt_init()

ssize_t atsc_table_mgt_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct atsc_table_mgt **  table 

Initializes and parses MGT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
bufbuffer containing the MGT raw data
buflenlength of the buffer
tablepointer to struct atsc_table_mgt to be allocated and filled

This function allocates an ATSC MGT table and fills the fields inside the struct. It also makes sure that all fields will follow the CPU endianness. Due to that, the content of the buffer may change.

On success, it returns the size of the allocated struct. A negative value indicates an error.

◆ atsc_table_mgt_print()

void atsc_table_mgt_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct atsc_table_mgt table 

Prints the content of the MGT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct atsc_table_mgt

◆ atsc_table_vct_free()

void atsc_table_vct_free ( struct atsc_table_vct table)

Frees all data allocated by the VCT table parser.

tablepointer to struct atsc_table_vct to be freed

◆ atsc_table_vct_init()

ssize_t atsc_table_vct_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct atsc_table_vct **  table 

Initializes and parses VCT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
bufbuffer containing the VCT raw data
buflenlength of the buffer
tablepointer to struct atsc_table_vct to be allocated and filled

This function allocates an ATSC VCT table and fills the fields inside the struct. It also makes sure that all fields will follow the CPU endianness. Due to that, the content of the buffer may change.

On success, it returns the size of the allocated struct. A negative value indicates an error.

◆ atsc_table_vct_print()

void atsc_table_vct_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct atsc_table_vct table 

Prints the content of the VCT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct atsc_table_vct

◆ dvb_bcd()

uint32_t dvb_bcd ( uint32_t  bcd)

Converts from BCD to CPU integer internal representation.

bcdvalue in BCD encoding

◆ dvb_desc_free()

void dvb_desc_free ( struct dvb_desc **  list)

frees a dvb_desc linked list

liststruct dvb_desc pointer.

◆ dvb_desc_parse()

int dvb_desc_parse ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
uint16_t  buflen,
struct dvb_desc **  head_desc 

parse MPEG-TS descriptors

parmsStruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer
bufBuffer with data to be parsed
buflenSize of the buffer to be parsed
head_descpointer to the place to store the parsed data

This function takes a buf as argument and parses it to find the MPEG-TS descriptors inside it, creating a linked list.

On success, head_desc will be allocated and filled with a linked list with the descriptors found inside the buffer.

This function is used by the several MPEG-TS table handlers to parse the entire table that got read by dvb_read_sessions and other similar functions.

Returns 0 on success, a negative value otherwise.

◆ dvb_desc_print()

void dvb_desc_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_desc desc 

prints the contents of a struct dvb_desc linked list

parmsStruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer
descstruct dvb_desc pointer.

◆ dvb_hexdump()

void dvb_hexdump ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const char *  prefix,
const unsigned char *  buf,
int  len 

dumps data into the logs in hexadecimal format

parmsStruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer
prefixString to be printed before the dvb_hexdump
bufBuffer to hex dump
lenNumber of bytes to show

◆ dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start_init()

int dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start_init ( const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start pic_start 

Initialize a struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start from buffer.

buflenLength of buffer
pic_startPointer to allocated structdvb_mpeg_es_pic_start
If buflen too small, return -1, 0 otherwise.

This function copies the length of struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start to pic_start and fixes endianness. seq_start has to be allocated with malloc.

◆ dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start_print()

void dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start pic_start 

Print details of struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms for log functions
pic_startPointer to struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start to print

This function prints the fields of struct dvb_mpeg_es_pic_start

◆ dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start_init()

int dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start_init ( const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start seq_start 

Initialize a struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start from buffer.

buflenLength of buffer
seq_startPointer to allocated struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start
If buflen too small, return -1, 0 otherwise.

This function copies the length of struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start to seq_start and fixes endianness. seq_start has to be allocated with malloc.

◆ dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start_print()

void dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start seq_start 

Print details of struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms for log functions
seq_startPointer to struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start to print

This function prints the fields of struct dvb_mpeg_es_seq_start

◆ dvb_mpeg_pes_free()

void dvb_mpeg_pes_free ( struct dvb_mpeg_pes pes)

Deallocate memory associated with a struct dvb_mpeg_pes.

pesstruct dvb_mpeg_pes to be deallocated

If the pointer pes was allocated dynamically, this function can be used to free the memory.

◆ dvb_mpeg_pes_init()

ssize_t dvb_mpeg_pes_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
uint8_t *  table 

Initialize a struct dvb_mpeg_pes from buffer.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms for log functions
buflenLength of buffer
tablePointer to allocated struct dvb_mpeg_pes
Length of data in table

This function copies the length of struct dvb_mpeg_pes to table and fixes endianness. The pointer table has to be allocated on stack or dynamically.

◆ dvb_mpeg_pes_print()

void dvb_mpeg_pes_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_mpeg_pes pes 

Print details of struct dvb_mpeg_pes.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms for log functions
pesPointer to struct dvb_mpeg_pes to print

This function prints the fields of struct dvb_mpeg_pes

◆ dvb_mpeg_ts_free()

void dvb_mpeg_ts_free ( struct dvb_mpeg_ts ts)

Deallocate memory associated with a struct dvb_mpeg_ts.

tsstruct dvb_mpeg_ts to be deallocated

If ts was allocated dynamically, this function can be used to free the memory.

◆ dvb_mpeg_ts_init()

ssize_t dvb_mpeg_ts_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
uint8_t *  table,
ssize_t *  table_length 

Initialize a struct dvb_mpeg_ts from buffer.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms for log functions
buflenLength of buffer
tablePointer to allocated struct dvb_mpeg_ts
table_lengthPointer to size_t where length will be written to
Length of data in table

This function copies the length of struct dvb_mpeg_ts to table and fixes endianness. The pointer table has to be allocated on stack or dynamically.

◆ dvb_mpeg_ts_print()

void dvb_mpeg_ts_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_mpeg_ts ts 

Print details of struct dvb_mpeg_ts.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms for log functions
tsPointer to struct dvb_mpeg_ts to print

This function prints the fields of struct dvb_mpeg_ts

◆ dvb_table_eit_free()

void dvb_table_eit_free ( struct dvb_table_eit table)

Frees all data allocated by the DVB EIT table parser.

tablepointer to struct dvb_table_eit to be freed

◆ dvb_table_eit_init()

ssize_t dvb_table_eit_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct dvb_table_eit **  table 

Initializes and parses EIT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
bufbuffer containing the EIT raw data
buflenlength of the buffer
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_eit to be allocated and filled

This function allocates an EIT table and fills the fields inside the struct. It also makes sure that all fields will follow the CPU endianness. Due to that, the content of the buffer may change.

On success, it returns the size of the allocated struct. A negative value indicates an error.

◆ dvb_table_eit_print()

void dvb_table_eit_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_table_eit table 

Prints the content of the DVB EIT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_eit

◆ dvb_table_header_init()

void dvb_table_header_init ( struct dvb_table_header header)

Initializes and parses MPEG-TS table header.

headerpointer to struct dvb_table_header to be parsed

◆ dvb_table_header_print()

void dvb_table_header_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const struct dvb_table_header header 

Prints the content of the MPEG-TS table header.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
headerpointer to struct dvb_table_header to be printed

◆ dvb_table_nit_descriptor_handler()

void dvb_table_nit_descriptor_handler ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_table_nit table,
enum descriptors  descriptor,
nit_handler_callback_t call_nit,
nit_tran_handler_callback_t call_tran,
void *  priv 

For each entry at NIT and NIT transport tables, call a callback.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_nit
descriptorindicates the NIT table descriptor to seek
call_nita nit_handler_callback_t function to be called when a new entry at the NIT table is found (or NULL).
call_trana nit_tran_handler_callback_t function to be called when a new entry at the NIT transport table is found (or NULL).
privan opaque pointer to be optionally used by the callbacks. The function won't touch on it, just use as an argument for the callback functions.

When parsing a NIT entry, we need to call some code to properly handle when a given descriptor in the table is found. This is used, for example, to create newer transponders to seek during scan.

For example, to seek for the CATV delivery system descriptor and call a function that would add a new transponder to a scan procedure:

&parms->p, dvb_scan_handler->nit,
NULL, add_update_nit_dvbc, &tr);
@ cable_delivery_system_descriptor
cable_delivery_system descriptor - ETSI EN 300 468 V1.11.1 (2010-04)
void dvb_table_nit_descriptor_handler(struct dvb_v5_fe_parms *parms, struct dvb_table_nit *table, enum descriptors descriptor, nit_handler_callback_t *call_nit, nit_tran_handler_callback_t *call_tran, void *priv)
For each entry at NIT and NIT transport tables, call a callback.

◆ dvb_table_nit_free()

void dvb_table_nit_free ( struct dvb_table_nit table)

Frees all data allocated by the NIT table parser.

tablepointer to struct dvb_table_nit to be freed

◆ dvb_table_nit_init()

ssize_t dvb_table_nit_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct dvb_table_nit **  table 

Initializes and parses NIT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
bufbuffer containing the NIT raw data
buflenlength of the buffer
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_nit to be allocated and filled

This function allocates a NIT table and fills the fields inside the struct. It also makes sure that all fields will follow the CPU endianness. Due to that, the content of the buffer may change.

On success, it returns the size of the allocated struct. A negative value indicates an error.

◆ dvb_table_nit_print()

void dvb_table_nit_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_table_nit table 

Prints the content of the NIT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_nit

◆ dvb_table_pat_free()

void dvb_table_pat_free ( struct dvb_table_pat table)

Frees all data allocated by the PAT table parser.

tablepointer to struct dvb_table_pat to be freed

◆ dvb_table_pat_init()

ssize_t dvb_table_pat_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct dvb_table_pat **  table 

Initializes and parses PAT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
bufbuffer containing the PAT raw data
buflenlength of the buffer
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_pat to be allocated and filled

This function allocates a PAT table and fills the fields inside the struct. It also makes sure that all fields will follow the CPU endianness. Due to that, the content of the buffer may change.

On success, it returns the size of the allocated struct. A negative value indicates an error.

◆ dvb_table_pat_print()

void dvb_table_pat_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_table_pat table 

Prints the content of the PAT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_pat

◆ dvb_table_pmt_free()

void dvb_table_pmt_free ( struct dvb_table_pmt table)

Frees all data allocated by the PMT table parser.

tablepointer to struct dvb_table_pmt to be freed

◆ dvb_table_pmt_init()

ssize_t dvb_table_pmt_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct dvb_table_pmt **  table 

Initializes and parses PMT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
bufbuffer containing the PMT raw data
buflenlength of the buffer
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_pmt to be allocated and filled

This function allocates a PMT table and fills the fields inside the struct. It also makes sure that all fields will follow the CPU endianness. Due to that, the content of the buffer may change.

On success, it returns the size of the allocated struct. A negative value indicates an error.

◆ dvb_table_pmt_print()

void dvb_table_pmt_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const struct dvb_table_pmt table 

Prints the content of the PAT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_pmt

◆ dvb_table_sdt_free()

void dvb_table_sdt_free ( struct dvb_table_sdt table)

Frees all data allocated by the SDT table parser.

tablepointer to struct dvb_table_sdt to be freed

◆ dvb_table_sdt_init()

ssize_t dvb_table_sdt_init ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
const uint8_t *  buf,
ssize_t  buflen,
struct dvb_table_sdt **  table 

Initializes and parses SDT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
bufbuffer containing the SDT raw data
buflenlength of the buffer
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_sdt to be allocated and filled

This function allocates a SDT table and fills the fields inside the struct. It also makes sure that all fields will follow the CPU endianness. Due to that, the content of the buffer may change.

On success, it returns the size of the allocated struct. A negative value indicates an error.

◆ dvb_table_sdt_print()

void dvb_table_sdt_print ( struct dvb_v5_fe_parms parms,
struct dvb_table_sdt table 

Prints the content of the SDT table.

parmsstruct dvb_v5_fe_parms pointer to the opened device
tablepointer to struct dvb_table_sdt

◆ dvb_time()

void dvb_time ( const uint8_t  data[5],
struct tm *  tm 

Converts a DVB EIT formatted timestamp into struct tm.

dataevent on DVB EIT time format
tmpointer to struct tm where the converted timestamp will be stored.

Variable Documentation

◆ dvb_descriptors

const struct dvb_descriptor dvb_descriptors[]

Contains the parsers for the several descriptors.

◆ dvb_mpeg_es_frame_names

const char* dvb_mpeg_es_frame_names[5]

Vector that translates from enum dvb_mpeg_es_frame_t to string.

◆ dvb_table_initializers

const dvb_table_init_func dvb_table_initializers[256]

Table with all possible descriptors.

◆ pmt_stream_name

const char* pmt_stream_name[]

Converts from enum dvb_streams into a string.